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Old 07-05-2008, 10:14 PM   #1
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GLBT video

Would any lesbian like to help me make a video for youtube? It's from a Christian's perspective, even though I'm not one. It's about christians shouldnt judge others even though they believe the other is sinning/doing wrong. This song by Casting Crowns has been stuck in my head and it's about a woman being judged by churches and hypocrites. It's called Can Anybody Hear Her. It's a great song with a great message for Christians and by Christians. I believe we would have more tolerance if Christians listened to their own words and advice for a change.

The plot:

A woman tries to go to a church to try to have a better life. Her partner just died and she feels like she needs guidance from Above. However, a man in the church ridicules her and judges her for being a lesbian. In the end, the man realizes he's "going 100 miles per hour in the wrong direction," as the song states.

I wanted to add a lot of emotion into this video and show the couple's relationship and their happiness together. I want to show them holding hands to show the audience their love for each other. I want to show the anger and bashing the man does in the story. I want to show the woman's sadness and feeling of rejection and judgement. All of this will be narrated by words as the scenes change.

This will be a lesson not only to Christians, but to all religions and even children and adults alike.

If anyone wants to help, please notify me. This has been an inspiration for me and I feel like it's a strong message about love, a hidden message that love does not discriminate against gender.

NOTE: I am a transgender and bisexual. I do NOT feel that my lifestyle is wrong in any way. I love Christians and GLBTs all alike, even though the majority of Christians might judge homosexuals and transgenders.

All help is appreciated. Credit will be given, but names will be anonymous. If I give credit, it'll either be your Gnet username or youtube username. Any 'real' names used will be made up. In order for this plot to match the song, it MUST be about a lesbian couple and a man judging the survivor of the relationship.

Please no naughty pictures or anything graphic. We want this to be clean enough to show to children, but we want them to understand the concept as well.
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Old 07-05-2008, 10:24 PM   #2
Godslayer Jillian
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Originally Posted by Serephurus
It's about christians shouldnt judge others even though they believe the other is sinning/doing wrong.
Don't think I'm just trying to antagonize you but:
Why shouldn't they?
You're judging them by doing this to tell them why what they're doing is wrong.
If you were serious, you wouldn't judge them even though you believe what they believe is wrong.
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Originally Posted by George Carlin
People who say they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think they don’t care what people think.
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Old 07-15-2008, 07:38 PM   #3
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It does sound inflammatory.

Why target just Christians if you want to be socially conscious about it?

You do realize that Christianity is REALLY not a true threat to who you are, right? It's not like you're going to be burnt at the stake by Christians while they quote bullshit bible verses at your burning, heathen ass.

A Christian will just tell you you're going to hell for sucking your gay BF's dick, a regular joe who's masculinity is threatened by you will just beat the tee total shit out of you more than likely.
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Old 07-15-2008, 07:58 PM   #4
Tea and Cake or Death
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My friend Maria is a SUPER open minded Christian. Her little brother is gay. And she says that she doesn't judge her brother because what he is doing is a sin. She says EVERYONE is a sinner in some way, and that she doesn't know WHY the church has targeted the homosexual population with such zeal. Why not go after the robbers, or the adulterers with the same conviction? So anyhow, she's not against anyone. She says it's not her job to judge because she isn't god. So anyhow. One night she went over to her brother's place where he was having shindig in honer him graduating college. Things were okay until some of her brothers friends, both gay and straight, started making Jesus jokes that offended her. So she asked them POLITELY if they could refrain from doing it, and then they started picking at her. She said that their heads were so full of the stereotypical Anti-Gay Christian image that she felt threatened. Even some of her brother's friends who she had interacted with before started in on her. Probably a pack mentality thing. The point was, she was being respectful of who they were, but they felt as if they didn't have to return the favor.
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Old 07-16-2008, 01:45 AM   #5
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Man, I would have bailed. Pack mentalities are fucked up.
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Old 07-16-2008, 06:42 AM   #6
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I'm Christian and I don't persecute gay/lesbian people. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone and all. Why do you have to stereotype Christians into fire and brimstone raving idiots proclaiming the damnation of everybody and everything?
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Pie Jesu domine..... Donna eis requiem - *thwack*

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Old 07-16-2008, 07:41 AM   #7
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It's because the ones who are "proclaiming the damnation of everybody and everything" are the ones who are the most vocal.
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Old 07-16-2008, 08:11 AM   #8
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Tea and Cake? That's really horrible about your friend. I can't stand when people are disrespectful like that without a valid reason. His behavior and that of his friends are completely irrevocable. But back to the subject. I don't believe that Serephurus is purposely judging anybody. He or she does say 'the majority of Christians might judge homosexuals and transgenders.' Might does not mean all. From what I've seen down south, a lot of Christians do, but I am pretty sure there are many that don't as well. This video is obviously intend for those Christians that do, that and even if the focus is on Christians other people and cultures or even individuals who choose to have no religion can learn from it too.

Serephurus, I have a slight suggestion. Why don't you add a Christian in there that doesn't 'judge' and accepts the protagonist for who she is? I think it would clear things up a bit for everyone.
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Old 07-16-2008, 10:21 AM   #9
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Fuck that, just get Ducky. He looks like Jesus, but doesn;t take the shit that Jesus will forgive.
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:05 AM   #10
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youre not wrong. you should live how you want and whatever makes you happy then cool.
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