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Go Back Community > Boards > Fashion > Goths wear black because:

Fashion DIY tips and gratuitous plugs. And hair. Hair! Flow it, show it. That's some hippie musical. Nevermind.

View Poll Results: Goths wear black because:
They feel no need to express emotion through fashion 70 12.94%
Black is how they feel inside 114 21.07%
It looks smart, and suits the night time. 113 20.89%
Black being dominant, Goths are trying to dominate! 31 5.73%
other (please state)
.::Autumn::., 300pockets, acidxrainbows, acid_wish, Aerynna, Agnelis, Akuma2636, Alethea, An Eccentric Cellist, angel_dark_demon_bright, Anousenka, Arashi, as_the_shadows_dance87, Azurite, badteccy, Bakiryu, Bella Sophia, belle hawk, Black&Blue, BlackButterfly, BlackDahlia, BlackElvenTear, blindNsect, butterflyfearie, c130, Catch, chaos3, Chazz, chloegoth, Cicero, clockworkcoffin, cobweb, cradle, critterkhan, crucifix, Crying_Crimson_Tears, Cyberbat, Danag, Darklight689, darkrosefairy, dark_dragon_of_ice, Dawngreeter, Dead Cell, deathbycandlelight, deathsdj, Decay|Of|Belief, DemureDemise, Dr Nancy, Dr.Fetusface, drewsilla, duality, Embrace, Emerald, entity, Feralboy101, Flyttamouse, Foreign, Geoluhread, goerikat, GothGarl, Gothic Piano, goth_xx, happy_dude, Heatherzilla, Hello Batty, horrorgirl, Icy Black Roses, Iriacynthe, J.M.Lovechild, Joker_in_the_Pack, joyslayer, Kaguyahime, Kiinu, Kij., Kireo-Umoshiae, kitten, kittyx23, KontanKarite, LaBelleDameSansMerci, Lady Ruthven, lady_corbin, Ld. Lexuneth, Lelith_Hesperax, LightPollution07, Lord_Baver, Lost&Confused14, lostintranslation, love_the_pain, magickaykay, magic_mushroom, Maldarion_Haliax, marianne faithfull, Maxim Macabre, MedicGirl, merivelles, Mick Ignis, Mikhailia, Minyaliel, Miss_Nobody, MistressSatania, MonsterMomma, mortalitas incomitatus, mrs.wes straker, Mr_Knuckles, ms_boo_dreadful, Mystery, Neurosis, NightmareInShiningArmour, Nigredo, Onyx, peeves, Persephone Hazard, Phayte, PixelAvenger, pixisticks, predator, PrinceOfDarkness, qat, razor_playground, roserougesang, Sachia, Sanctus Dei, Satan's Spawn, shattered black heart, sinned_soul, SnaiLuv, Star of Blight, Starmoonshine, stompyhank, strawberry_gashes, Tall One In Black, talon, Tam Li Hua, Teh_Emi, tenet_2012, TheBloodEternity, TheRaven13, thetiesonyourcorset, the_cure, The_JoKeReSs, transformingfate, travist120, UltraNEO*, unconscious_insanity, unedifying, Vampire Queen, Verdandi, Viruella, Virulent Dryad, voodoowitchdr, WarumonoLady, wikked, Wormboy, Wraithlady, wunky, X-Rose-Of-Your-Promise-X, xXambivalenceXx, XxBloodyrosexX, xxTalaTerror, Your Darkest Secret, ZombiesNTea, ~Sekhmet~, ·Kaôh·
213 39.37%
Voters: 541.

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