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RozzVanian RozzVanian is offline

Senior Member

Last Activity: 06-02-2009 09:54 PM

About Me

  • About RozzVanian
    I am human.
    Inside Eva O's uterus...
    Filmmaking, art, writing, music
  • Signature
    What's that moving in the basement?
    What's that moving in the attic?
    Who's that walking in the shadow?
    Who's that walking in the streets?
    -Christian Death

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5
  1. RozzVanian
    04-28-2009 05:02 PM
    I'm going to sound like a major idiot, but I've never heard of them. I'll look them up.
  2. Mag
    04-28-2009 04:58 PM
    They're awsome! I watched a few on both and subscribed...They're just the type of thing I have in mid for some of my films... I also like some of Richard Kerns stuff and Kenneth Anger, what do you think of them?
  3. Mag
    04-27-2009 06:52 PM
    what kind of films do you make? any I could check out online?
  4. RozzVanian
    04-13-2009 02:32 PM
    Yes, but I don't know or care what you think is lame, you have to be more accepting of my differences. Maybe I don't always make golden comments, but it's no reason to hate on someone because you find their comments "lame". I'm just being who I am. And no matter how hard you try you cannot change that.

    I want to be friends, just lighten up and don't be so critical of every little thing I say.
  5. Pineapple_Juice
    04-13-2009 12:18 PM
    Don't be lame and we'll be friends.

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General Information
  • Last Activity: 06-02-2009 09:54 PM
  • Join Date: 04-09-2009

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