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Conversation Between Beowulf and CyanideandRaspberryTea
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 6 of 6
  1. CyanideandRaspberryTea
    02-09-2012 07:47 AM
    Haha 's alreet I don't tend to come on here too much just every now and again when I fancy bitching about something :') I'm not too bad, just pooing myself about upcoming university interviews.

    And you?
  2. Beowulf
    02-08-2012 10:25 AM
    Hey, how are you, sorry I havent been here in a while !!!.
  3. CyanideandRaspberryTea
    01-17-2012 01:58 AM
    I did, I did, got verrrry drunk haha And you?
  4. Beowulf
    01-10-2012 04:42 PM
    Hi, did you have a good new year ?
  5. CyanideandRaspberryTea
    01-01-2012 11:59 AM
    Haaaaa thankies for your Christmas message, bit late, but I've not been too active on here over the holidays, I hope you had an awesome Christmas and a fabulous new year ^_^
  6. Beowulf
    12-24-2011 04:12 PM
    Happy Xmas !!!.

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