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DirtNap 03-18-2009 03:19 PM

Rant Thread II
Here is the new and improved Rant Thread (with less poll action)

Underwater Ophelia 03-18-2009 03:37 PM


Not really.

DirtNap 03-18-2009 03:41 PM

Someone had to say it.
Nice one.

Underwater Ophelia 03-18-2009 04:01 PM

Thanks, comrade.

Pyre 03-18-2009 04:08 PM

Not enough porn on this site.

There, I said it.

Solumina 03-18-2009 04:23 PM

So DirtNap does this mean you're going to be an active member now?

Geoluhread 03-19-2009 07:00 AM

DirtNap is here!

Tam Li Hua 03-19-2009 07:08 AM

I'm getting an ultrasound this morning to see if I need to have my gall bladder removed, and I can't have anything to eat or drink until afterwards.

I still have 2 1/2 hours to go. Not fun. :/

[That being said, I'd rather go through this than to have to deal with the pain any longer.]

JCC 03-19-2009 10:24 AM

Rants? Okay, here's one:

Once upon a time, there was a member that said "I prefer justice; forgiveness is a free pass." without meaning to be ironic at all. This member was obviously batshit crazy, and was called DirtNap.


Underwater Ophelia 03-19-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by JCC (Post 520235)
Rants? Okay, here's one:

Once upon a time, there was a member that said "I prefer justice; forgiveness is a free pass." without meaning to be ironic at all. This member was obviously batshit crazy, and was called DirtNap.


The problem, though, is that it's THEIR shit.
If we don't like it, we can leave.

Ultimately, we'll most likely have to, because we'll get banned.

JCC 03-19-2009 11:11 AM

From a legal standpoint, sure, it's theirs. But even if we don't have squatters rights to fall on, it's our intellectual property as we raised and nourished it as if it was our own lovechild, DirtNap is fucking with my kid.

Tam Li Hua 03-19-2009 11:20 AM

JCC: Aren't you a little young to be a father?

Underwater Ophelia 03-19-2009 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by JCC (Post 520259)
From a legal standpoint, sure, it's theirs. But even if we don't have squatters rights to fall on, it's our intellectual property as we raised and nourished it as if it was our own lovechild, DirtNap is fucking with my kid.

Eh, you're taking it too seriously.
I mean, I love gnet, but it's still just a forum.

jack_the_knife 03-19-2009 12:11 PM

I'm quite pissed off that I've misplaced my phone...

gothicusmaximus 03-19-2009 04:13 PM

I went to go pick up some popcorn chicken, only to find that my local KFC has shut down.
That's it. The whole world is turning to shit. I'm going militant.

Solumina 03-19-2009 04:14 PM

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Alarica 03-19-2009 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Tam Li Hua (Post 520264)
JCC: Aren't you a little young to be a father?

By the UK's standards these days, he should have atleast a toddler and twins on the way....

HumanePain 03-19-2009 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus (Post 520469)
I went to go pick up some popcorn chicken, only to find that my local KFC has shut down.
That's it. The whole world is turning to shit. I'm going militant.

My local Fatburger closed down too! Best damn hamburgers next to Island's.
My wifey and I are trying to keep our local favorite barbecue place open by going at least once a week, but lately we've been almost the only ones there at dinner time, even Saturday nights are "slow". I fear it will go the way of the Dodo.

Underwater Ophelia 03-19-2009 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by HumanePain (Post 520535)
My local Fatburger closed down too! Best damn hamburgers next to Island's.
My wifey and I are trying to keep our local favorite barbecue place open by going at least once a week, but lately we've been almost the only ones there at dinner time, even Saturday nights are "slow". I fear it will go the way of the Dodo.

Humane, you are adorable.

Pyre 03-19-2009 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia (Post 520540)
Humane, you are adorable.

I am glad I am not the only one who saw the awesomeness in his reference.

As for rants, mine is that I fear by the time I am ready to start interviewing people on this site for my sociology project all of the worthy members will have already been banned. Blast it all.

Man In Room 5 03-19-2009 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Pyre (Post 520547)

As for rants, mine is that I fear by the time I am ready to start interviewing people on this site for my sociology project all of the worthy members will have already been banned. Blast it all.

That just shows you that the new rules here are slanted against intelligence and towards mallgoth 12 year olds. If you really want to get ahold of anyone who is banned here just ask around. Most of us communicate off of Gnet as well and can hook you up with someone outside of Gnet.

Underwater Ophelia 03-19-2009 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Pyre (Post 520547)
I am glad I am not the only one who saw the awesomeness in his reference.

As for rants, mine is that I fear by the time I am ready to start interviewing people on this site for my sociology project all of the worthy members will have already been banned. Blast it all.


Sir Canvas Corpsey 03-20-2009 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus (Post 520469)
I went to go pick up some popcorn chicken, only to find that my local KFC has shut down.
That's it. The whole world is turning to shit. I'm going militant.

One of our local KFCs shut down as well, it was sad because we'd go there almost every Sunday for lunch and they always gave us discounts or extra stuff for free, for being regulars.

Alarica 03-20-2009 04:27 AM

I haven't had a KFC in years! Now I want 1.

On a rant note, I fucking HATE spineless men. Nothing worse than a man who can talk to his mrs like a piece of shit, and yet is too much of a pussy to tell other people what he really thinks.

Raptor 03-20-2009 07:16 AM

I don't think I've ever actually been to KFC...

Pyre 03-20-2009 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Underwater Ophelia (Post 520552)

If this is not a reference to the star, then it's gone over my head.

gothicusmaximus 03-20-2009 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Pyre (Post 520628)
If this is not a reference to the star, then it's gone over my head.

I always thought of it as an excerpt from radio communications with an astronaut, like,
"What star are you hurdling towards again?"
"Rigel, Rigel! AHHHHHHH!"

HumanePain 03-20-2009 10:43 AM

You're both wrong: Ophie's typing with one hand and with the other thinking of Rigel...

Underwater Ophelia 03-20-2009 11:07 AM

This is fun.

Tam Li Hua 03-20-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus (Post 520469)
I went to go pick up some popcorn chicken, only to find that my local KFC has shut down.
That's it. The whole world is turning to shit. I'm going militant.

IMO, KFC is incredibly nasty. I sort of liked it when I was a kid, but now it's just greasy and gross. [That goes for international ones as well as local.]

Alarica 03-20-2009 11:25 AM

It's not called Kentucky fried rat here, for nothing :D

Geoluhread 03-20-2009 11:28 AM

My eye is itching like hell
I never knew i`m allergic to cats

Tam Li Hua 03-20-2009 11:31 AM

Alarica: Heh. No kidding.

Geo: If you have any non-drowsy Sudafed or Claritin, take it. It helps me a ton if I'm around kitties.

Pyre 03-20-2009 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus (Post 520660)
I always thought of it as an excerpt from radio communications with an astronaut, like,
"What star are you hurdling towards again?"
"Rigel, Rigel! AHHHHHHH!"

This really amuses me for no particular reason.

gothicusmaximus 03-21-2009 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by gothicusmaximus (Post 520660)

I feel that I've been perpetrating this sort of cacography and other such idiocy with abnormal frequency as of late. The theories I've formulated in attempt to account for this and other lapses include:

My mind works better when I sleep during the day, rather than at night as I have been recently.

Coffee consumption is deleterious to my cognitive ability.

Someone has poisoned my coffee.

That time I watched High School Musical finally caught up with me.

Pyre 03-21-2009 03:09 PM

At first I was confused as to why you retracted "hurdling," then I realized you intended "hurtling." Because neither are used very often, I don't think people often make the distinction anyway. Or at least I certainly almost never come across either one.

Tam Li Hua 03-21-2009 09:27 PM

GM: I'm amazed you actually sat down and watched HSM willingly at all. O_o..

Godslayer Jillian 03-22-2009 01:41 PM

I fucking hate when TV shows try to say something in Spanish.
At least one in six people must be Latin by now, so how the fuck is it that they can't ask someone who actually speaks Spanish "hey, dude, how do you say clear in Spanish?"

gothicusmaximus 03-22-2009 01:54 PM

I was actually pretty curious to see if there was any new rank achieved at 10,000 posts. Just as Jillian is getting close, the admins decide to get rid of the ranks.

JCC 03-22-2009 02:00 PM

It's obvious repression of anarchists.

Geoluhread 03-22-2009 02:02 PM

I have an exam tomorrow.. Analytical Chemistry.. Our professor says: Anal Chemistry... I don`t think he knows what it means.. lol
I`ve been online for the last 5 hours..
Yay me!

DRM 03-22-2009 05:27 PM

Ugh I'm tired of helping someone who says over and over no one cares if there dead or alive even though I'm sitting there trying to talk them out of fucking offing themselves, sometimes I wish I could just tell them to fucking do it if their going to and stop wasting my entire night and part of my morning by telling me no one cares and no ones ever there for you.

But that would be wrong.

Tam Li Hua 03-22-2009 05:41 PM

Turns out I have gall stones. Yay. Not looking forward to the surgery.

DRM: I know the feeling. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me or send me a PM.

Tam Li Hua 03-23-2009 07:40 AM

Also, one of the zippers on my new, Victorian-style boots broke. That makes me a sad panda. ='(

Godslayer Jillian 03-23-2009 04:48 PM

So, my mother tells me "hey, today I'm going to make you a vegetarian dish"

Oh, vegetarian? Really? Cool!

Yeah, she's just gonna put chicken in the chop suey so that the flavor soaks and then she'll pick out the chicken...

She's the type of person that thinks you can give a vegan chicken salad...

Alarica 03-23-2009 05:13 PM

I have to pay out for yet another cat flap, with a panel so I can close it off completely, because of my neighbours fucking tom. My house stinks where the little bastard came in and sprayed last night.

Saya 03-23-2009 05:14 PM

It was chicken from the chicken tree.

It grows next to the fishberry bushes.

Solumina 03-24-2009 12:13 AM

The local SPCA has a bit of a zoo of exotic animals that they have rescued which can't be placed as well as a petting zoo of farm animals that have been rescued. Well I wanted to go and pet the goats, as well as see the big cats that they have. In order to get to the zoo part you have to go through the shelter and I met the perfect cat. She was the most beautiful Savannah and she was super sweet. Alas my roommate is allergic to cats and I will be living with her for two more months so no kitty for me, which really sucks as Savannahs are extremely expensive.

Mir 03-24-2009 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Tam Li Hua (Post 521501)
Turns out I have gall stones. Yay. Not looking forward to the surgery.

DRM: I know the feeling. If you need someone to talk to, feel free to email me or send me a PM.

I hope everything goes well for you.

Pyre 03-24-2009 06:40 AM

I spend too much time on this site now and it's adversely affecting my sleep schedule and my work progress.

And yet I am here to complain about it.

Curse you, Gnet.

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