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Old 07-26-2004, 10:50 PM   #167
AlKilyu's Avatar
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I will never get that hour and a half back, what a horrible horrible piece of crap. What a load. What a corn-filled, steaming pile of Cleavland Steamer fodder.


I canceled my digital cable after that. I had gotten it to better my chances of seeing more horror/sci-fi on a regular basis, but that pissed me off. I kept regular cable, but I was not about to pay an extra $30 a month to get pissed like that. I can get pissed for free.

Ever seen a Jackalope? Remember how in the 70's they made little jackalopes that people bought that served no real purpose? I fucking swear they used one of those in a shot. I know some horror movies have slow pacing at the begining to build an atmosphere, but this was just bad.

The family is eating dinner...when...suddenly...they wash the dishes! Now they are tucking the kid into bed...and now...THEY are going to bed! Okay it's nighttime, something's gonna happen, right? WRONG!

One other movie made me want to call the cable company and ask them to credit me for the 1-1/2 hours I lost watching crap, and that was Cut, a shitting Austrailian "Scream". They really copped out in the third reel.


Last movie I saw...well Manimal, EPS and I saw Bourne Supremecy, and that sucked. Apparently there was a guy sitting next to Manimal that kept talking. I told EPS to have him switch seats with me cause I do not let that shit slide; if I pay almost $20 for an evening I better not hear a single voice in the theater. Again money is an issue, and I've been known to demand my money back from the person or persons talking. My ex always pulled me away before they paid, dammit.

Loy: Your politics are your own, but Moore is infamous for distorting the truth and making falsehoods through editing. That Saudi family? (I've not seen it) did NOT get to leave before September 23rd, and only after the FBI quized them hard.

Originally Posted by SuicideJade
i last watched Wendigo...

four words: GIANT PLASTIC DEER MAN!!!!

it was really slow until the last half hour, then it picked up and the killer was supposedly this powerful shapeshifting spirit that had different parts (like plant ,animal and human) well they show this thing and it's a GIANT PLASTIC DEER MAN that was as realistic looking as Jaws..

i laughed my ass off...
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