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Conversation Between KissMeDeadly and JJ_Spade
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8
  1. JJ_Spade
    03-04-2011 11:40 AM
    Perhaps only for you when we exchange messages lol! It feels weird not doing so, but you have been nice to me so for problem. On the forums...different story
  2. KissMeDeadly
    03-04-2011 06:33 AM
    It's fun, and some people are more easily degraded/mocked/made fun of/trolled than others.

    Don't be one of them, and you'll get along fine here.

    Also you may want to stop with the caps thing. It's silly and kind of annoying to read.
  3. JJ_Spade
    03-03-2011 09:01 PM
    Is There A Reason Why They Do That? Lol
  4. KissMeDeadly
    03-03-2011 12:53 PM
    Yeah you should probably know that since you just joined, everyone is going to attack you no matter what you do or say, so try not to get offended, ok?

    It's just the way things go here.
  5. JJ_Spade
    03-01-2011 12:36 AM
    Seen A Visitor Message From You On Someone's Page...All I Have To Say Is That You Are Absolutely Correct! Lol!
  6. JJ_Spade
    02-26-2011 10:11 PM
    I Am American Too Lol! I'm Armericanized, Help! Lol, Well What Would You Like To Know? Lol, My Mom Was Born In Greece, And My Grandma Was Pregnant With My Dad On The Boat To America. However He Was Born Here And When They Divorced I Lost My Language And Barley Understand Greek, However I Love English. Is That Crazy? Lol Writing Is My Hobby!
  7. KissMeDeadly
    02-26-2011 10:03 PM
    No, I'm not Greek, actually I'm an American. I'm pretty much Greek by association though, haha. Honestly I've gone back and forth between the Greek and Russian church. Interesting though, it's nice to see somebody on here I have something in common with. So, tell me about yourself.
  8. JJ_Spade
    02-24-2011 11:01 AM
    I Seen Your Post In The Hot Topic Clothing Thread And I'm Interested In Knowing. You Say You Are Orthodox As Well As I Am! So Are You Greek?

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