Thread: Worst Band Ever
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Old 11-10-2005, 04:55 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by rubedo
yeah the air purifier skit open minded so i listen to some weird shit...anime soundtracks and korean rap and the like....i voted for good charlotte...and all rap is knot've just got to find good rap...i personally like a certain calibur of it...gorillaz=goodness
I do listen to a bit of rap from time to time, just not too much. Most of the rap produced today is too superficial and belong to the clubs, where you can get drunk with the music playing. Today, theres too many rap singers who have become famous for the wrong reasons, or don't deserve the level of fame they have gained.

So 'I'm a criminal and I rap about hoes n' sex'....its these type of rappers that give actual talented rappers a bad name.

Generally speaking, I think that rap in today's society has lost its 'rawness'. I prefer old school rap where at times you can find some kind of raw concealed in the song.
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