Conversation Between Pyre and HumanePain
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
Rad (too careless to PM). So, do you have AIM or MSN or anything of the like? I try using whatever's more convenient for the other person.
Oh! sorry! I cleared a few, so you should be able to PM me now.
And yes, *I* am interested, I just didn't think *you* would be interested.
Talk to you soon.
Bah, your pm quota is filled!
I thought I'd ask you directly since you never showed interest on the threads (likely you just aren't interested), but I'd like to get more perspective from older goths, so if you're interested in answering a few questions, please let me know. If you would like to but don't have much time to IM or anything of the sort, you can get the basic questions from my most recent interview thread. Thank you.