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HumanePain HumanePain is offline

tragic sunset

Last Activity: 08-20-2017 05:07 PM

About Me

  • About HumanePain
    Happily married middle-aged Goth
    the concrete and steel beehive of Southern California
    Writing Gothic Romance fiction whilst listening to Lacuna Coil, laser research, photographing graves
    Haunting the Literature board.
  • Signature
    Charlie Chaplin The Greatest Speech in History

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 26
  1. Debz_Satin_Ebony
    11-14-2011 06:12 PM
    "“We're all part monsters in our subconscious, so we have laws and religion!”
    —Leslie Nielsen Forbidden Planet"
    aww isn't it so true though!!!
  2. Spooky Spencer
    08-13-2011 08:05 PM
    Spooky Spencer
    A little poetry, mostly. I should really read more... I watch too much tv. I've thought about writing, but I haven't come up with a good enough story idea yet.
  3. Johnny Gnar Gnar
    04-25-2011 10:38 PM
    Johnny Gnar Gnar
    Hey, just checked in with the board again, thought I would ask how you are doing. Hope all is quite well.
  4. Britty
    04-25-2011 08:37 PM
    hehe lol thanks i guess... i drew it myself
  5. Saya
    03-25-2011 09:34 PM
    Thank you sir! Your's still reminds me of Atrus from the Myst games ^_^
  6. Murder.Of.Crows
    02-02-2011 07:49 PM
    So you reside in the Southern CA, do you? what, if i may ask, steel beehive?
  7. MissCheyenne
    01-30-2011 03:30 PM
    That's my natural hair colour. It's not quite full on red but it has a lot of red in it. And thank you
  8. Versus
    01-28-2011 03:11 PM
    Haha. Okay.
  9. morganhawke
    01-17-2011 06:12 PM
    Thank you again! Pity that picture is ten years old. I'd use a more current one, but I doubt me in a business suit would go over real well here.
  10. ape descendant
    01-15-2011 11:43 AM
    ape descendant
    Ah, HP, you never cease to be a sweet-heart!!


12-29-2010 07:38 PM

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Blog - Bats from my brain
General Information
  • Last Activity: 08-20-2017 05:07 PM
  • Join Date: 08-09-2006


Latest Blog Entry

Posted 04-23-2016 at 10:54 AM by HumanePain Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Mrs. Humane and I are empty nesters. The kids have families of their own, and my grandson has his first girlfriend. The cavernous four bedroom home 1400 feet up the side of a Southern California mountain is now the quiet and peaceful home that allows for deep thought and insight, as I gaze out over the city lights and distant mountains at sunset, while listening to Dead Can Dance Anywhere Out of the World or Lacuna Coil's Humane or Cold Heritage, or Miles Davis, Bach, Beethoven and other inspirational...

Posted 05-24-2015 at 04:32 PM by HumanePain Comments 0
OK, so I realized I haven't updated this blog in centuries and things have actually kind of reversed from the last time I posted, so here is the latest:

The last time I blogged my son was living at home and going nowhere fast: working minimum wage jobs at bistros and such and then drinking his money away, and was a leaf blowing in the wind.

Well, what a difference a couple of years can make! He has been in the US Army the past two years! He spent a year in South Korea,...

Posted 07-22-2011 at 07:36 PM by HumanePain Comments 0
Tuesday evening my whole nuclear family and grandson enjoyed a casual dinner at Chili's and then watched cartoons in my recliner with my grandson by my side, laughing, tickling and eating almond cookies. I retired to bed contentedly.

Then, early Wednesday morning my daughter and grandson left for Texas. They arrived last night at their new home, with my grandson's father and daughter's boyfriend of 7 years. My grandson's paternal grandfather lives nearby.

My grandson's...

Posted 03-20-2009 at 09:52 PM by HumanePain Comments 0
Contrary emotions flutter their leathery wings in the night over my bed as I lay awake, staring at the ceiling:

Every parent wants to see their children grow up and leave the nest, and to part on happy and loving terms.

But every grandparent loves to see their grandchildren and to spend time with them.

So when my daughter moves out, and takes her son (my grandson) with her, I am glad to see her leave (not glad in the sense of animosity, but in pride),...

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