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Still Jack 05-03-2010 07:18 AM

I still think the Android OS is gonna fuck over apple eventually.

Solumina 05-03-2010 08:34 AM

I have health insurance, Yay!

blindNsect 05-03-2010 08:42 AM

A few clutch sales before noon. Now I can fuckoff on Gnet the rest of my shift. :)

Ben Lahnger 05-04-2010 12:04 PM

CREDIT WHERE CREDIT IS DUE: The Time Square bombing attempt, that could have been so tragic, has been handled so well.

Citizens reported the suspicious vehicle, NYC Police calmly evacuated people from the area, the NYC Fire Department and the bomb squad made sure the threat was disabled, police and the FBI traced the vehicle back from the cash sale on Craig's List and through emails to the suspect, and an arrest was made in less than 72 hours!

We vigorously complain when government or the Police do something wrong. It's only fair to recognize when they get something right, and this story is a sequence of a lot of people getting it right. You've heard of the worst case scenario; truly, this was the best case scenario.

I appreciate a job well done by all involved!

korinna5555 05-04-2010 04:16 PM

My brother called me from football practice to tell me happy birthday, and then passed the phone around so three of his friends could sing "happy birthday home girl" to me. Haha, I love them so much.

the-nihilist 05-04-2010 06:04 PM

I just ran 6 miles, came home and drank two beers. I'm feeling pretty damn good right now.

Ben Lahnger 05-04-2010 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by Still Jack (Post 615367)
I still think the Android OS is gonna fuck over apple eventually.

Yeah, me too. And I've seen cellular industry analysts who project the same thing in trade journals and blogs. Which is great as long as Google doesn't become like Apple.

Malice In Wonderland 05-05-2010 03:55 AM

I have no lessons today so I get to study and finish my art journal at home.

kittycollartight 05-05-2010 04:26 AM

Handed in all my work for a while. *stress levels decrease*

Ben Lahnger 05-06-2010 06:09 AM

Finding out that there's a homemade cupcake and ice cream store in Austin, TX named:

Lick It Bite It Or Both


Ben Lahnger 05-06-2010 06:30 AM

Oh, and this is VERY cool.

Remember how the Mission Impossible television series opened with IMF team leader Jim Phelps getting his mission debreifing on a tape recording that announced at the end of the speech that "This message will self-destruct?"

Ever wish you could send a message to someone that would self-destruct after being read? Well, thanks to our digital age you can! allows you to create a message on the site. The message is strongly encrypted and stored on a secure server.

A web link is automatically generated. Simply e-mail the link to the recipient. The message can be viewed once. Then it is destroyed. No copy of the message is retained anywhere. For additional security, you can add password protection.

Very cool, eh?

xXmurder_trampXx 05-06-2010 01:36 PM

Sex, video games, zombies, seeing random cosplaying

gothicusmaximus 05-06-2010 09:15 PM

I'm studying in the library when gnawing hunger drives me downstairs to the exhortionist vending machines. To my surprise, some 'free food' event is just wrapping up, leaving behind an empty Dunkin Donuts box, some cold coffee, and-- here's the proverbial kicker-- like 30 fruit snack pouches. So I wait for the people running the thing to filter, then promptly sweep the entire bounty into my backpack. Glorious.
As a bonus, some girls, one of whom was a little hot, noticed me in the act and shot me the most unambiguous sex eyes I've seen in some time. Chicks dig puerile candy-hoarders. If I actually get off gnet and read, tonight might not suck after all, but that 'if' is bigger than my Semitic nose.

ape descendant 05-07-2010 09:53 AM

Unambiguous sex looks always make my day. Don't get too many of those now that I'm an old wrinkly bat, though. :'(

Coffee is making my day, this far.

Ben Lahnger 05-07-2010 08:05 PM

Reading that Pamela Anderson refers to her breasts as "Pancho and Lefty."


korinna5555 05-08-2010 07:24 AM

My right boob is named Orlando. Left boob is Alex Winter. Looooong story.

What's made my day: my kittens caught the crazies and have spent the past hour racing around my house and fighting each other. *cute overload*

Luv2H8 05-08-2010 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by korinna5555 (Post 568816)
Woah, THIS definitely made my day WAY better. =D

Alan 05-12-2010 10:41 AM

I got an A on my Political Science paper!
Actually I was expecting that, but the professor liked the way I write and tried to convince me to do my PhD in Political Science instead of Philosophy.
I wanna ask him if he can help me expand on it during summer so I can publish it.

HumanePain 05-12-2010 04:58 PM

The Chipotle steak burrito I ate at lunchtime totally made my day.

Ben Lahnger 05-13-2010 02:12 PM

Learning that one of my favorite sci-fi TV series from the eighties ...


... is going to be released on DVD! YAY!

ape descendant 05-13-2010 03:46 PM

Breathing. :D

Ben Lahnger 05-13-2010 11:11 PM

Watching "That Mitchell and Webb Look" tonight, and there's a sketch about God telling Abraham to kill his son Isaac. And this dialog killed me!

God: I think you should kill Isaac. So, what ... what do you think?

Abraham: Brilliant!

God: Really?

Abraham: Oh, yes Lord, another winner! ... (yells to son) Isaac, rustle up a pyre. We're making a sacrifice!

God: You're -- you're sure you're fine with this?

Abraham: Absolutely!

God: Y-You would say ...

Abraham: I would say what, Lord?

God: Well, you know, if you thought I was asking you to do something, you know, wrong.

Abraham: If I thought it was wrong, [scoffs] like I'd know. Like I'd have any chance of forming an independent basis of right and wrong outside the instructions of some supervisory being. No, Lord, I am your bitch.


Edit: Dialog simplified a bit to get to the punchline, but if you want to see the whole thing go HERE.

Saya 05-14-2010 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ben Lahnger (Post 616913)
Learning that one of my favorite sci-fi TV series from the eighties ...


... is going to be released on DVD! YAY!

That looks so familiar and yet I can't think of what the show was like. I'm thinking my parents watched reruns of it?

In similar news, Daria is out on DVD finally, I can't afford it so until I can I found out that all of the episodes are on youtube. I forgot how much I adore her.

Saya 05-14-2010 11:12 AM

Actually, scrap that, I was really upset today because they only gave me five hours to work for next week and I was freaking out because next week is the week thats going to be paying for my rent, and I'd have to have a lot of hours the week after to make up for that. So the only way around that was that I'd have to take out my vacation pay, which I don't want to do because otherwise I won't be able to afford to have my vacation this year. I ended up crying before I left, I hate crying in front of people but I was really freaking out.

Anyway, my boss just called and it seems like she really begged the managers to give her more hours because she gave me a bunch of shifts, so now I have twenty and I can live off of that. I'm still going to look around for other jobs though, that was way too scary and they can't guarantee it won't happen again. I should've done so when it started after Christmas, but I like it there. But not enough to starve.

honeythorn 05-14-2010 11:13 AM

I caught my gym buddy IN THE CHINESE. Incidentally he hardly ever goes to the gym because somthing always comes up that means he can't go , and he hasn't lost a single pound , if anything he looks fatter.

Now I know what you're thinking, why were YOU in the chinese Honeythorn? I was getting my parents takeaway which they have been getting from that place for donkey's years. Every Friday without fail I go in there to collect the usual beef curry and accompaniments. I've had home made vegetable soup with added chicken breast for my dinner. Yum.

But ohhhh the sight of that back, like a medieval table top slouching up against the counter. I sidled in and said " Soooo Thomas, no gym for you tonight then? " His look of sheepish guilt has utterly made my day. Espescially since he claimed to be ill yesterday, 10 mins before he was due to pick me up along the way to the gym. Yeah Tom you look very ill, positively on deaths door, which could be a reality if he keeps eating the way he does !

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