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Old 07-26-2004, 09:39 PM   #166
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Posts: 408
Heard they re-released "NP" with an extra scene...means I actually have an excuse to see it again.

Just watched Scorcese's documentary on Italian Neorealism...even though I own most of the films he's talking about, I still love watching Scorcese when he gets all excited about movies....whoa? It's 4 hours long? Didn't even realise it, it went by so fast.

Also watched "Godmonster Of Indian Flats". The film starts off with a country bumkin getting ripped off at Reno, then it leaves this guy behind to show us a town where the townspeople have a problem with their new citizen and his negro-ness. All of a sudden, toxic waste screws up the genes of some of the animals, and we have a gigantic killer sheep going on a rampage (which, strangely enough, looks like a guy in stilts and a long something kind of hobbling around)....god, I love 70's drive-in films.
I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out.
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