Fashion DIY tips and gratuitous plugs. And hair. Hair! Flow it, show it. Wait...no. That's some hippie musical. Nevermind. |
10-13-2005, 12:06 AM
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i've had every style and colour imagionable,
short, long, spikey, layered.
black, red, blue, green, purple, pink
you name it, it was differant every 3-4 months.
but i over processed it soo much last year i had to chop it all off and start again.
so bewarned......dont go mental too often.
but anyways i had black in the front and pink at the back up untill last week...now its a golden blonde colour.
not too ure about it tho.....
"the man who won an award for taking the most drugs ever consumed by a human has died. he was attacked by a pack of wolves....he thought he saw."
*another eliter*
10-15-2005, 11:03 AM
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Can anyone sugest anything I can do with my hair??
hey ive only just recently registered at this site as ive only just recently became a goth though my parents aren't taking it very well AT ALL!!! They wont let me dye my hair black even though its my hair and its the way I want it. They also give me gothic abuse. I already wear black eyeshadow, black lipstick etc and I dress in black trousers with black boots and usually my big black coat but the only thing thats missing is my hair, its a mousey brownish colour and I really want to dye it black. And as ive only just recently became a goth Im not sure what to do with it. Can anyone suggest what I should do with my hair if I cant dye it black??
If anyone can think of anything that would be great!!!
10-15-2005, 01:00 PM
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Shave your head.
10-15-2005, 01:05 PM
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Ummm no I dont wanna do that. But thanks anyway.
10-16-2005, 03:39 AM
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hahahah.........bleach it and dye it some bright colour like blue or green or pink etc.
then they will have to let you dye it black because that is the only thing that will cover up the colour.
muahahaha........evil, pure evil.
"the man who won an award for taking the most drugs ever consumed by a human has died. he was attacked by a pack of wolves....he thought he saw."
*another eliter*
10-16-2005, 04:41 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 87
You could wear a wig? Or you could wear a hat all the time? Or get those clip on hair pieces in differnt colours and put them all over your head so no one can see our hair. You could always go behind their backs and dye it black when their out or when you're at a friends place, what's the worst they could do?
10-16-2005, 07:14 AM
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Or you could take a good look in the mirror and wonder why the hell you look the way you do.
Its not about blackblackblackblack, and let alone the completely devoid of any glimpse of originality: black on black.
It's about looking good, damnit. Its not about looking like you been buried a week and some stray dog dug you up. If anything, it's about looking eternal. Not like you're already decomposing.
I mean, if you wanna go for ugly...go ahead...
How about you dye your hair burgundy and stop drawing squiggles 'round your eyes? It makes you look stupid and tells the rest of us just how young you really are.
Undead again...
10-16-2005, 09:59 AM
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ouch Mr M.
"the man who won an award for taking the most drugs ever consumed by a human has died. he was attacked by a pack of wolves....he thought he saw."
*another eliter*
10-16-2005, 11:07 AM
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Mael said so eloquently what I feel a great many of us felt inside at reading this post.
Firstly, you don't become a goth. It's one of those points of self-discovery when you realize "Hey, I've got a lot in common with these blokes." And through some strange turn of events, you become exposed to a worldview, a subculture which has always coursed through you to some extent. The urge to turn it onto some morose visual front is typical of the people who don't even have the basest inkling of what represents the group as a whole, or they don't particularly know how to openly express their revolutionized state of mind (it was an eye-opener for me when I learned about music that was better than half-assed, so I was rather astounded/proud).
If you want to go around painting yourself in the standard garb of a stereotype, then by all means go for it, but if you'd actually like to grapple with the concept of goth as it has evolved most true to the subcultural base, you might want to contemplate the addition of some originality and follow a course of action akin to the advice that Mael gave you. Be beautiful by being original. The world doesn't need the addition of yet another pseudo-mime.
"You had a tough day at the office, so you come home, make yourself some dinner, smother your kids, pop in a movie; maybe a have a drink. It's fun, right? ...wrong.
...don't smother your kids."
10-16-2005, 11:32 AM
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what colour is it now? If you cant have it black, either have it bleach blonde, with black or pink underneath, dye it a deep red or purple, or just dye it a dark brown, and id grow it really long,
10-16-2005, 11:58 AM
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wear a black satin headscarf. It looks cool, keeps your hair in place, and gives you the look of a gothic muslim. Your parents can't really object to it, as you haven't done anything with your hair.
I'd do it, if it wasn't because I've just dyed mine darkblue, which I want to show off ^_^
... and just for the record, you don't have to dress black to be goth. My clothing is kinda trash-metal, lots of spikes and punked colour. Looks better on me than all black. And it's better for freaking out parents, if that's what you want
10-16-2005, 01:22 PM
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I would prefer Platinum Blonde over the standard black hair. Also take into consideration what your skin tone you are. If you have a yellow undertone, black will make you look very unattractive...
10-16-2005, 01:50 PM
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Originally Posted by goth_girl_666
They also give me gothic abuse.
And as ive only just recently became a goth
Umm may I ask how someone " GIVES Gothic Abuse " ???
Do you get it with a Bagel and some Cream Cheese?
Enquiring Minds want to know...
Plus did it completely escape your notice that there was already a Haircuts/Hairstyles/Hair Color Mega Thread??
Last edited by Empty_Purple_Stars; 10-16-2005 at 01:57 PM.
10-22-2005, 02:47 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Smiths Station Alabama. (VERY small town)
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Liberty spikes?
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i can do to make my hair look thicker when I put it in liberty spikes? I already have thick hair, but when I put all the hairspray, gel, and whatnot in my hair it makes it look thinner. I also have a part in my hair that will not be moved. last time I put a spike where my part was it split right up the middle of it. I just cut my hair, last time I put it up my hair was waist length, now it's shoulder length.
Hopefully this time it'll be easier to put up, but does anyone have any suggestions about the thickness and part things?
Here are some pics of what my hair looks like when it was long and how it is now....
I know there is a thread for pictures, but I thought this would be more appropriate, as I'm asking a question about my hair....I wish I had the pictures of my hair spiked up when it was long but, unfourtunatly, I do not.
Last edited by Angelic_Demon333; 10-22-2005 at 02:48 PM.
Reason: typo
10-22-2005, 05:04 PM
Join Date: Aug 2005
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Have you tried linseed hair gel? And do you back comb? Nice piccies!
10-22-2005, 10:46 PM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Smiths Station Alabama. (VERY small town)
Posts: 10
Originally Posted by spookypurple
Have you tried linseed hair gel? And do you back comb? Nice piccies!
No, I have no idea what linseed hair gel is. And what do you mean by "back comb"? Sorry, if I sound a bit dumb at the moment, but I'm not sure what you're talking about, could you elaborate a bit? Thanks.
10-23-2005, 08:18 AM
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Location: south, south of London
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Sure thing! Thank you for your friendly tone. Always appreciated.
Linseed hair gel : 2 tablspoons linseed (or flax seed, depending where you are in the world) + 1 cup of water. Stick 'em in a saucepan. Bring to the boil and let it cool. Strain off the seeds and put in a jar. A couple of drops of sandalwood or patchouli oil makes it smell really nice.
It does the hair gel job while keeping in the volume, so your hair doesn't look thinner. This amount lasts a week or so. Also, it's pretty cheap and contains no nasties.
Back combing: You know when you comb your hair, the movement is always away from the scalp, towards the ends of the hair? When you back comb, you grab a section of hair and comb towards the scalp, away from your hand.
I think it may be called something different elsewhere - ratting? I'm not sure. But you do end up with a big amount of hair which will be mouldable with help, pretty much.
Hope this makes more sense.
10-25-2005, 02:50 PM
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hey, is it falling out in clumps or breaking off? Try using Redkin Anti Snap and Biosilk silk therapy, they're both kinda pricey but they're totally worth it. My hair was majorly damanage and now its back to normal. Oh yeah you should also get a deep condition, get a K pack thats the best kind.
Originally Posted by Kettu
So I dyed my hair black a few months ago, and now its falling out. It never did this any other time, so why now? Does anyone know what do to go get it to stop?
10-25-2005, 08:59 PM
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anybody here know how to persuade hair into a style a la Robert Smith?..i mean looking like you stuck yer finger in an electrical socket..i try and try with teasing and hairspray..but it always falls flat..anyways..pondering..
10-27-2005, 02:24 AM
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Angelic_Demon333, your a pretty girl!
Have you tried egg yolk? It holds hair in place.
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." Oscar Wilde
10-27-2005, 04:12 AM
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by Kettu
So I dyed my hair black a few months ago, and now its falling out. It never did this any other time, so why now? Does anyone know what do to go get it to stop?
my name is kallie schroeder, im a professional cosmetologist, and i deal with this kind of stuff everyday......
ok what more than likely happened is the fact that you DID switch brands... let me break it down for ya'
there are 2 main kinds of haircolor.... metallic dyes and vegetable dyes, look on the ingredients on the back of the box... look up the separate ingredients online...(more than likely google is the best place too look) .... usually by comparing both boxes you will be able to identify which is which....
now the first thing that you should know is that metallic dyes and vegetable dyes DO NOT MIX! with the ph levels ranging from brand to brand... and depending on some brands...COLOR TO COLOR... some more alkaline, and others acidic.
now, just an fyi... hair color is alkaline.... which opens the hair shaft to remove the natural color then to deposite... in your case it should be a deposite color only... but if you used boxed color then it uneccissarily used the "lift and deposite" meathod.....also another contibuting factor... let me ask you a question... when you re-dyed, did you strictly apply it to your roots? or did you apply it like a virgin all-over color?
the next time you need to recolor... strictly color you roots only....if you need to refresh your color, let it develope for the normal time, subtract 3-5 min. off the normal process time, DO NOT RINSE OUT YET! at the last 3-5 min then apply the color to the rest of the hair and let process for the remaining time, THEN rinse. this will save your hair in future color maintenance.
since you need to give your hair a time to rest... heres a few things that you can do to restore your hair to more of a manageable state..
squeeze 1 lemon to a quart of water.... when you are in the shower (be careful, try not to get it in your eyes) enough for 10-12 rinses
you can go to sallys and buy huge tubs of cholesterol... (dont know what that is?) then just ask and they'll know EXACTLY what it is and direct you to it.... its really cheap (like 7-10 dollars for like a 8-10 lb tub)put a generous helping of it in your hair, not too much, but enough so its like a hair pac or (mask) put in a shower cap and leave it in for 30 min-1 hour everyday...
this will help.... and if you have a dry or scalp or dandruff because chemical burns, or just too much color was in contact with your scalp, then you can also go to sallys and pick up a hot oil vial with aloe... awsome stuff! this will help nourish and rehydrate your scalp.....just follow the directions.... usually good for 2-3 applications....
if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at kallie_richardson@**********
10-27-2005, 05:28 AM
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I found out on Tuesday that my friend from back home that was supposed to come visit Sunday, wont be able to make it after all. I've been really bummed out the last coupla days, so to cheer myself up I desided to dye my hair red. Even bought a pricey dye and all. "Intense Auburn".. sounds nice, right? Turns out, on black hair, it comes out a bit brownish... while still looking blackish and not really making much of a difference at all. The pissy thing is, if I would have bought the usual cheep junk I used to buy, it more than likely would have came out right. How annoying. Blah.
( Sorry mods.. didnt know where to put this..? Figured hair goes with hair... XD )
10-28-2005, 10:58 PM
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Gonna get my hair cut short, about to my chin. So, any styles to suggest and what do you think of my decision?
10-30-2005, 01:16 AM
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Ack, okay, I have curly hair, down to my shoulders and it's brown... and I want an Emo/Gothie color to it, but I have no idea what to do with it! any suggestions?
10-30-2005, 03:08 PM
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Posts: 72
i am red skinned soo my hair aint straight nor does it drop can someone give me tips to get this afro off my head or get it to drop long cuz thats really jus alot of hair jus growing up instead of down and its already black soo if i can get it 2 fall it will b killer........NO IM NOT SHAVING MY HEAD FORGET IT
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