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Bring it on!

Posted 03-29-2011 at 08:55 PM by Xeric2000 not only unemployed but also now finally broke and homeless. Seems that the universe is trying to sock it to me! Well its nothing a little absinthe wont cure! Bring on the suffering! Member
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How I've missed you all!

Posted 03-23-2011 at 08:24 PM by Xeric2000
Tags memories

It's been a long time, I've been putting life on hold...I long for the good old days, when I had no responsibilities, when I could sit around all day listening to Zero Le Creche and writing horrid poems! Some things I miss: Zima, thin ties, walkmans with pirated Bauhaus tapes in them, actual Gothic clubs, Jolt cola, and no constant judgements of everyone's lives. Oh well, I hope to see you all again someday! Member
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The Grind

Posted 03-23-2011 at 08:10 PM by Xeric2000
Tags dark , despair , life , poetry

Every day, we face the grind.
How will it affect us?
How will we react?
There is something missing
Some great element to life.
What drives us? What makes us get out of bed?
Is there some force, some being?
What is the purpose?
I've lost my reason, the thing that gets me up.
Can someone give me thiers?
Perhaps I could just borrow it,
Until I find a reason of my own.
On second thought, I cannot deprive you of your... Member
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