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Conversation Between Raza and staglieno
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3
  1. staglieno
    04-07-2010 04:35 AM
    No, I was seriously wondering. I use La Riche Directions but my hair always looks faded because I lack money and motivation to dye it every week.

  2. Raza
    03-23-2010 05:59 PM
    Do you always greet people by trying to find inconsistencies in their stated lifestyle?

    Anyway, I haven't yet, although I've found a few real cheap ones in clearance sales and second hand. 'Cheap', obviously, is always very relative... I'll spend an extra 4 euros a month to make my hair look nice if that's the cheapest I can do it, because it's something that's important to me. I won't spend that money on bus tickets going somewhere I can cycle, or on a drink from inside a venue when I can smuggle in 30 cent energy drinks. It's all about achieving the things you want at the lowest cost of doing things you don't want.
  3. staglieno
    02-22-2010 11:45 AM
    Ha, ik zag je laatst op TV. Vertel, hoe combineer je semi-permanente haarverf met 'goedkoop leven'? Of vind je haarverf ook bij het afval?

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