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Old 11-24-2011, 07:18 AM   #1
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Exclamation Reptillians. THEYREAVERYWHERE MAN



Is all I'm permitted to say at this point. What I am about to reveal to you is some of the most revealing and shocking informationever to be made up yet believed by millions and then only cared by a select ELITE few.

For those of you unaware of the upcoming invasion, I shed sympathy to all of you. You're probably among them you just don't know because of all the SOMA the illumanti's been putting in your Four Lokos and Coca Cola.

As a token of my empathy, I shall share this. This was the video that changed my life. Where the ancient wisdom and cruel, strange reality of our controllers was first announced to the public. This INCREDIBLE GENIUS David Icke is not only a shaman and prophet in one but happens to be THE ONLY PERSON WHO KNOWS ABOUT THIS.

And we all know that if no one has heard about it, if he's got a TV show and well-spoken drawl, then it must be true. We're just the fools who haven't heard about it yet. Forget these fools with their bringing up of David Icke's various false predictions in the past...including that the world was gonna end in 1991 after having a long spiritual retreat with a pyschic dominatrix who fed him massive amounts of peyote.

So feed your head and get the scales, friends.
The reptillians are here. They've been here. We're never gonna see them probably, but they're in control.

And they're not going anywhere. It's only a matter of days now.
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