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Conversation Between Renatus and Debz_Satin_Ebony
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. Debz_Satin_Ebony
    11-18-2011 01:01 PM
    Well to bad, cause I dont see it there anymore. maybe I clicked on the wrong name, (newbies, I know) whatev
  2. Renatus
    11-15-2011 06:25 PM
    I don't suppose you could still show me that one picture you were referring to though, I am quite curious.
  3. Debz_Satin_Ebony
    11-14-2011 06:13 PM
    o my bad I saw a pic I thought you had posted!
  4. Renatus
    11-10-2011 03:31 PM
    To what post do you refer? Could you please direct me to it because I don't seem to remember having my had a hawk of any sort(though I have considered the possibility), perhaps you have me mistaken for someone else.
  5. Debz_Satin_Ebony
    11-10-2011 10:12 AM
    love the hawk in the post a pic forums

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