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Old 03-29-2009, 05:34 AM   #76
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I am SO annoyed with my mother. In our garden we have a compost bin with a big Privet bush next to it. We have a lot of birds come to the garden, and we noticed a pair of Blackbirds were making a nest in that bush. I DISTINCTLY told her NOT to get any compost out of the bin, or put anything in, as being right next to the bush, it would disturb them and they wouldn't raise any young if we came close.

Guess what she did.

So now they haven't been back for 2 days. I ventured to look at the nest, put my hand heart sank. She's abandoned 2 eggs. They're stone cold so there's no chance of hatching them. I've left them in there for now on the offchance she may decide to return, but I doubt she will.

I'm so fucking annoyed! She said " well they were dithering about and I didn't think they were making a serious nest so I got some compost blah blah.... " FOR FUCKS SAKE! >

If she doesn't come back within the next few days I'll remove the eggs , blow them out and keep them.
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Old 03-29-2009, 06:32 AM   #77
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If she doesn't come back within the next few days I'll remove the eggs , blow them out and keep them.[/quote]

you're going to keep the eggs... because you want to remember this?

What if there was some kind of development in the eggs? Thats kind of ick and it might not blow out and then stink like shit....

Just saying...

but that sounds horrible.
I remember pigeons having a nest on our balcony once. They are so cute in a really ugly way - and I am pretty sure crows or another type of bird ate them because they were not nearly old enough to even attempt to fly or leave the nest.
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Old 03-29-2009, 06:45 AM   #78
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They've only just finished building the nest , the eggs can't have been laid any earlier than a couple of days. Certainly less than a week. They won't have developed any really noticeable foetus in that time ( I used to breed birds years ago )

I would like to keep the eggs, they're pretty and I do want to remember the brief spell of their nesting. I may also remove and keep the nest after a month ,which is a sufficient time to establish wether they will return or not, besides, they usually dismantle old nests and make a new one anyway . We so rarely get birds nesting in our garden as the neighbors cat occasionally comes in ( when the dog isn't looking ) . We get plenty come to the many feeders we have.

I think they made a bad choice in that bush though. It's right next to the bin, about the height of a person so not exactly huge, and right next to the gate leading to the top of the garden. They don't mind you walking past, but because my mother was fiddling about in the compost bin, she was too close for too long a time. They most likely saw her as too much of a risk and so abandoned the eggs.
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Old 03-29-2009, 07:18 AM   #79
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My cousin is annoying as fuck.
His mother has dumped him on our shoulders because she's putting an end to her abusive relationship and she said that it'll take a few months to file a divorce and find a place of her own.
The kid is war obsessed! He has all these army toys! Tanks and soldiers and he keeps on playing with them and making explosion noises, even when we tell him to make less noise.
I couldn't bare him for a week, and now he's staying here for a whole two fucking months!
I hate the little turd!
He keeps on going into my room, even when there's a sign on it that clearly says "Keep Out!", and moves my stuff around!
I am so tempted to print off another sign with Jack Skellington on it. Jack Skellington scares him shitless.
And to top it all off, my Lecturer has asked us to type up all our notes for tomorrow. She asked us yesterday. She said "Oh, it'll only take you a couple of hours to do" Yeah right.
Half a years worth of notes typed up in three hours in a particular format? If she wanted it typed, she should have asked us to type it all up when she started giving us notes!
The infuritating BITCH!
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Old 03-29-2009, 07:34 AM   #80
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Great. There's a five minute limit on this thing?
I swear to God, I have never met anyone as annoying as this little, arrogant Bitch that's just joined up to another forum I'm on.
She keeps on making comments on my grammar and the fact that if all Scots type like I do, then we're all illiterate idiots who need a better educating system.
Arrogant little bitch! She's making it sound as if England is at the top of literacy and atriculation! She's acting like she's better than everyone else on the forum and she's only just joined up!
I swear to God, if that little bitch makes one more comment on my grammar, screw getting banned, I will kick her scrawny little arse!
I told her three times to drop it, but nooo! She had to speak her mind! Well fuck it. I'm going to speak my mind, too, and by fuck it won't be pretty.
Arrogant little fucktard.
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Old 03-29-2009, 07:59 AM   #81
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STOP THE BOAT! She's back on the nest! I went to show my brother, parted the leaves and saw a pair of beady eyes and a beak looking back at me :O I just backed away REALLY quietly and went inside.

We may yet have joy after all! She didn't fly out in panic so I hopefully haven't disturbed her.

At least I think it's a blackbird on there now . Females do have some speckles to the breast but this seemed to have a hell of a lot. Maybe a thrush has taken over....

Oooooh excitement!
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:16 AM   #82
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Honeythorn, you're adorable.

...but how was that a rant, lool?
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:22 AM   #83
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I'm...not sure! . I was kind of replying to myself I think O.O . The first one was definitely a mini rant about mother scaring her away. But it's ok, she's back for now so there could be babieeeeees ^_^
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:54 AM   #84
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Old 03-29-2009, 02:30 PM   #85
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Yay for birdies!

Well I had an interesting day on Friday and upon talking it through with a friend and analyzing it I think it may have been a disassociative episode. I'm a bit worried by this and since my insurance went out yesterday (as I turned 22 I am no longer covered by my mothers insurance and am in the process of getting my own coverage) I cannot afford to go see my psychiatrist about it at the moment. At least my therapist is free, as she is part of the school's counseling center, I'm just not really sure how much she can do for me. I seem to be fine now I just don't really know what brought it on as it started the moment that I woke up and lasted for about eight hours and I'm worried about why it happened and if it will happen again.
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Old 03-29-2009, 04:40 PM   #86
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If you don't mind my asking... what happened? =\
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Old 03-29-2009, 06:28 PM   #87
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It is hard enough for me to understand so I'm pretty sure that I would be unable to really convey it in a post but I will try. It was kind of like an extremely real day dream.

I woke up in my room at home to the alarm on my cell phone (I had been asleep here and I really did turn off my alarm because it just increasingly gets louder until it is turned off), which I have never had at home, I turned it off and went to shower, I could even feel the steam in the air as I breathed. I got dressed for work and went down stairs. My dad had made me some peaches and cream oatmeal and some coffee (he always was the first person up), he gave me a hug and asked if I though today was going to be one of my good days. We chatted about random things. I went and brushed my teeth before heading into the county office.

I had a bit of trouble finding a parking space since there was a public hearing that morning (which was odd since it was a Friday but hearing are held on Thursdays, this one had been pushed back for some reason)and people never listened to the fact that only the first floor of the parking garage was open for visitors and that the other floors were for county employees only. I went in, road the elevator to the fifth floor, chatted with a woman from planning about a proposed temporary zoning ordinance, then went to my desk (it was the same desk that I had back when I did work there, but I only knew some of the people in the office from the past as there has been an election since I worked there and only some of the Board members retained their seats so there were new Board members as well as new aides). I want though a pretty typical work day, listening to the webcast of the public hearing, checking emails, taking a few phone calls from my supervisor's constituents, drinking lots of coffee and wondering why there was never any vanilla creamer, I popping into Sally's office and talked to her aide Sabina about a few things. I left the office at 6:30 since I had to go through stuff that came up that the hearing, which is pretty normal.

The drive home was pretty uneventful, I listened to some NPR, something about heavy metal under Saddam, it was rather interesting (I wonder if any of the info was accurate). I took off my blazer, changed into some jeans, and played with Rusty for a bit. We had dinner when mom got home, roasted chicken with wild rice, supper yummy. We talked a bit about what we all did that day and then about what I wanted to do for my birthday. After that I went and got ready for bed.

I woke up to the sound of my phone going off, only my eyes were already open, I was just laying on my back in bed, and I don't ever sleep on my back, just my side or my stomach. Jake was calling to tell me that he was out of class; it was 4:00 pm. I was completely confused where I was and what Jake was talking about. I'm still not sure what really happened during the day, nobody else was here until after 4.

Wow that ended up being super long.
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Old 03-29-2009, 07:54 PM   #88
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Ohhhh. Well that's interesting. I mean I've done something a little like that before, like laying in bed, (I'm always sleeping on my back) and staring at the ceiling, but I'll go in and out of sleep quite often, very lucid dreams as well. But I could tell the difference.

The only other thing... is that people can sleep with their eyes open... as odd as it sounds.. some people sleep with just one eye open as well. It doesn't matter if your eyes are open or shut when your sleeping, regardless, for the most part your unconscious so it doesn't really matter except that if you slept with your eyes open they might feel slightly dry if you hadn't been blinking much all night or slept with a light on.

Sleep is a crazy thing, when I was younger I had night terrors up until I was 12 and I remember countless times myself waking up in the middle of the hallway in mid-scream. Like opening my eyes and coming to the realization I'm already screaming at the top of my lungs. It was quite creepy back then, especially for my mother, (Who was the one I was always screaming for) she couldn't tell if I was awake or sleeping sometimes. But I'm also a person who's had wayyyy too many issues as far as the subject of sleep is concerned.

Though throughout anything I've experienced, I've never really day dreamed myself... I mean I've thought out actions and pre determined responses to actions I might choose in that day, but never really going completely out of it and day dreaming. So I don't really know what that's like.

EDIT: I just noticed your signature, is that in reference to the band Carbon Leaf? I saw them about a year ago in Richmond, VA (near where I live) They were pretty clutch.
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Old 03-29-2009, 08:09 PM   #89
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Most of my dreams are lucid and I really don't know how to describe the difference between that and what happened on Friday. I wish I could because I don't want my therapist to disregard it as just being a dream, though if it were then that would be a whole different issue as I would have been asleep for about 18 hours.

Yes that is the band Carbon Leaf, I pretty much adore them. Where are you from? If you don't mine my asking.
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Old 03-29-2009, 10:48 PM   #90
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I'm tooo darn forgetful!
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:19 PM   #91
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Well, my aunt who trusted with my secret, that I am bisexual, told everyone. I got kicked out my house for it and for apparently being a bad influence on my brother.......
Luckily, they took me back in.

Nevertheless, my family had just found that he's into furries and now he tells me he's bi. He told my cousin, who has the biggest mouth in the family....

So yeah, guess who they are going to blame!

Gosh darnit!

I don't even like furries...
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:24 PM   #92
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Sounds like a lovely, accepting, understanding bunch.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:27 PM   #93
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
Most of my dreams are lucid and I really don't know how to describe the difference between that and what happened on Friday. I wish I could because I don't want my therapist to disregard it as just being a dream, though if it were then that would be a whole different issue as I would have been asleep for about 18 hours.

Yes that is the band Carbon Leaf, I pretty much adore them. Where are you from? If you don't mine my asking.
I reside in Richmond, VA currently.

Also, sometimes someone can dream for 15 minutes yet feel like days went by in the dream. (Just food for thought) Although I don't believe what you went through at the very least was normal sleeping hah. If sleeping at all... that's creepy. And damn you're lucky, people generally don't lucid dream all that often, as in like a couple times a year, though if you practice at it and recall your dreams often you can get better. so that's pretty cool of you to be able to do.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:33 PM   #94
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Oh okay you were saying that the venue was close to where you live, I though that were saying that you live somewhere close to Richmond. I'm down in Newport News and Carbon Leaf does a St. Paddy's day concert every year across from where I live, that's how I got to know them and I have grown to really adore their songs. This year they had one of their friends perform a song with them and then he proposed to his girlfriend, it was really sweet.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:37 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Mr E Nigma View Post
Also, sometimes someone can dream for 15 minutes yet feel like days went by in the dream. (Just food for thought) Although I don't believe what you went through at the very least was normal sleeping hah. If sleeping at all... that's creepy. And damn you're lucky, people generally don't lucid dream all that often, as in like a couple times a year, though if you practice at it and recall your dreams often you can get better. so that's pretty cool of you to be able to do.
On the one hand lucid dreaming is cool but on the other it isn't as restful and I seem to have lucid dreams at least once a week, I've had them as long as I can remember, so to me they are just kind of annoying for the most part, though some of them are really awesome, like in flying dreams I actually get the full experience of flying and can control it.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:39 PM   #96
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
Oh okay you were saying that the venue was close to where you live, I though that were saying that you live somewhere close to Richmond. I'm down in Newport News and Carbon Leaf does a St. Paddy's day concert every year across from where I live, that's how I got to know them and I have grown to really adore their songs. This year they had one of their friends perform a song with them and then he proposed to his girlfriend, it was really sweet.
Craziness, I might be going to CNU soon.. O_o

That's only like an hour away from here, (I'm not in richmond, but a little south).

Do you go to anime conventions at all? There's one that's in the Hampton Roads Convention Center that I'll be doing security for this year, called Anime-Mid Atlantic.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:45 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
On the one hand lucid dreaming is cool but on the other it isn't as restful and I seem to have lucid dreams at least once a week, I've had them as long as I can remember, so to me they are just kind of annoying for the most part, though some of them are really awesome, like in flying dreams I actually get the full experience of flying and can control it.
I quite enjoy being a jedi in most of mine, lifting things up with my mind, and pod racing at extremely fast speeds scared shitless I might crash. haha
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:49 PM   #98
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Ooo being a Jedi sounds fun, I can't say that I ever recall having a Jedi dream

Originally Posted by Mr E Nigma View Post
Craziness, I might be going to CNU soon.. O_o

Do you go to anime conventions at all? There's one that's in the Hampton Roads Convention Center that I'll be doing security for this year, called Anime-Mid Atlantic.
Jake and I are thinking about Mid Atlantic (leaning towards yes) but we always make Neko Con. Also I go to CNU, I have about two years left, this is craziness.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:53 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by Solumina View Post
Ooo being a Jedi sounds fun, I can't say that I ever recall having a Jedi dream

Jake and I are thinking about Mid Atlantic (leaning towards yes) but we always make Neko Con. Also I go to CNU, I have about two years left, this is craziness.
Yeah, I like moving things with my mind in dreams, it's loads of fun, it sucks waking up and not being able to do it though.... :[

Last year was the first Neko I missed sadly, I didn't have a way down. But I will be doing security for AMA so don't step out of line! LMFAO kidding... most of the time we don't do much of anything to be honest... except make sure the fire codes are met and make sure people don't get in the game room without a badge boring stuff.. But I get in for free so, "Woot!" hah...

I've got a couple friends at CNU, ACTUALLY! My friend Brandon does your guys' radio station on thursdays from 4-6. If that rings any bells. That'd be crazy if you knew him... then again he's one to get himself known, black kid, glasses. He can come off like a horrible person or the nicest person in the world. he's kind of hard to describe, but quite noticeable.
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Old 03-29-2009, 11:58 PM   #100
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Hmmm I can't say that I know him. To be honest I don't get out much so I pretty much only know people who are in PMA (the music frat), in the psych department, or in PESO.
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