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JCC JCC is offline

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Last Activity: 12-07-2014 04:00 PM

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  1. HumanePain
    03-26-2009 01:38 PM
    Multiple reasons: a) just to check out the visitor message system, b) I have yet to see on the internet one who claims to be as young yourself (I have no reason to doubt you) who can rise above his age and observe with older eyes the faults and foibles of mankind with objectivity and yet a tinge of cynicism. c) You are more knowledgeable about poets than I, hence I look up to you (I was unaware of "Hank" until I read you and GM discussing him), and lastly d) you take a stand for your mind, not your generation, which I do too (some of my coworkers and even friends bore me to death with age related aches and pains, 401k performance, blah blah blah. Your generation is far more interesting) which takes some guts; not many betray their own generation like we do.
  2. HumanePain
    03-26-2009 09:50 AM
    You're awesome. Seriously.

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  • Last Activity: 12-07-2014 04:00 PM
  • Join Date: 01-04-2007

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