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Politics "Under democracy, one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule -and both commonly succeed, and are right." -H.L. Menken

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Old 04-09-2014, 02:20 AM   #1
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CancelColbert This isn't reform, it's revolution.

Park is saying some strong things here. She rejects white power absolutely and while many consider her to be a radical cartoon, her message does beg a lot of questions. She condemns not just conservative whites, but liberal whites as well for their racism.

And it got me thinking.

We have NEVER seen Black America have the power to reject white America. We have never seen a full movement of Black Americans tell white America that "No, you do NOT have the right to have access to our agency!"

And I'm thinking that maybe that would be the end of white supremacy in America. When minority groups can tell the white power structure (no matter how well meaning and no matter how benevolent) that NO, you CAN NOT.

So I'm also wondering what this would look like. Sure, I imagine that a bunch of racist white people are gonna die and perhaps even the liberal white might perceive Black liberation and sovereignty as a weird kind of exile from the world that they know and are felt that an injustice has been done by no longer having the freedom to penetrate into minority life at will.

And now I'm asking other questions, particularly in regards to white liberals. Why is it the minority's obligation to be friends with whites? Doesn't Black America have a legitimate historical reason to reject even the most friendly of liberal whites? What's worth keeping in our current white power structure that minorities should be beholden to? Is it not silly to think that we'd lose the rule of law if minorities the whole country over just got together and told white that they just aint gonna play by the white man's rules anymore? Imagine America in which women's rights weren't dependent on some enlightened white man to show political mercy but to actually exert real and meaningful and potent policy on their own lines. YES. Like a federation of women! I don't think it's too much to ask that minorities and women have the kind of power that white men have had. That means making decisions based on their own interests. I make this claim because the white man doesn't have to answer to anyone and any political reform for better treatment of the oppressed is starting to strike me as an afterthought. That even liberal white men can without permission go on behalf of Black America and decide the fate of Black America without even asking if they are even allowed to.

And I can imagine the potential alienation that the well meaning white man might feel, whinning that they no longer have free access to anyone and anybody, but then they never cared to be one with these people to begin with. Where they no longer can use Trayvon as moral ammunition to condemn stupid white conservatives about the evils of white supremacy and instinctively know that if the Reckoning ever came for American history that it may mean that white lives may be spent for that reckoning and for that taking.

So I'm now wondering why it's the minority's job to reform within the house of white supremacy when they should have the option of leaving that house outright and building a house all their own and letting white America sort out their own messy house.

For the dull minded, I'm not talking about segregation, but of Minority America having real power to tell white America that it can't do something and that it doesn't need its blessing to determine minorities future as a people.
"Women hold up half the sky" -Mao

"God always picks the strangest things to get angry about. Get an abortion or gay married and he'll aim a tornado right at you.

Rip off a million poor people and Wall street has no problems. " -Rebecca B
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Old 04-17-2015, 02:51 AM   #2
Grumpy old fart '83
Join Date: Apr 2015
Posts: 14
I have a few questions to ask.

What would stop people of a like mind from carrying out such an action?

What would happen if such a movement succeeded/failed?

What would be the structure of such a state?

Who would make the decisions?
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Old 12-30-2022, 11:39 AM   #3
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I hear you for sure.

Firman Generators
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Old 01-12-2023, 07:35 AM   #4
Join Date: Dec 2022
Posts: 75
I imagine that many white supremacists will perish, and even some liberal whites may view Black liberation and sovereignty as a strange sort of exile from the world they are familiar with. They may also feel that an injustice has been committed because they are no longer free to ingratiate themselves into minority culture at will. roadside assistance web designer reno
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