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Whining This forum is for general whining. Please post all suicide threats, complaints about significant others, and statements about how unfair school is to this board.

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Old 01-19-2023, 10:22 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2023
Location: Boston, MA
Posts: 12
Anyone Else Becoming Even More Disenchanted and Frustrated with Society?

Not that it's anything new of course, but has anyone become totally frazzled and outright disgusted with how much more society is declining, and how things and people around us including their associations with others just make absolutely no sense!?

Especially after the long duration and effects of the "Lockdowns".

Nothing is the same anymore, and while things were still pretty bad in 2019, it's nearly impossible to connect with anyone on any level anywhere in public now, and there are almost no people who are legitimate, cool or fun to hang out with or who are even open to really meeting others.

Another thing I strongly despise is conformity, and it seems that here in the US, conformity has reached all new heights, especially with the expectations of "Chasing Success", which makes one a pathetic slave.

There is nothing I despise more than people who make Work their total Identity and lose their sense of person in the process, and to where it becomes iconic to always be seen as "busy" and "looked up to by others" because their "success".

Most people don't care about you for anything but Money and Status, and this is the case for over 95% of the population.

Even with simple social interactions to just order or something or convey something in a proper manner, seems to be like an abortion these days with how much cognitive decline and the poor social functions of most people in public.

Everyone only ever starts up a conversation with you in public by making fake compliments or "lies" just to use it as social lubricant to try and bum a cigarette off of you or get something else out of you or to see who else you "know" that can be resourceful to them.

I much prefer idle people who have simple minds and hearts, but it almost seems they are non-existent now...

I really hate this new dystopia we are living in, and some of the most unsavory, bizarre circus clowns that you would LEAST suspect have anything to do with certain other people you might know, are apparently on really good terms with said people.

Wondering who else feels this way or notices how bad this situation is becoming. Maybe certain States or areas aren't as bad, but where I live it's fucking horrific, and meanwhile I am treated like I'm a contagious resurgence of the Black Plague.
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