Perhaps only for you when we exchange messages lol! It feels weird not doing so, but you have been nice to me so for problem. On the forums...different story
I Am American Too Lol! I'm Armericanized, Help! Lol, Well What Would You Like To Know? Lol, My Mom Was Born In Greece, And My Grandma Was Pregnant With My Dad On The Boat To America. However He Was Born Here And When They Divorced I Lost My Language And Barley Understand Greek, However I Love English. Is That Crazy? Lol Writing Is My Hobby!
haha ya I've noticed. It's alright though. I'm not a kid anymore, I don't really fall into the whole "internet fighting" thing. It's kinda ridiculous. Debating and being witty is one thing, but to let a complete stranger ruin your mood isn't worth it. If you ask me that is.
Have a good one!