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Methadrine 01-12-2010 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by Mir (Post 593450)
I`ve heard that the rush/high is of an extremely short duration.

Recommended dosage?

Depends.. you do have to refill every hour, more or less.

I'm worthless when it comes to estimating dosage. Put an amount the size of a pea in a piece of paper, swallow, wait for the beginning of the buzz, then snort a line which is approximately the same amount that you swallowed.

And have lots of water ready, the thing will dehydrate you like hell...

Mir 01-12-2010 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Methadrine (Post 593561)
Depends.. you do have to refill every hour, more or less.

I'm worthless when it comes to estimating dosage. Put an amount the size of a pea in a piece of paper, swallow, wait for the beginning of the buzz, then snort a line which is approximately the same amount that you swallowed.

And have lots of water ready, the thing will dehydrate you like hell...

I'm testing it now. It's awesome.

vindicatedxjin 01-12-2010 11:59 AM

Lol my horoscope was this for today....
You are still in a spending mood, aren't you? Well, just leave home without those credit cards. Indications are that your head can be easily turned by shiny things with lots of knobs, dials, lights or buttons on them. Avoid the home entertainment stores at all costs today.

Funny thing is I was totally looking online for a new phone before I even read this.

Still Jack 01-12-2010 12:33 PM

I like Mephedrone, but I do rather prefer MDMA. Even though downing off MDMA can be harsh sometimes.

Ben Lahnger 01-12-2010 10:49 PM

I've solved NBC's talk show troubles. You may have heard they've made a mess of their evening scheduling, and when their proposed fix got leaked to the public, Conan O'Brien didn't like the late hour he was gonna get moved to and has threatened to quit.

So, I propose Late Night Savings Time™ (or LNST™) to save the day. This would involve everyone turning their clock back 1 hour when they get home from work in the late afternoon. Then all the network programs would air an hour earlier than usual. The evening news that normallly runs at 9:00pm EST would now run at 8:00pm LNST. Then Leno's hour show would run from 8:35pm to 9:35 pm. And then The Tonight Show (with Conan O'Brien) would run at 9:35pm just as it always has. And after that show ends, you set your clock ahead one hour back to RT (Reality Time™) once more.

Late Night Savings Time™ - problem solved.

Catch 01-13-2010 08:09 PM

ya, I like Conan. Fact is there's nothing on at nine, so Leno wil probably look bad after the change.

Mir 01-13-2010 08:26 PM

Conan is great.

CountVonCount 01-14-2010 12:04 AM

Brenda:OK Elise, the time has come, spill. Those lips, what's in 'em. Are they wax?
Elise:Excuse me?
Brenda:What else did you have done? Come on Elise you can tell me...the cheek bones, the jaw line. Did you have a little bit, or the full enchilada!?
Elise:I work out every day. I watch my diet. I have not had plastic surgery.
Annie:Well good for you, you look terrific.
Brenda:Oh come on. Elise, you're lying through your caps.
Elise:Ok. All right, I have been freshened up a little.
Annie: (Puts down wine glass) Oh god, does it hurt.
Elise: (drinking) Mmmm, no.
Brenda:What do they do with the stuff they take off? Do you get to keep it?
Elise:Oh come on Brenda, it's the nineties for god's sake. (Picks up cigarette and lights it) I mean it's like... Plastic surgery is like good grooming, it's like brushing your teeth.


Morris:You're 45! If I give you one more facelift you're going to be able to blink your lips. I mean don't you want to be able to play a part your own age?
Elise:My own age? No no. You don't understand. There are only three ages for women in Hollywood. Babe, District Attorney, and Driving Ms Daisy. And right now, I want to be young, science-fiction young. Fill em up!


Elise: Ivana? I wanna thank you for coming so much, you're an angel!
Ivana Trump: Oh, of course.
Annie: Thank you so much, again.
Ivana: Ladies, you have to be strong and independent. And remember...
Elise: What?
Ivana: Don't get mad... get everything!

I fucking love the First Wives Club.

Noumi 01-14-2010 04:57 AM

Thinking about a new way to bother my friends...

Still Jack 01-14-2010 06:11 AM

A friend of mine is flying to Haiti today to clean up the rubble. I'm rather proud of her.

Noumi 01-14-2010 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Still Jack (Post 593840)
A friend of mine is flying to Haiti today to clean up the rubble. I'm rather proud of her.

That is great...
I'll help to, since we (Dominican Republic) are next to them we're cooperating with food and other stuff...

Ben Lahnger 01-14-2010 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by Still Jack (Post 593840)
A friend of mine is flying to Haiti today to clean up the rubble. I'm rather proud of her.

I am always impressed with people who do that. Reminds me what the best of us are capable of.

Noumi 01-14-2010 10:06 AM

I'm addicted to forums o.O

honeythorn 01-14-2010 02:39 PM

Due to severe lack of dead things here I have now bought a taxidermied Grouse head, and a dozen sparrow feet. I fucking love Etsy.

Catch 01-14-2010 03:17 PM

I'll be getting back to reading in a minute.

Ben Lahnger 01-14-2010 04:02 PM

Latest entry from

[508]: They were so slutty we had to play "rarely have I ever."


Ben Lahnger 01-14-2010 04:15 PM

Ooh! Best drunken text ever ... "So, when he came he screamed MORTAL KOMBAT!!!! at the top of his lungs and all of his roomates yelled back FINISH HER!!!!.....yeah kinda akward"


Xombie 01-14-2010 04:58 PM

I went to the gym for the first time ever today. I feel the buuuuurn.

Noumi 01-14-2010 05:24 PM

I wanna gain some weight but don't know how to do it.

Solumina 01-14-2010 06:49 PM

Increase your intake of lean protein a little bit and if you work out regularly cut down on the cardio and up your strength and flexibility training, which will help you to build muscle instead of just putting on some fat, unless your body fat content is too low, if that is the case than it is a whole different ball game.

Saya 01-14-2010 07:15 PM


Originally Posted by Noumi (Post 593939)
I wanna gain some weight but don't know how to do it.

I kept a food diary for a while to make sure I was getting enough calories, and to see how much fat, protein and carbs I was getting, from there you can get an idea of where you need to improve. There's a few online food diaries and calorie counters, I can't remember for the life of me which one I used though. After that I found cooking all my meals at home and cutting out junk food helped, that way I'm more conscious about what I'm putting into my body and made me enjoy healthy eating. Excercise helped a lot too so long as I was getting enough calories.

And it goes without saying that if you're extremely underweight that you have to gain it slowly, and under the guidance of a doctor.

Mir 01-14-2010 08:37 PM

You guys are turning getting fat into a science.

All you gotta do is eat lotsa junk food and not do crap.

Saya 01-14-2010 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mir (Post 593990)
You guys are turning getting fat into a science.

All you gotta do is eat lotsa junk food and not do crap.

Done that all my life, I have freakish metabolism.

Still Jack 01-15-2010 03:11 AM


Originally Posted by Saya (Post 593996)
Done that all my life, I have freakish metabolism.

Me too, it's win. I live mostly off convenience foods and I still only weigh 54 kg.

Noumi 01-15-2010 03:13 AM


Originally Posted by Mir (Post 593990)
You guys are turning getting fat into a science.

All you gotta do is eat lotsa junk food and not do crap.

I want to weight 135 pounds but in a healthy way, Mir =)

I've tried the food diary before, but I actually ended up forgetting to write down stuff and it was kind of disorganized... so increasing the amount of food works better for me. My problem is that I get full too fast, I eat very few amounts...

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