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Conversation Between CarrionCorpse and TormentorOfChrist
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. TormentorOfChrist
    04-28-2012 05:24 PM
    thanks =] i added you
  2. CarrionCorpse
    04-22-2012 05:37 PM
    I had a video up talking about what kinds of makeup I used, but took it down. I've been meaning to do some new tutorials, but my laptop is broken. If you'd like, I post picture tutorials upon request on my FB page sometimes. Names Breanna Thompson! And thanks:P
  3. TormentorOfChrist
    04-22-2012 03:50 PM
    My friend used to talk to you and said you had some make up tutorials on youtube that i would be interested in looking at, do you still have any? you're beautiful btw.

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