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Conversation Between BourbonBoy and ape descendant
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. ape descendant
    10-18-2021 02:01 AM
    ape descendant
    Heya BB, it's been a while, I hope you're out there doing well.
  2. ape descendant
    01-26-2014 07:56 AM
    ape descendant
    We've been doing better, just been sad and weepy, when I realize that he's not there to be doing the things he would normally have done.

    It is a pretty cool movie and I am pretty awesome.
  3. BourbonBoy
    01-25-2014 08:27 PM
    Hope you're doing okay after what's happened. Watching "The Raven" with John Cusack and thought of you for some reason.
  4. ape descendant
    01-24-2014 07:57 AM
    ape descendant
    Thanks, hon. *hugs* I'm having a rough time with it, its amazing just how big a hole 12 lbs of cat leaves when they're gone.
  5. BourbonBoy
    01-23-2014 11:51 PM
    I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. *very deep and tight hugs*
  6. ape descendant
    12-28-2013 01:48 PM
    ape descendant
    Daaw, Texas gets all the luck. *snaps*
  7. BourbonBoy
    12-26-2013 08:48 PM
    Regarding your current signature, he's stuck in Texas

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