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linkbroken linkbroken is offline Member

Last Activity: 03-09-2012 06:36 PM

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 2 of 2
  1. linkbroken
    10-03-2011 01:22 AM
    Didn't you just pm me? lol. IDK. It's more exciting when it's someone I'm close too. Make sense?
  2. Grausamkeit
    09-27-2011 08:06 PM
    You don't have enough posts for me to PM you, which sucks. You need to get on a forum called 'fetlife'(google it). There are people there who you can talk to who like similar things. If you are part of the community it will be safer for you and you can find someone safe who won't put you in the hospital or something. I am not yet a member there, but my Dom has been on there for years and assures me that it is a good place. I hope this helps you to explore things safely.

Recent Visitors

The last 5 visitor(s) to this page were:
  1. Alan
  2. Despanan
  3. Grausamkeit
  4. Sendo
  5. vindicatedxjin


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 03-09-2012 06:36 PM
  • Join Date: 09-24-2007

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