Love Poems <3
- Beautiful -
Beautiful you stand
As I watch you
On the threshold
Beautiful you seem
As I watch you
From a safe distance
Beautiful you look
As everyone says
With all your blackness
Beautiful you are
As I now know
Without your mask...
- You -
You shine and it's all I can do not to be blinded
You smile and the sky brightens up all the more
You cry and the clouds cry along with you
You die and my heart is buried within your arms...
- I want to kiss you -
I want to kiss you
But I'm afraid that if I do so
Then I will miss you
I will lose you
and if I lose you, I will die
And even still, I want to kiss you...
I wrote these ones just today! I really hope you like them! Goodnight from Greece, sweet dreams, sweethearts! ^___^
Till sunset arrives...Misty