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Deadmanwalking_05 Deadmanwalking_05 is offline

Reluctant Kamikaze

Last Activity: 06-03-2013 08:11 AM

About Me

  • Signature
    "The Answer To 1984 IS 1776"
    I may be crazy to a few...but at least I'm Committed.

    9x29mmR : The Choice Of Millions for the last 100-107 years.

Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 12
  1. Catch
    08-23-2011 11:58 PM
    Hey, what up?
  2. Alan
    04-12-2010 11:13 AM
    Yo, I barely saw a private message of you from a month and a half ago.
    I have never put you on ignore. I know it's been a while but do you know what you were talking about?
  3. Deadmanwalking_05
    12-31-2009 09:05 PM
    The rifle I'm talking about was originally known for where it was made The "Pennsylvania Rifle",it later became known as the "Kentucky Rifle" this state is also where it got it's fame.
  4. KissMeDeadly
    12-31-2009 06:19 PM
    Haha, hmm, I have to ask, what state are you from? I don't know of a rifle named after a state
  5. Deadmanwalking_05
    12-31-2009 03:17 PM
    Are you talkin' about good shots?

    If you are you're talking about good shots,then you're in the wrong state,I don't remember Texas or Tennessee having a rifle named after them. *Joking*
  6. KissMeDeadly
    12-31-2009 01:25 PM
    I'm at the ripe age of 18, I'm a male, and I'm from Tennessee, the rootin'est tootin'est gun shootin'est state since Texas.
  7. Deadmanwalking_05
    12-31-2009 12:43 PM
    First off A/S/L/?
  8. KissMeDeadly
    12-30-2009 09:14 AM
    Sup? I've been reading a few of your posts, mostly those from the 'news' section. I noticed we seem to share a common interest regarding crime and punishment, that sort of thing. I'm also a bit of a gun fanatic (Though I don't own one just yet). We should talk.
  9. vindicatedxjin
    08-07-2009 03:57 PM
    21..ur not much older than me
  10. vindicatedxjin
    08-07-2009 03:47 PM
    How old are yoU?

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  • Last Activity: 06-03-2013 08:11 AM
  • Join Date: 03-26-2008


Latest Blog Entry

Posted 01-12-2013 at 06:30 PM by Deadmanwalking_05 Comments 0
Posted in Uncategorized
Shelves are bare in many firearms shops arcoss the nation....not because they are banned (not yet thankfully) but because all the talk about a wide sweeping firearms ban has caused a buying frenzy.

AR-15's that were in the $700.00 to $850.00 range have been snatched up like crazy,higher cost AR's are also no where to be seen at the moment those that are still on the shelves have seen a price increase into the $2,000.00 dollar range in some places (and that's just for a plain jane...

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