hey i'm louise :)
Call me Louise. I'm:
- 19 years old,
- a music producer on youtube
- from Las Vegas
- ultra nerd
- overall a weird ass person.
Also I got kicked out of the Air Force for apparently being depressed (nope never happened nuh uh shhhhh)
fun fact about me: My dad's a rich dick, has two wives and 13 kids, and yes I hate them all. even myself. obviously being the "i hate my parents" type i got into goth shit. every night i dream of joining the Army and fucking off to afghanistan and never seeing any of my family ever again, it's not like i have anything to live for anyway lmao
DMs are open, ask me anything lol, i don't have many friends so i'm always down to chat. if we become friends you can and will be subjected to unsolicited car facts
How'd you find this place? I randomly found it one day because my old college's campus site was gothicnet.edu and one day i fucked it up and typed gothic.net. one thing led to another aaaaand now here i am