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Conversation Between Tam Li Hua and LenorePoe
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Tam Li Hua
    07-23-2010 09:44 AM
    Tam Li Hua
    I've no idea what you're talking about. O.o Ever since I put you on ignore, I've...well, ignored you. I haven't harassed you in the slightest..

    Can you send me a link to a thread in which I've harassed you? And I don't recall calling you a troll at all. A link to that would also be helpful..
  2. LenorePoe
    07-22-2010 01:47 PM
    Seriously. This is borderline stalking. I've done nothing to you, yet you've been harassing me to no end, and worse, comparing me to an old troll.
    I came here to enjoy myself, you were the one who pursues me trying to make a flame war out of everything.

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