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Jon Wane 02-13-2016 03:56 PM

Reccomend some current "80's goth-influenced" bands?
I'm not really a fan of the modern purist conception of classic goth/deathrock, despite how much I really love the originals... There's a lack of self-awareness about bands trying their hardest to be perfect Johnny Slut clones and getting totally lost in aesthetics, cosmetics and costumery of 80's goth that really puts me off. Too often in my experiences with these groups, it feels like there's more banal imitation/posturing involved than there is actually trying to express a unique, sincere (or at the very least memorable) musical vision built on a foundation of 80's goth/deathrock.

So, I'm looking for current acts (within the last 8 years or so) that have a palpable and authentic/"non-ironic" 80's goth/deathrock influence without trying to completely ape it to such a degree that their music becomes unintentional self-parody, and without getting so lost in the dress code that the music, substance and overall integrity takes a back seat to everything else... There have been a few recent bands I've heard who who more or less manage to do this:

Moral Hex (this is admittedly dangerously close to cartoonish 80's goth parody, but I still like them a lot)
Pox [NLD]
Blue Cross (Also kind of silly/possibly somewhat "ironic", but I really like a couple of their songs in spite of it)
Buffalo Bangers
Arctic Flowers

I'd like to hear more along these lines. Bear in mind that all of these just happen to be female-fronted, but that is not a requirement. Thank you.

PS: No witch house.

Acharis 02-13-2016 08:50 PM

I'm not sure.. wondering if O Children might be up your alley. "Ruins"

Joey Marr 02-14-2016 01:20 PM

There's a good Turkish band called She Past Away :D

Stormbringer 02-15-2016 04:48 AM

This is The Urine Song (yes, that's right) by Sopor Aeternus - my current musical obsession from Germany (where else) I love this, it reminds me of the work of Kurt Weill and Bertold Brecht during the Weimar Republic (1918 - 1933) - a golden era of the avante garde.

mindless1 02-21-2016 07:01 AM

November-Coming-Fire 10-15-2016 11:47 AM

The Obscured:




No Future:

KamNess 08-12-2019 12:27 AM

Reccomend some current "80s goth influenced" bands
that sounds like a bloody good day pigsteerer

i miss the good old days of parties with local bands every weekend down south.

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