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Conversation Between Anise and Molster
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
  1. Molster
    02-23-2024 01:58 AM
    Hi sweetie, come back, I miss you so much xoxo
  2. Anise
    12-09-2015 07:07 PM
    My Chicka <3

    I miss You!
    Hope all's good in the hood xxx
  3. Molster
    11-03-2015 09:36 AM
    Hey chick! Sorry for not replying earlier. My laptop browser doesn't show the Visitor Messages tab! I think she's an advertising bot!

    Love and hugs back sweetie
  4. Anise
    10-28-2015 06:18 PM
    Evening Von Chicka .. or rather morning I guess lol
    Hey what's the craic with that Amanda2012 chick?
    Is it a troll situ o.O

    Anywayssss love & stuff xxx

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