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Breaking School Rules at Your Own Risk

Posted 11-30-2011 at 09:07 AM by Spooky Spencer

When I started middle school this year, they had this whole indoctrination thing about school traditions (aka stupid rules). After the dance, I found out some at least one of those traditions had a really good reason behind it, and I kinda broke it. Still trying to work out how (or even if) I can fix it, but consider this a warning: if lots of people tell you to do or not to do something because that's the way it has always been and you really don't want to know why, you might want to take their...
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As Of Today...

Posted 09-12-2011 at 10:50 PM by Spooky Spencer

... I am no longer almost twelve.
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Entire Sixth Grade Eaten by Vampires at School Function!

Posted 09-10-2011 at 06:02 PM by Spooky Spencer

Here's a riddle.

What do you call a bunch of sixth-grade boys being pulled out into the middle of a gymnasium floor by a bunch of sixth-grade girls to "dance?"

I would accept either "terrified" or "bored."

Is it a bad thing that I kept imagining how cool it would be if the doors were all suddenly locked and a bunch of vampires appeared out of the locker rooms? This calls for a fresh showing of "The Faculty."...
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Pause, Please

Posted 09-09-2011 at 10:02 AM by Spooky Spencer

I know others my age who can't wait to be older. All I hear them talk about is what they can't do, where they can't go, and who they aren't supposed to hang around. I even know this girl who told all of us that the reason she was in a foster home is because someone told her if she lied about stuff that happened at home that she'd be allowed to live with someone else better. I hope she was lying about that.

I know I've seen things and had experiences someone my age shouldn't, and I...
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