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JethroAranas JethroAranas is offline

Senior Member

Last Activity: 12-29-2010 10:01 PM

About Me

  • About JethroAranas
    not that gothic actually, but i'm tan en amor con negro(black). Don't know why.
    Infront mi cogida laptop
    Reading, music
    College student
  • Signature
    "It is hard to face your problem, if your problem is your face." -No face

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7
  1. Lochnar
    02-03-2010 06:34 AM
    At the top of this page, find the word "Boards" and click it. Then you will see a list of boards. Click the one called "Introductions", it should be the second one. Now you will see a list of threads. Above that list is a black and white button with the words "New Thread". Click that. Fill in the title box and under that, type your message. That part is the same as replying to threads. Hope that helps.
  2. JethroAranas
    02-02-2010 02:43 AM
    Thanks for this message Lochnar. To be honest, I don't know how to do that. I saw some of those intro thread and I really have no idea how they made that. Actually, even until now I still don't know how to make a new thread. I know that sucks but all I'm doing now is I guess, you can call this damage control. But I don't know where to start, what to say and where to post.

    Now, I'm guessing you're starting to think my life really sucks. Well, kind of.

    By the way, thanks again for bothering to send me this. I read it all.
  3. Lochnar
    01-31-2010 06:07 AM
    Knowing that English is not your first language is helpful. Having seen your recent posts I can say the improvement shown is excellent. Thank you for the effort. If you want it then I'll offer some advice, if not then don't read the rest of this.

    I think the root of the problems you are having is because you never introduced yourself. We want newbies to do that. You just showed up and started commenting. Some people saw that as a strike against you. They saw it as disrespectful that no introduction was offered. Also your posts looked like what a drunk and dumb frat boy would write. That was another strike for some. Had you posted an introduction thread on the Introductions board and filled out the questionnaire and told us about yourself (like English being a second language) some of us would have been more understanding. Some, not all. Newbies always get flamed here but that's a part of being here.

    If you did one now it may help. Maybe. No promises.
  4. Cosmicgaunt
    01-20-2010 08:59 PM
  5. KissMeDeadly
    01-20-2010 07:18 PM
    Hey Jeth, to answer your question, no, this isn't at all like Facebook or Twitter. You can still add contacts and stuff but it's really not a social networking site.
  6. KissMeDeadly
    01-20-2010 07:17 PM
    (Sorry, accidentally double posted), welcome to the boards, by the way!
  7. Slaykes
    01-05-2010 09:25 PM
    So ... Need help? Want do you want to know, maybe I can help you ^^ I'm also new here but I know a bunch about message boards, so feel free to ask whatever you want ^^

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  • Last Activity: 12-29-2010 10:01 PM
  • Join Date: 01-05-2010

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