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Valhalla Valhalla is offline

Senior Member

Last Activity: 10-23-2012 07:59 AM

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. Saya
    09-25-2012 09:07 AM
    Hey Val! Might your real initials be SC? A certain place I volunteer with has been trying to call you with no luck, I sent an email earlier, let me know if you didn't get it! Sorry, I would have private messaged but you don't have the option yet D:
  2. Saya
    07-18-2011 02:14 PM
    Hey! Just though I'd let you know there's another sexuality unconference this week for Pride, seems like most of the topics is going to center around kink so I don't think I'm going to go (just not my cup of tea), but thought you'd like to know ^_^

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The last 8 visitor(s) to this page were:
  1. Beowulf
  2. BourbonBoy
  3. Maikl
  4. MechaSaya
  5. Saya
  6. Solumina
  7. Spadille
  8. Storm


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 10-23-2012 07:59 AM
  • Join Date: 05-30-2011

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