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Old 07-26-2020, 08:20 AM   #126
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Last night,

This is not meant for your eyes. Why are you reading my private dream journal? Who the hell do you think you are?

I was attending the last LGF. It hadn't happened already in the dream. A lot of people were there, but there was no event. The venue or the bands hadn't actually been booked, and JW and his whole gang were nowhere to be seen. People were pretty pissed.

Some people, especially some Mexican dude, stepped up and managed to quickly organize some alternative events under the LGF banner.

There were rumors going on about the whereabouts of JW et al. Some said they had taken the ticket money (they had actually sold tickets to it in the dream) and absconded with it. Some said that JW had planned all this out, and that he would appear at the end of the event and say that he wanted to give those guys who stepped up the chance to do so, to show them that they could, and to give us all hope for the future.
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Old 07-29-2020, 02:22 AM   #127
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Last night,

Only a fragment.

I was in a wintery forest.

I had some pills I needed to get rid of.

But I knew that if I just tossed the pills onto the forest floor, they would metamorphose into deer keds in the spring. I didn't want that to happen, so I first chewed the pills into powder in my mouth. They were very bitter and burned my gums.

I started spitting out the crushed pills, but my wife told me to stop.

"Don't spit them right there," she said. "Spit them somewhere else. Blueberry patches grow in this spot."
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Old 07-30-2020, 12:26 AM   #128
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Last night,

I was participating on some weird-ass urban street race. The race was conducted on various strange items, such as wheeled ladders and metal racks and roman pillars and such. All these things were rolling through a downtown type area at breakneck speeds.
The racers, me included, had to keep jumping from one speeding item to the next, while occasionally juggling cats at the same time! It was quite exhilarating fun in the dream.
Near the end of the dream I started falling asleep while holding onto a pillar with one arm, and to a cat with the other. I felt terrible that if I actually did fall asleep I would fall off the pillar and, never mind myself, I'd hurt the poor cat, probably killing us both.
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Old 08-02-2020, 10:22 PM   #129
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Memory of last night is choppy, and I'm also reluctant to write it down, for it was a very unpleasant dream.

The setting was a large wharf with many, many boats, my wife and I were going from boat to boat and meeting different people. My wife was bragging to everybody how she was going to meet her friend soon and I wasn't going with her. I was shocked and hurt by what she was saying, the way she was saying it. I confronted her about it near the end of the dream, but I don't remember much.
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Old 08-03-2020, 02:05 AM   #130
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An extra sleeping spell brought two more.

In one I woke up in the bedroom of a somewhat different version of my apartment. The room was very dark and full of old looking wooden chairs. I immediately started yelling nonsense and banging at the chairs because I wanted to hear noise.

One of the chairs was placed leaning against the door under the handle like they do in the movies when they don't want anyone to enter. I wondered whether I had done that before I went to sleep or not. I removed the chair and exited the bedroom.

I went silent for a while as I walked into the living room. There I saw a gray skinned weirdo that looked like my wife lying naked on the floor on her stomach, her hands were touching an electric socket and she was twitching and spasming, but not like she was being electrocuted, more like she was drinking electricity from the socket.

Upon seeing that, I started yelling again because I needed noise again.

Gray skinned weirdoes are what I call a type of doppelganger I semi-regularly meet in my dreams. They can look like any person, they have ashen gray skin, and they always do something very strange and possibly menacing.

I don't fully remember the second dream, but near its end, my wife and I were holed up inside a classroom during a demon invasion. Outside the classroom were schoolchildren and ancient Roman soldiers possessed by demons.

One little girl got into the classroom with us, and I tried to kill her by beating her with various objects I could find. A dull bladed letter opener and even duller scissors. While they'd still been harmful to regular people, the girl possessed by a demon was impervious to pain so little nicks did nothing to her. She did at some point get the scissors for herself and threw them at me quite painfully.

After having failed to kill her with those things, I proceeded to beating her head against a stone wall, leaving a large splotch of blood on it, but she just laughed and told me she wanted more. I was certain her brain would have been all scrambled by the violence, so I figured, and said so to my wife, that these demons don't seem to need brains to function.

Next I found a bottle of some flammable liquid and matches. I poured it all over the girl and turned her into a human torch. That did the trick and she fell to the floor unmoving.
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Old 08-04-2020, 07:54 PM   #131
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Very little of last night remains.

The dream featured C and S from my writings.

C was falling uncontrollably through different realities, trying to find the S from his own. He kept meeting versions of S, but he could always recognize them as wrong.
Then he met the right one in a hut. S explained to him what was going on, and basically left him with her goodbyes.
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Old 08-06-2020, 08:44 PM   #132
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What I remember of three dreams from last night.

In the first one, my wife's boss sent her a text message detailing some new instructions, finishing with "for when you get back to work."
We wondered what was the meaning of that last line, because the next day was a regular work day.

In the second dream, I was sitting at a computer, downloading music from the internet, while talking to an old hippy looking guy. He decried to me something about illegal music downloads. I told him to pipe down about it, "It's not like I don't also buy CDs. I have quite a lot of them, actually."
He looked into a cabinet with stacks of jewel cases, and he said "These are burned CDs."
I told him they were just video DVDs, and instructed him to look into a large, clear plastic box instead, which held a quarter of my record collection.
He asked if there were any old school punk bands I could recommend to him, that he was interest in getting into punk.
I mentioned Horroble, and Siouxsie and the Banshees, which I said "sounds like a cross between post-punk and regular punk." Which is a weird statement now that I'm awake. Both were weird suggestions for old school punk.
Then we were suddenly at a Banshees gig. They played in a boxing ring. They played a couple familiar songs, and two songs I'd never heard before. Too bad I'm not a musician, is what I always think after hearing new music in dreams, though this time I wouldn't remember very much of them, anyway.
During one of the new songs Siouxsie donned a dog mask, which didn't look like a mask at all, but rather like her face had become an actual dog's face. This scene was reminiscent of a scene in one of my unfinished novels.
During this song people ran up to join the band in the ring. The songs lyrics, which I remember nothing of, were really touching.
The old hippy guy laid on his back in the ring and was almost crying. I asked him over the din of the music, "So, how do you like it?"
He replied it was the best band he'd ever heard.

In the last dream, I told someone, "I have found fiddling with the start menu to be an empty sort of pastime."
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Old 08-08-2020, 01:33 AM   #133
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Long and detailed dreams last night, but yet again they are mostly forgotten. Here are the fragments recalled.

In one dream I was living with my wife in an apparent bronze-age village.
It was a day of a big feast, and the whole town was bustling with festive atmosphere.
Behemothic fish were being roasted over large fire pits all day, so they’d be ready in the evening.
There was a group of fancy ladies dressed like medieval nobility. One girl was dressed in like a modern skimpy faux mockery of their looks. Nevermind the bronze-age.
She was asking them if she looked good. They were nodding and telling her what she wanted to hear.
We saw this and scoffed at this somewhat. Because those other women were dressed very lustrously and hers was such a downgrade.
Also, did the X-rated with my wife twice in the dream. The first was in our home (a log cabin, like all the houses in the village). The second time was on a big, mossy rock named Zaada in the woods just outside the town.
Flash forward several thousands of years, and three women were walking on mountain path where the village had once stood. There was a safety railing, two of the three women touched it and got shocked, it was apparently electrified. The three looked like "Sex and the City" types.

In another dream,
I played Sauna2000 (I had seen this just before I went to sleep. I have yet to play the game in the waking world.)
In the game there was a ten-minute countdown timer in the upper left corner of the screen, and it ran faster when the player was in the sauna. There was a forest outside the sauna where the player could also wander. There were some items to pick up and puzzles to solve, but I don’t remember much.
At times, it wasn’t a game and I was actually in the sauna myself with my wife.

In another dream,
My wife and I were still living in our previous apartment. We had some cool new neighbors with goth and black metal aesthetics. It was evening time, the new neighbors were throwing a housewarming party, which extended from their own apartment to the stairwell, where they were doing photography sessions in the dark, and as my wife and I were going out, we almost bumped into their camera equipment.
Outside the building, we saw some nasty "Baywatch-boys" harassing a Russian girl. They were all from the party, too.
The next day it was on the news that the Russian girl had gone missing. We wondered if those nasty boys murdered her.

In another dream,
visited a video rental place with my wife. Saw a new Highlander tv-series by Netflix there.

Also, I vaguely remember someone getting beaten. I remember skin bruising and bloodying. I think it was another dream.

In the last dream of the night,
there was an article about some tourist location, maybe in Austria, I think, which included an old, colorful inn. It said in the article that the local nuns knew that the inn had been frequented by saint Bridget back in the middle-ages. Despite the name, the saint in the dream was actually mostly Hildegard of Bingen mixed with a bit of Bridget of Sweden.
The nuns also told that this composite Bridget believed that in the inn a person’s body and soul could separate and that was the only way to enter heaven.
I laughed at that and told my wife I had heard about these gnostic Bridget followers before. I said they were confused, that I had read some of the saints writings, and concluded that Bridget herself was definitely not gnostic.
My wife argued that maybe I was the one who was confused. She asked me which of her writings I had read.
At that I indeed became confused, for I realized didn’t actually remember reading anything. So I said something like,
“I’ve not read any of her books, just maybe seen parts of them here and there.”
And I admitted that maybe I was wrong then, maybe her whole body of work would prove me wrong, but that the parts I’d read had been downright anti-gnostic.

In the waking world, I know next to nothing about Bridget, and all I know about Hildegard, is that she claimed to have had visions and wrote a book about them, I think. And I have no opinion on the gnostic issue discussed in the dream.
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Old 08-08-2020, 10:13 PM   #134
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Very disjointed haul of fragments from a dream last night:

The plot was centered around me having an old female acquaintance from Egypt who kept saying "Millions love me, billions adore me." Everybody thought she was just really self-conceited, but later it turned out she was an actual ancient goddess and it made more sense.

I sent her email, trying to invite her for a visit.

There were some mentions about being in school and doing a school project. It might have been the reason why I wanted to invite her.

In one scene there was a desert in a marketplace, and I was cutting bricks out of the sand with a laser pointer and an axe. People around me screamed in pain when I cut the sand.

My wife wanted to buy a DVD in the market place, which was a collection of Donald Duck cartoons where he meets dinosaurs. It was titled something like "Donald Duck Goes to Prehistoric Times"
She said it would be a good "comfort video", but that she hoped it would have a more varied theme than just dinosaurs.

I woke up and tried to write down the dream, but memory was already hazy at this point and it was futile.

I woke up again, and told my wife about this dream, and she wrote it down, but it turned out she hadn't really listened to what I'd said and she wrote down a really weird version of it. She also made a small, weird sawdust sculpture based on it. It was something like two furnished rooms in a box that had a lot of symbolic meanings to them.

I also remember these fragments, of which I don't know whether they were part of the same dream or not.

There was some talk about microscopic art, and in some scene I was drawing something under an electron microscope. It might have been the face of Goofy or something.

Some woman said she loved microscopic art because it allowed her to doodle over all the surfaces in her workplace without customers noticing or suspecting anything.
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Old 08-09-2020, 01:29 AM   #135
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Recalled another one from last night!

Years ago, Marilyn Manson had accidentally sat on his newborn baby in a bath tub and suffocated it to death. Manson had been badly traumatized by this terrible event which had been swept under the carpet and kept such a tight lidded secret that very few people even knew he'd ever had a baby.

Then in present day, John 5 was cross with Mr. Manson for some reason, and he enacted a performance art piece, where he sat on a baby doll in a bath tub in a room with red drapes, reminiscent of the Black Lodge. He also said some things that sounded like he was threatening to reveal Manson's secrets.

Mr. Manson saw John 5's performance on television, and he was furious about it. He was also worried, because John 5 wasn't supposed to know anything about the accident.

Interesting to note the correlation between this dream and the other one from yesterday, where I accidentally suffocated the old doctor:

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My wife and I were watching a group of ducks who lived inside two small cairns in the middle of the road outside our apartment. Watching them go in and out of those pile of rocks and eat insects or something. Then at some point I also noticed that there were people inside those cairns, and they were staring back at us. Then a man and a woman emerged from inside the cairns, turned out they were our neighbors. They were really insistent that we stop watching the cairns, as an excuse they said the time was 6.30, time to leave for work.

I thought it was Sunday and there was no work, but we didn’t wish to contradict them, so we just agreed to leave the duckwatching for now.

The man walked off somewhere and was gone, but the woman insisted that she get to walk us to our apartment, so we went with her.

Inside our building, we found that one flight of stairs in the stairwell had been cut out and removed. Luckily, I remembered that I had a while back left an extra flight of stairs and a turtle in one of the saunas of the grand old hotel we were suddenly living in. So, I left my wife to wait with the creepy woman while I went searching for them.

The hotel was really humongous. The building had many wings, and there were malls, cinemas, restaurants, all sorts of places within. Parts here and there were also abandoned and dilapidated.

And there was a crazy, supernatural clown around, too, who every now and then started running after me, and pushing me around, laughing at me and screaming “You’re afraid of clowns, are you?”

I had to keep running from him.

For some reason he couldn’t pass some doorways in the hotel, so when I’d pass one of those, I’d turn and flip him the double birds, and I’d say, “I ain’t afraid of no clowns, you fool.”

That always got him really angry and swearing.

At some point I ran into David Hasselhoff, who was really drunk and he recognized me and talked to me like we were old friends. He told me he had just returned from a long boat trip into the desolation of arctic, where the only life forms for miles upon miles, besides him and his dog named Laku, had been whales and kelp.

He was really depressed and nearly crying, and he asked me to join him for a few drinks.

I told him I was sorry, that I really needed to find a turtle first, but that if I’d run into him again that night, after I’d have found the turtle, then I’d certainly join him. That cheered him up a bit and we parted ways.

At some point I had visited three saunas in different parts of the hotel, and none of them had been the right one. I ripped a floorplan off some wall and took it with me and headed for another sauna that was in one of the abandoned zones.

The dream morphed, so that I was now together with my wife trying to find some medicinal plant for a friend of ours who was dying. We had a really powerful flashlight with us because the abandoned are had no electricity. But the batteries started dying and we were becoming stranded in heavy darkness, strange ghostly sounds started going on about us and it was really stressful. But then we found our way into a lit and maintained area, which turned out to be the secret hideaway of an old Nazi doctor.

We knew this doctor, he had a clinic in the hotel, and we had always suspected he was a Nazi war criminal, and now we knew that it was indeed so. The hideaway had lots of computers and tons of different medicinal plants.
The doctor was sitting in front of the computers, where I grabbed him and stuffed him into a little cigarette box shaped cellophane pocket.

As my wife and I were ransacking the plants, I asked the doctor in my hand if he would just make this easier and tell us straight if he had the plant we needed and where it was. But he didn’t answer, so I just assumed he wanted the hard way.

Then after a while I got to thinking, and said to my wife, “I hope he isn’t dead. I hope he didn’t have a heart attack, the old man.”

Then I looked at him, and, “Oh, shit,” I said.

I had accidentally had my thumb pressed against his face and he had suffocated.

I put him down on a shelf, and turned to ask my wife, what we should do, I was afraid the cops would find out I killed him, but when I turned, I found my wife was no longer there.

A television was on in the room, and my wife was being interviewed in some talk show. She looked really ravishing in the show, wearing a classy black velvet dress and lots of jewelry, she had great lustrous hair and very nice makeup. She looked very fancy and rich.

She was telling the interviewer some sob story about how we had always loved the doctor who was like a father to us, and how she’d been lucky to have shared his final moments, as he’d had a heart attack, she had held his hand and eased his fears as he passed into the eternal night, complete with fake tears rolling down her cheeks.
I though,

Great performance, honey. Nice save.
Quoted the dream from the other thread for convenience.
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Old 08-10-2020, 07:57 PM   #136
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Last nights fragments,

I was in a hardware store with my wife. I considered buying a new charcoal grill, but ended up deciding it was unnecessary and just buying a bag of charcoal instead.

In another dream my wife and I were secretly following my grandfather for some reason I've forgotten, and we slipped into his home (the house where one of my uncles now lives in the waking) without him noticing. Then at some point for yet another forgotten reason we revealed ourselves to him.
He asked us, "Who are you people? Are you my death?" (He has actually been dead in the waking for a long time already, before since I even met my wife.)
I chuckled and said, "No, we are actually sort of the opposite. I'm your grandson."
"That's not very likely," he said. "There aren't many grandchildren in this family." (A big lie, he actually had a ridiculous amount of grandkids.)
I explained to him who I was and told him some things about myself, what had happened in the meanwhile that we hadn't seen each other. I don't know if he eventually believed me or not.
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Old 08-10-2020, 09:35 PM   #137
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Recalled disjointed fragments from one more dream.

I was driving around with the crazy cat in the car.

I remember some dark grasslands.

I remember the crazy cat wanting to leave some place we had stopped at. Jumping back into the car and meowing.

There was a talking squirrel somewhere we stopped.

The talking squirrel bit the crazy cat's tail.

The crazy cat kept killing mice and I tried to make him stop.

The talking squirrel wanted to kill the crazy cat.

I tried to keep everyone from killing anyone.

I remember the crazy cat holding one eye closed.

I remember feeling very frustrated.
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Old 08-12-2020, 05:42 AM   #138
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Last night,
There was a thick fog and a guy lost on a grassy plain. The guy thought he was walking in a straight line to get out of the plain, but when the fog cleared momentarily, he realized that he’d been walking in a circle instead. The plain was in a circular valley surrounded with steep rock walls, and a river ran through it.
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Old 08-12-2020, 07:50 PM   #139
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Last night,

There was a small city state in ancient times, where some sort of important powder was produced. A great army was sent to conquer this city state because of the powder but was repelled.

The king of a neighboring state sent a letter to the small city's war-chief, commending his strategic brilliance in crushing the far superior numbers of the invading army. He mentioned in the letter how many of that army's ranking officers were already fleeing into far away lands in fear of retribution.

Many similar letters from frightful rulers from nearby were sent to the war-chief. The small city started sending some sort of political envoys out into the world.

Then flash forward to 1970's. Some sort of investigative agency chief closed an investigation concerning that war's legality. He and some other agent chuckled at the frivolity of the case, and the chief made a comment how such a joke of a case would never have been opened in the first place if it wasn't proposed by President Reagan.

Files of the case were tossed into a black folder, where a case number and the year when the alleged crime took place was marked on the cover. When it came to the year, the chief chuckled again and said,

"I'll just mark it 'one million years ago', who cares if it's give or take a few years."

A third agent in the room was aghast and said, "Sir, that's about five hundred thousand years off!"

In another dream,

I went to my wife's workplace to work beside her. I wasn't getting paid, I went there just for fun. Her boss pondered whether he should just accept this, or if he should pay me out of courtesy regardless.
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Old 08-13-2020, 09:16 PM   #140
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Last night,

I was staying in a hotel in China. There were rats and lizards in my room. I liked them, and we were all having good time together, until a huge white tiger stormed in and killed all the rats, left the lizards alone, and headed to kill me next. I fought it off, holding some objects between us, and I ceremonially shouted at it something I can't quite recall, but it was in the vein of,

"Oh, silvery mother, great lover of your offspring, go with my respect!"

That made the tiger reluctantly leave. Right after, I rushed out of the hotel and went into a cinema, where I watched a new Chinese movie. It was some artsy dance movie or something, and there was a woman in it, who said something like,

"Since ancient times they have always called me the silvery mother, the great lover of my offspring."

And I was like, oh, shit, she's the tiger from my room!

Then after the movie ended I went to the hotel lobby and complained to them about a tiger in my room. They told me I should take my complaint to the fire department next door instead, they deal with tiger problems. And so I did, I crossed the street and told the female receptionist there that there was a tiger in my room, whom I suspected of also being a popular actress. I think I said my room number was 46. A bunch of overtly eager firemen rushed immediately into action.

When I returned to my room, I found that it had burned into a blackened mess, and the firemen had just finished putting out the flames. I asked them if they had seen any lizards while they'd been fighting the fires. They just shrugged and said they were sorry. I feared the lizards were dead now, too, and I was heart broken.

I woke up and told my wife about the tiger dream. We went about our morning business, and then U, a co-worker of my wife, appeared outside the door, playing with the crazy cat.

I was like, "What's she doing there?"

My wife was like, "She couldn't wait until work, again. I wish she had something else to do with her mornings."

Then U came inside and made comments about a lot of stuff.

In another dream I was walking about in a dilapidated, haunted mansion. There were a couple of paranormal investigators there, inspecting the haunting. Whoever owned the place had freshly installed a coffee vending machine in one of the rooms, I commented about it to the investigators. And they were like,

"Oh, dear God! I hope it doesn't mean the owner is going to turn this place into a tourist trap! That would be dangerous!"

I was like, "Not to mention crazy. How could you get tourists to choose a dump like this? I think it's bound to be a losing venture."
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Old 08-14-2020, 08:38 PM   #141
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Last night,

I was eating macaroni casserole and using ketchup sparsely because the bottle was nearly empty.

It tasted bad. Wife thought so too.
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Old 08-15-2020, 09:38 AM   #142
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Remember one more from last night.

My wife got a package in the mail. I opened it and found four lipsticks inside. Assuming them all the same color, I thought it would be ok if I ate one of them. So I did. Ate the whole lipstick. It tasted okay.
Only then I noticed that they each were actually different shades. Two different purples and two different reds. The one I ate was red.
Then I felt really guilty about having eaten the unique lipstick.

Peculiar how both dreams last night were about eating. As far as I know, I wasn't hungry when I went to sleep, nor did I feel at all hungry in the morning, either.
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Old 08-15-2020, 11:15 PM   #143
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Last night,

I was attending a family gathering as an outsider. I don't know why I was there. One old guy was dying, he lied on the floor and begged for attention. I held his hand and comforted him as he was passing. He lamented to me that he'd been an asshole his whole life and now his whole family hated him and he was alone. He said he had even managed to piss off the nurse who was supposed to give him palliative care.

Then a bunch of black gangbangers crashed the event. They were acting very threateningly and rudely and speaking in some very odd sounding language among themselves. One of them was wearing the sort of cool plastic horns that are (Or only were a year ago?) a little bit en vogue. I complimented him on those. He thanked me for the compliment. He was also wearing contact lenses that made his irises appear white.

Anyway, turned out the gangbangers were there because they had bought the debts of one young guy who was a member of this family, so he was now supposed to be like their slave, and they were there to thug him around.

Then I was no longer myself, but some very commanding member of this family. I told the gangbangers that "This is not the right time to settle this matter. You guys get out of here, and while your at it, take out the trash with you."

I handed them a bunch of trash cans and told them they must bring the cans back. They got all meek and polite and went out with the trashcans.

After a few minutes I started suspecting that they might have skedaddled and not done as I told them, though it surprised me that they had the balls to disobey me. Just when I started putting on my shoes to go outside and see, they came back and all amicably handed me back the emptied cans. I told them they did good and are dismissed. Then my family applauded me, but some raised concerns that they could have poisoned the trash cans while they'd been unsupervised with them.

I said they wouldn't dare to do anything like that, using the trash cans was safe. The young guy was stressed about his situation, I told him I'd come with him when he next went to talk to those guys about it, that I'd help him out.

In another dream, there was some rich woman living in Hollywood. It was shown that she hated her life, and when she got up in the morning, and got dressed, did her hair and makeup, etc, at the same time another version of her was just coiling rope around her body.

She was dating Sasha Mann, the famous actor character from The Affair tv-series. She set some sort of trap for Sasha where he accidentally commented something politically incorrect to a reporter. Sasha got so mad about it that he picked up a brick and smashed her shotgun to pieces. The shotgun just happened to lie about somewhere near them.

Then the woman tried to goad Sasha into physically attacking in her somewhere public with witnesses.
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Old 08-16-2020, 09:28 PM   #144
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Very little left from last night,

I posted on some Hollywood forum. My username may have been goth-something.
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Old 08-18-2020, 11:30 AM   #145
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Last night’s fragments,

Spent a couple days in Australia with the wife. It was nice. Saw a kangaroo. Covid restrictions got lifted the second day we were there. There was a public speech by some female politician. People were really festive about it, so everybody did what they’d been dying to do this whole time, they swarmed into a library to finally read books there…

I remember walking in the library and many of them stared at me. A library worker handed me a pamphlet about some really lame looking theater play.

Boarded a plane, spent a couple more days in India, don’t remember anything of that.

Then we moved permanently to a dark, seedy, cyberpunk place which I think was also Australia, but a different one.

Bought some stuff at an alleyway marketplace. It was sold in a black box, don’t recall what it was. Paid in cash and got a huge stack of small change. The seller was sort of laughing at me the whole time.

Also accidentally stole some stuff from another seller, just forgot I was holding it when I walked away from the stall. Considered going back to return it, but decided it would’ve been too much hassle.
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Old 08-18-2020, 07:36 PM   #146
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Last night,

We had a new member on this site, some teen girl, she had an avatar picture where she looked Latino. She had started a thread,

Gothic My Little Pony

The point of the thread was to draw and post gothic MLPs. She linked to a site that had templates for ponies and clothing designs.

Someone else had also posted on the thread, and the two persons had a short discussion, but I cannot recall what was said or who that other person was.

I was going to post my pony, I started drawing it. He was a somber midnight blue in color with spiky, darker blue hair that fell over his eye and black diamonds on his backside, for his clothing I had a black leather jacket with studs and probably something else. Somehow the pony managed to look a bit like Billy Idol.

In another dream, there was a serious, infectious lung decease going around. It wasn't Covid. There was a special ward for it in the hospital, where temperature was kept very high. Patients were plenty. Mortality rate was very high.

My father had the sickness and was in the ward. I had just caught it as well, my lungs had started hurting and breathing was becoming difficult.
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Old 08-18-2020, 11:47 PM   #147
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Slept some more and had a dream where I was walking around in an abandoned and haunted mansion. I was getting some item from there. Found it in some dark closet. Don't remember what it was.

There was a white ferret sleeping on a shelf on a hallway. When I walked past, it stirred and stared annoyedly at me.

When I was back at the vestibule, about to leave the house, I noticed that I didn't have the thing with me. I was a bit confused. Had I left it at the closet? Had I dropped it on the way? Or had it possibly been stolen by the ghosts and maybe hidden away?

I wondered whether there would be point in going back to look for it again, or if I should just leave. I feared that if I went back, I might get House of Leafed and never find my way back again. I also didn't really wish to bother the angry ferret again.

There was also some stuff about haunted paintings in this, but I can't really recall at all. I think such things were in the dark closet with the item.
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Old 08-19-2020, 11:07 AM   #148
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I slept even more after reporting that last dream. It's a bit of stretch to say it was still "night" at that point, but, what the hell...

There was a small town, with a very artificial feel to it. It was like a movie set. It was Halloween night and there were two slasher killers on the loose. They were dressed in dark fishermen's raincoats and hats. Sort of like the killer in the Know What You Did Last Summer movies.

They were running around the town, slaying the typical slasher victim "teens" (played by 30-something actors).

A loudspeaker system was periodically broadcasting horror stories into the air, and whenever they did, the two murderers bugged out. They started running in circles very indecisively.

The broadcasted horror stories each had something to do with the bloody history of the town.

I was one of the victim teen girls. In the part that I remember best, one of the killers was chasing after my bff, and completely ignoring me. So, I started smashing stuff onto the killers head, until I managed to momentarily fell him. I grabbed his large knife and started stabbing him in the face. His hat came off and revealed that inside the outfit he was just a decaying corpse. I had now caught his attention and he started running after me once he got up. I was saved by one of those broadcasts that got him confused.

In the end of the dream, I was trying to figure out some logic to the way those broadcasts scrambled the killers' brains. I had a theory that whenever a name was mentioned in the horror stories, the killers started targeting a different person.
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Old 08-19-2020, 10:42 PM   #149
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Last night,

The wife and I were watching some sort of stage performance in a restaurant. One of the performers, a man looking a bit like Freddie Mercury, wore a big golden star of David pendant.
After the show, that guy came to talk to me, and he revealed to me that he was an agent of the Mossad, and that I had passed a test to find new recruits because I had noticed the star of David.
I was a bit incredulous that nobody else had supposedly noticed it, but he just ignored that. He offered me a job and I took it.

I was to infiltrate a secret Nazi organization and find some way to take it down from the inside.

I joined the "secret organization", which was really as easy as just signing up. I found out that their leader was Adolf Eichmann who had a device with which he could swap bodies. He had escaped his execution way back by swapping bodies with some woman. And now she was a really elegant 90-something goth lady.

Right now was time to body swap again. I got to be a part of a ceremony where all the Nazis dressed in robes and drew pentagrams on the floor and burned candles on top of deer skulls, and shit like that. Then Adolf Eichmann swapped bodies with some young, muscular blond guy who was proud to give himself to the great leader.

The young guy, now the old woman, had a heart attack and died immediately after the body swap. Eichmann was ecstatic about his new vigorous body, and he made some speech about how the youth would bring forth the fourth reich.

Sometime afterward, I managed to find out that Eichmann's right hand man had murdered some woman and that the police were already closing in on him. I made him an ultimatum, that we could swap bodies and he could escape in my body without telling anybody, or I would call the police and have him arrested immediately.

He agreed and we used the device without any ceremony, and voila, as far as anybody knew, I was now Eichmann's right hand man.
First thing I checked the files on his phone for any secrets, and instead found it chock full of porn. I thought,

"Typical Nazi has porn instead of secrets."

In another dream, the crazy cat had bugs crawling all over him. There were tons of different kinds, I was really worried that some of them might be bedbugs. I asked my wife if she could identify some of them, and she told me we weren't allowed to talk about these bugs.

EDIT: Just scrolled up, and realized this was the second dream about old Nazi war criminals within a short time. Peculiar. I can think of no reason for this.
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Old 08-20-2020, 08:17 PM   #150
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Last night,

A Robocop was newly deployed to patrol the streets. He looked a lot like the Robocop in the old movies, but he didn't move at all heavily and clunkily like that one. Instead, he moved very swiftly and nimbly.

He had a list in his head of people who had been "sentenced to death as public enemies". And whenever Robocop saw even a glimpse of such a persons face, he immediately shot them in the head and said "Name, you have been executed."

He also searched for new crimes in progress. He stopped when he saw a couple arguing, and advised them "not to escalate this." They became frightened and ceased their fight.

Then he found a fistfight in progress in a small store. He told the guys several times to stop fighting, and to stop escalating, but they didn't listen and instead armed them selves from the shelves with something like baseball bats. Then Robocop took out his gun, shot the floor in such an angle that the bullet started sliding along the floor and went through the bottom of one guy's shoe. Then they did listen, and Robocop took them down to the precinct where he was commended on his prowess by the police chief.

In another dream, there was some really weird thing with writings on the outside of a bucket. Somehow parts of the text were to be highlighted and recolored according to their groups or something weird. I don't really remember or understand anything of this, so no sense could be made of it.
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