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Momerath 02-23-2007 01:53 AM

I sliced my hand on a can. :(

HumanePain 03-03-2007 04:57 PM

My finger was killing me, so I took a vicodin, and now I'm mentally worthless, almost comatose...blah. Everything is too much effort...I hate being a zombie. No pain, but no brain either. (sits listening to neighbor's weed wacker buzzing through the air...)

raggedyanne 03-03-2007 07:18 PM

Ah, vicodin makes me go loopy.

I was wearing 6 inch heels, and walking down stairs, in a heavy floor length gown. Do the math. my arse hurts

HumanePain 03-04-2007 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by raggedyanne
Ah, vicodin makes me go loopy.

I was wearing 6 inch heels, and walking down stairs, in a heavy floor length gown. Do the math. my arse hurts

But at least it sounds like you were dressed up to go out on the town! Was the rest of your evening fun?

I spent last night at the Showcase Theatre, headbanging to live Gothabilly rock, The Graveyard Drifters. They were AWESOME! Their 'hawks would have given Drac and Haunted House a run for their money! Picture a Deathhawk like Haunted's but with the sideburns waxed into spikes sticking out horizontally. Awesome. The bassist played a stand up acoustic bass, painted white, with mottled animal spots on the sides, and a roast pig with an apple stuffed in it's mouth drawn on the back.

Draconysius 03-04-2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by HumanePain
But at least it sounds like you were dressed up to go out on the town! Was the rest of your evening fun?

I spent last night at the Showcase Theatre, headbanging to live Gothabilly rock, The Graveyard Drifters. They were AWESOME! Their 'hawks would have given Drac and Haunted House a run for their money! Picture a Deathhawk like Haunted's but with the sideburns waxed into spikes sticking out horizontally. Awesome. The bassist played a stand up acoustic bass, painted white, with mottled animal spots on the sides, and a roast pig with an apple stuffed in it's mouth drawn on the back.

I hate you.

MollyMac 03-04-2007 05:46 PM

I re-snapped the tendons in the arch of my foot at the Flogging Molly show Wednesday and then I danced at competition Friday and Saturday without wraps.

Lucretia_my_Reflection 03-04-2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by MollyMac
I re-snapped the tendons in the arch of my foot at the Flogging Molly show Wednesday and then I danced at competition Friday and Saturday without wraps.

Ouch ouch ouch and i thought falling down the stairs half asleep was painful

PersephoneX 03-04-2007 09:54 PM

I spent all day yesterday punking...And last night and this morning. I'm hung over like i've never been before. Everything hurts. Even my baby purring in my ear was too much to deal with. Now i have to take meds and i dont know how i'm gonna kep it down. I havent eaten since saturday. And I've got the shakes...
At least my boyfriend tied my hair up for me, and kept me warm.
Now i'm at work. And i miss him :(

raggedyanne 03-05-2007 06:26 AM


Originally Posted by HumanePain
But at least it sounds like you were dressed up to go out on the town! Was the rest of your evening fun?

Yah, we went to a mardi gras ball and ballroom showcase. Though it turns out that I bruise my hip bone and now I have this lovely bruise. It matches my blue dress.

alshio 03-23-2007 06:36 PM

I think I’m trying to drive myself insane through many small, annoying and often amusing injuries this week. First of all I bought some new shoes. Their soles are about two centimeters thick, about three times thicker than my old shoes. As I’m not used to lifting my feet up that little bit higher I stumble and trip at random times.

On Tuesday I almost fell down some stairs at UNI (a very funny sight I assure you anytime you see me near stairs there’s a good chance I’ll almost fall down them and make funny noised of shock/surprise). I planted my foot wrong, went forward, twisted my ankle and bruised my underarm from when I grabbed the rail and threw my weight onto it to stop myself. Later I was eating some wedges and managed to burn the roof of my mouth, really badly - it almost blistered. And it’s right where everything hits whenever your eating/drinking anything.

On Thursday I tripped up some stairs at UNI, somehow managed to get my right ear and only my right ear sunburned and I had cramps…

On Friday I kinda twisted the same ankle again at UNI, got a blood blister (I think - it might be a bruise) on the bottom of my left foot due to my shoe inserts going all screwy, smacked my head against some glass on a train then done it again while laughing over my klutziness, and stood on some prickly things in bare feet…

Not to mention another mystery bruise.

Cyntrox 03-23-2007 07:24 PM


Originally Posted by alshio
Later I was eating some wedges and managed to burn the roof of my mouth, really badly - it almost blistered. And it’s right where everything hits whenever your eating/drinking anything.

I REALLY hate it when that happens >.>

I tried to resist when my tae kwon do trainer was showing self-defense techniques... Not a smart move...

Underwater Ophelia 03-23-2007 09:02 PM

I'm achy and burny because today I just started running again. Bah.

MollyMac 03-23-2007 10:30 PM

Well, kick ass for you because you started running again!!!! As they say, pain is weakness leaving your body. Keep on!

I sliced my arm cuz my wonderful hubby loaded a knife in the dishwasher pointy side up and I was groggy when unloading dishes. Now, everyone thinks I had a relapse into cutting -and I was over that a decade ago... anothe rreason to not cut- NO ONE WILL EVER LET YOU LIVE IT DOWN AND GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE. And you can't have a simple fuck up without being urged to get help.



ArtificialOne 03-24-2007 12:21 AM

My heart is broken because I have to wait 6 days to see my girl!


Yes, robots have feelings.. what are you robophobic? lol

MollyMac 03-24-2007 12:28 AM

only if they have oil spurts for the same make and model. That's an abomination.

ArtificialOne 03-24-2007 12:39 AM

No, that would be Rohomophobic, Robophobic is like being racist against robots.... hehe

MollyMac 03-24-2007 12:57 AM

Sooooooo, do you AC or DC?

OMSuperGothzorsFG 03-24-2007 04:13 AM

I have a boo-boo on my heart because Kraven de Sade said my name gives her/him migraines. =(

oh curse ye, thou Kraven de Sade. Curse ye and thy gothiness, for it is thine hands which shall smite my soul. My laments shall be paid in homage to you; My sorrows call you their father. With this blade shall I tear flesh from skin, replacing my inner woes with outer afflictions. Woe is me indeed, for no longer shall I tread upon this earth as a goth, but as an emo.
Time to find a corner and cry ='(

PersephoneX 03-25-2007 10:28 PM

I went out on Saturday night and my partner and i over indulged…
I’m not sure which is worse. The hang over or the muscle pain from moshing and walking around from 6:30am on Saturday to 7:30 am on Sunday…

republigoth 03-26-2007 07:18 AM

4 days! That's only...96 hours! 5760 minutes!

Think of it like's happening -this week-. Not next week. Not next weekend. Not just 'at the end of the month'. But THIS WEEK!


raggedyanne 03-26-2007 08:29 PM

err W00t!

I got hit by a great dane; not kidding.

mrs.wes straker 03-27-2007 05:52 AM

I'm sick! And it hurts. And I have have to go to work. Blech.

PersephoneX 03-27-2007 06:41 AM

Shame... *hugs*
Being sick is no joke.

mrs.wes straker 03-27-2007 07:24 AM

Thanks for the sympathy

raggedyanne 03-27-2007 03:37 PM

I threw up this morning, then found out I failed my math test, again, then the school's preps decided it was "pick only on the non-slutty dressed individuals" day. Or is that everyday?

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