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CptSternn CptSternn is offline


Last Activity: 02-25-2023 01:53 AM

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  1. JJ_Spade
    03-04-2011 12:54 AM
    I See! Thank You!
  2. JJ_Spade
    02-20-2011 03:23 AM
    I was Hoping you could help me, Im new and I checked the faqs and didnt get any answers. Why is it that my page only tells me the number or my visitors and not the names? I cant tell who is or isnt visiting me! and I dont see an add button on anyones profile? any help is appreciated and my name is Jamie but people call me JJ Spade, nice to meet you lol!
  3. alchemie
    08-08-2009 07:08 AM
    Hey. How are ya?

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  • Last Activity: 02-25-2023 01:53 AM
  • Join Date: 10-31-2003

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