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Old 06-23-2020, 08:51 PM   #101
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Last night,

Someone had hijacked the "Battle of the Photoshop Skills" thread by posting tons of unrelated pictures, most of them as ugly as the "crowd" picture.
Several other users took that to be the purpose of the thread, and posted their own lol pictures as well. There were hundreds of them, everything from family photos to dick picks and comic strips, but nothing good. A lot of them were in some virtual album format with turning 3d pages and stuff. One user had posted a picture and photoshopped several items into it, posting each step separately, sort of almost using the thread correctly.
One of the users involved in all this shitposting was HumanePain.

One user told me my photoshopping was terrible, turning the picture black and white and zooming in on the gun-girl, they revealed how the difference in quality made it pop out.
I was on the fence with whether I should fix it, I sort of wanted to, but also kinda didn't care, and at least wouldn't want to have done it before someone else had added something new, which didn't seem likely to happen as the thread had been derailed.
Regardless, I started to work on it, and it was now a picture of a really elegant goth lady walking an empty city street at night. I used some tool to add a foamy effect that I thought would fix all problems.

Suddenly, I was actually standing on the street myself, it was very cold, my breath was clouding, and then the foam bubbles from the effect started appearing in the sky.
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Old 06-24-2020, 08:09 PM   #102
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Last night,

I accidentally stepped on a spider in the bathroom and it died. Then I told someone that it had been a game and the spider loved it so much it died of happiness.

In another dream we had a bunch of the most disgusting guests in our apartment, they were covered in vomit and shit and who knows what, and they were rolling around our furniture.

Yet another dream, had my characters S & J walking hand in hand on a brick-road through a sand-field in pouring rain. They talked and S was being playful.
Then it was so that that had been a story I'd written, and MR, a publisher I've sent stuff to, had read it even though I had not sent it. I got an email from them sayin they were considering it for the next round. Then I was talking with them face to face, I think on that brick road no less, and they asked whether S was the same character as some other character in a made up story that I had previously sent them.
I answered that the character was not the same.
They seemed disappointed and said they were very similar characters.
This made me worried that maybe all my characters are too similar.
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Old 06-25-2020, 06:53 PM   #103
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Last night,

I was posting short stories written by other Gothic Net users on my blog, and they were sending me revisions, or something like that. It was a sort of writer's circle kind of thing.
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Old 06-26-2020, 11:48 PM   #104
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Last night,

I was a video game character in a beat-em-up game. My girlfriend had been kidnapped by "bad guys", and I was on a quest to rescue her. I just walked around beating endless waves of punky enemies, kicking and hitting them to death, through different stages. My special move was to grow two extra pairs of arms and then beat the enemy with six bananas.
Stages included a dark forest, an idyllic mountain town and a sunny beach with palm trees.
When I found my girlfriend, she had been too badly beaten and she was dying. With her last breath she told me she was a priestess of Cthulhu (Why did I not know this about my girlfriend?) and that the bad guys had taken over her temple.
So I entered the Final Stage: Temple of Cthulhu.
It was a vast temple with marble pillars and marble statues of twisted Lovecraftian creatures, and a deep large pool that ran the whole length of the temple. I could throw the enemies into the pool and they would drown. It was fun.
Then I found Cthulhu himself at the end of the temple, and he was wide awake.
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Old 06-28-2020, 02:59 AM   #105
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Last night,

I had a rabid fire succession of short dreams. Recall a fraction of them. Here’s all I do:

In one, my wife did a cool gothic makeup and she won some summer makeup competition for it. There was also a summer plague doctor mask competition, but there was something weird about that. Videos were posted online.

In another, My wife and I were scavenging in the ruins of civilization, and looking for these strange hidden clock faces. I found one clock face inside a burnt subway car. My wife wanted to start cleaning up some random trashed places.

In another one, perhaps prequel to the one above, a female scientist-terrorist in some international conference made some damning declaration and injected a virus into her nose, which then spread through the air and made all women feel like they were trapped within their bodies to the point of suicide. And so civilization fell to ruin.

In one dream, I was on a summer walk and I stopped to talk with a bunch of young gothic Wiccan girls. I showed them some strange symbol—reminiscent of the clock faces in the other dream—and asked them to interpret it. We had some conversation about alternate realities situated below, above, between each other… something in that vein. Then I told them it was hubris to imagine you know anything.
They got offended about that and no longer wished to talk with me.
They also had a small dog who almost drowned in a fishbowl full of orange juice and I had to rescue it.
Later I saw them hanging with my niece and talking smack about me to her. My niece noticed me and she tried to spare my feelings by pretending they were talking about a character in television.

In one dream I saw a bunch of nerds have a big summer outdoor LAN-party.

In one dream I was feeding an old cat with bad teeth. The cat liked chocolate and ham, refused something else I offered.

In another one, my wife and I were researching some group sex magick ritual from books and the internet. It involved the four major compass points and was very Wiccan in nature.
We ended up doing things. She was wearing a corset.

Also I remember seeing some black guy with a scarred face.

Also remember watching an episode of The Affair.

Also had a hypnopompic vision of a small, clear plastic box with some label on top floating in the air near me. I squeezed my fist around it for fun, expected it to pop out of existence the moment I touched it, but to my surprise, the part that I squeezed instead burst into small particles that fell away, and the remaining part just faded out slowly. It was a pretty cool, new kind of reaction from a hypnopomp.
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Old 06-29-2020, 01:11 AM   #106
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Last night,

I played a new Fallout 2 mod. The main plot was about a guy named Barry gathering an army to conquer the wasteland. The players job was to stop Barry.
Along the way I visited a scientist family living in an underground bunker, and some town where I challenged some guy to a duel.
Then I got into Barry’s camp where he had hundreds of followers. I snaked my way into his good graces, then got onto a bus with him and only a couple of his men, there I slit his throat and then jumped off the moving bus. Victory achieved.
Instead of just simple ending slides, like these games usually have, this had actual videos.

In another dream a punk dude with a very nice, tall, red mohawk (or should I say mohug?) was hanging at my wife’s workplace. The boss “T” asked him to leave, the punk replied,
“I heard there would be carpets to spank here tomorrow. Just hand me a carpetbeater and I’ll spank them for you for free. I’ll also spank anything else you’ll give me. I’ll even spank your kids.”
T looked disgusted.
“Oh, sorry, bad joke, I guess. Just let me spank something.”
T was tempted by the promise of free labor.
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Old 06-29-2020, 11:46 PM   #107
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Last night,

I murdered David Ivy, stabbed him with a knife on a parking lot. Then I cut chunks of meat out of his stomach and thighs.
My wife and I cooked and ate some of the meat. Some of it I took to a supermarket and stashed them on a meat shelf. Then I noticed I also accidentally had his feet with me, those were a little uncomfortable to lug around, because, well, everybody could see they were human feet. I hastily stashed them on some other shelf, between salad servers, hoping someone would mistake them for salad…
There was a shelf stacker nearby and I think he saw what I did. I chatted with him, pretending to be calm, and I thought it seemed like he was doing the same. Then, as I was leaving, I saw him go through some "staff only" door. I thought he might be going to report me to his boss and then they would call the cops. I hoped there were no security cameras in the store.

At some point I saw other people murder and meat some other person on the same parking lot where I killed Ivy, and overheard them talking about how cannibalism was trendy now.

Then I went home and played a SPF1000 computer game. It was an old, unreleased and unfinished first person game. Graphics were on the level of the original Doom. In it, you played David Ivy who was a vampire trapped inside some graveyard labyrinth and you had to suck people’s blood to survive.

In another dream, I was wandering through a land of ice and snow. The place had an apocalyptic feel to it. I dug through a mound of snow, and underneath it I found statues of ancient Egyptian deities, and I figured I must actually be in Egypt.
Next I found a building atop an ice cliff, which I figured was a temple. As I was about to go inside to explore, the god Seth appeared beside the cliff, facing the temple entrance. He was a gigantic, onyx-black skinned humanoid with an undetermined animal head. Without those snazzy giraffe antlers, though.
I hid behind some block of ice, but then some electronic device I had with me went on, it was some sort of little fob with a strobing light on it, and that light caught Seth’s attention. Seth started approaching me, I panicked and jumped off the cliff onto some jagged ice rocks and died. Seth looked down at my broken corpse confused, then he picked up the tiny fob between his massive fingers.

One dream had a demoniac woman who kept screaming a lot.

In one dream I met Shadowynne in person. In a bar. He was really mean and blamed me for ruining Gothic Net with my vapid posting.
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Old 07-01-2020, 07:39 PM   #108
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Last night almost got completely wiped out of memory, here are the fleeting fragments,

I was shown two old maps showcasing forgotten great empires. One was the Empire of Australia, which encompassed a big chunk of both Europe and Asia, the other empire was in Europe, but I don't remember what it was.

I also recall standing on the balcony of my sister's old apartment, where a million years ago my wife and I spent our first night together.
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Old 07-03-2020, 04:37 AM   #109
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Last night,

I was detective David Hume from Total Recall 2070.
I visited a prison labor asteroid, where a very dear friend of mine, a bald black guy with spectacles, was a respected inmate, he was a workforce chief for the other prisoners. The reason for my visit was that I had received news that he had died.
When I arrived at the dig site, I immediately spotted my friend, he waved at me and I went to him.
I heard you’d died,” I told him. “I’m so relieved it’s not true.
He chuckled and said that the news of his demise were greatly exaggerated, nothing would ever kill him. He then hastily suggested we move over to the cell to speak in private.
The cell was large and drab, like a military dorm. I tried to pat my friend on the shoulder or something of the like, but he dodged me and gave me some bullshit excuse why I shouldn’t touch him. He suggested we take a couple of pickaxes from a table and dig instead.
I was like, Ok, what are we going to dig?
He said right here is fine.
And then we took a few swings at the concrete floor of the cell.
He got a torn and faded old porn magazine out from under the floor and said that’s enough digging.
We sat down on one of the bunk beds, and he handed me the porn magazine and said I should take it as a gift from him. He saw me hesitate and was apparently hurt.
You don’t have to take it, if you don’t like it,” he said.
No. It’s great, I want it,” I said to spare his feelings any more pain. In truth I didn't really know what I was gonna do with a crappy old porn mag.
Then he told me he was actually quite busy today and I should leave immediately.
I was like, “Okay, well, it was nice seeing you after a long time.
But just as I was about to leave, the other inmates filed in. One of them greeted me and asked me how I felt about the death of “our local hero”.
Instead of answering, I turned toward my friend who was still sitting on the bed. He smiled sadly at me.
I went to him and tried to touch him, but my hand just went through him.
I didn’t want you to know,” he said. I burst into tears and I raised a glass of whiskey to him.

In another dream, I saw on the news that there had been a shootout in the White House. Somebody had tried to kill Donald Trump, but he had missed and been gunned down by security forces.
Trump was interviewed, and he said the shooters had been kids dressed as bunnies, and that members of the KKK had saved his life.
Then a White House security chief was interviewed, and he said he didn’t know what Trump was talking about, that the shooter had been a lone, Lee Harvey Oswald type, and that there was no involvement from the KKK whatsoever.
Then it went back to Trump, he said he’d organized a ballroom dance in the White House and all important members of the KKK were invited.
Archive footage was shown of robed KKK members standing proudly on the stairs of the ballroom of the Titanic.
That news was followed by a spot advertising Trump’s plan to put all the inmates of US prison system into use by making them guard safety on the streets. They would be armed with assault rifles and wear metal armors painted with the US flag. Somebody commented whether it really sounded like a good idea to let all the murderers and rapists out and build them into an unstoppable army.

The there was a dream where a hacker somehow managed to lock me out of all my computers and even my cellphone. All these devices gave me an address where I should go to discuss the terms of recovering them. So I went to the apartment. There I met the skinny nerd hacker and his equally small friend.
The hacker asked me what kind of work I could do for him in exchange for him returning me access to my devices. I pondered it for a moment and said, "All I can think is translation work. Do you need something translated?"
"Hmm," the villainous hacker pondered. "All I can think of are my manga comics, but they're already in English so they don't need to be translated."
Then I asked if he could at least unlock my phone so that I could message my wife about what was going on. He said he would unlock it as soon as I came up with the work I wanted to do for him.
Then all three of us went row-boating on a lake. There I kept pondering what I could do, and coming up empty.
Then the hacker spat in my face. I got enraged, I pushed him onto the floor of the boat, grabbed his lapels and brandished my fist at his face. I told him I'd been humoring him so far because the way he contacted me was interesting, but if he ever spat at me again, I'd beat the shit out of him and I'd piss on him.
His friend just quivered in fear.
The hacker promised not to do it again.
All was fine and I resumed pondering about the work.
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Old 07-03-2020, 10:44 PM   #110
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Last night,

there was an unfinished birdhouse, just a thick, front panel with no hole in it. It was painted red. A woodpecker wanted to already make a home in it, and kept pecking at it. I moved it because I wanted to finish it, but the woodpecker just got annoyed about that, so I relented and let the bird have the unfinished house, worried that it was unlivable.

Also saw a hypnopompic vision of a whole bunch of houseplants floating in the air. They had very lush green leaves, like they were potted jungle plants. There were maybe five of them floating all around me.
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Old 07-04-2020, 09:32 PM   #111
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Last night,

There was something about video format conversion.

And there was a goth guy in a Jersey Shore type disgusting reality television show.

My wife and I lived in a rich people's house with a pool and everything. My brother-in-law visited us, mainly to check his email. He had mail from his daughter, who doesn't exist in the real world.
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Old 07-05-2020, 08:26 PM   #112
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Last night,

It was near Juletide, my wife and I were walking in a winter-forest of many hills.
There were statues of the three wise men, the version where they are three kings, hung from a tree. There was something specific we were supposed to do with them, so we approached them, but then we were interrupted by some other people, disgusting Christmas revelers, arriving on the scene.
So, sickened, saddened, maddened, we made to leave the forest, complaining to each other about how we couldn't get anything done with horrible people bothering us everywhere.
When we got out of the forest, there was a fashionable woman lounging on a bench at a sidewalk, and my wife got into a weird psychic battle with her. We escaped into a nearby gas station.
There my wife told me to get out of the way so she could concentrate on bombarding the enemy.
They were selling RPG books in the gas station, I went to look at the shelf.
Soon the clerk, a fat heavy-metal nerd, hovered over.
"You thinking about buying a sweet new module?" he asked.
"No," I replied. "I'm not a player, yet. I've just been thinking about getting into it. (Apparently in the dreamworld I had been thinking that.) Is there anything you'd recommend?"
"This, of course," he said, pulling out a book with an old bi-plane flying over a rocky island in darkness. "Escape the Shadows."
I quickly flipped through the book. It was like a World War I type wargame with ghosts and werewolves and stuff.
"So, you like this yourself, huh?"
"Sure, do, it's the best RPG ever made."
"And this is the basic rules?"
"I'll think about it."

There was also a funny episode of the X-Files, but I don't remember anything specific about it.
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Old 07-07-2020, 04:08 AM   #113
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Last night,

The dream began with me as my usual self. I was killing time in some unfamiliar city, while waiting for my wife from somewhere. I visited the grounds of a church high atop a long set of stairs.
I would have liked to go inside the church, there was a museum inside it, but it was just about closing time (3pm) and I saw through a window that the priest was already about to leave.

Then the dream shifted, and I was an antsy, rich housewife recently widowed, who was involved in on some shady gangster business and had murdered her husband.
Detective Harry Ambrose from The Sinner TV series was assigned on my husbands murder case, and he seemed to be suspecting me, although he had no evidence.

My best female friend and I were in the closed church. We had kept some corpse hidden there during the business hours, and now we were there to get rid of it. As we were dragging the corpse, the priest, who was supposed to have left already, walked in on us. So, we had to kill the priest. I don’t remember how it was done, but it left a mess.
Then as we were working to clean it up, the church turned into my home, and detective Harry came for a visit.
Fortunately he saw nothing suspicious about us being in the middle of mopping up a roomful of blood, and instead he offered to help us.
During the cleaning Harry found a hefty duffel bag and asked what’s in it.
Nothing,” I told him. “It’s empty.
Empty huh?” Harry said. “Then you won’t mind if I’ll use it to carry some of the blood outside.
No, don’t,” I yelped and stood up, but it was too late. He had already unzipped the duffel bag, and a tonne of illegal firearms poured out of it and scattered all over the floor.
A-ha! What is this?” Harry exclaimed.
I froze, I was about to crack and confess to everything, but my best friend told me, “This is a defining moment in the history of feminism. You stand up to that man, sister!
I raised my hand to him in a stop sign, and I felt time slow down and a bright light wash over me. Then it was shown how feminists all over the world were sensing the vibrations of the momentous event, and many dykey feminists immediately teleported to my location. Together they all told Harry that they would all testify on my behalf that there were no guns, and that they’d always testify on my good character, so he’d have to just drop his investigation if he didn’t want to ruin his reputation.

Then, for a brief interlude, I was myself again and we got some fast food with my wife and we ate it.

Then the dream shifted again and I no longer had a character to play. It was the aftermath of the feminist victory and Harry was back at the precinct and pissed off about it. He had a young detective-start following him around to learn the ropes from him.
Be careful around me right now,” Harry announced to him very ceremoniously. “For today I have learned to be a dick, and it’s not a pretty thing.
Then they had a conversation about some of their favorite Japanese Zen teachers.
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Old 07-07-2020, 09:54 PM   #114
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Last night,

I had a male friend who looked just about like a Victorian goth, with a smart jacket, top hat and long straight hair.
He read out loud a poem he had written. It was a pretty long poem with imagery about whipping winds of autumn, the death of friends, and finally the death of self. Maybe allusions to a circus, too?
He asked what I thought of it.
I said that I didn't fall asleep while he read it, so it was surprisingly good. I said it was pretty weird and I liked that I didn't really understand everything. I said I had no idea he was into poetry.
Then he posted it here on the literature board along with the explanation of the rules on which it worked.

Too bad I don't really remember anything about the poem that I could replicate.
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Old 07-09-2020, 02:00 AM   #115
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I don't remember super-much, but there was a Vietnamese conwoman. I think her name was Kayla, or something close to that. She lived in a boarding house. Her best friend was a fat pawnshop guy.
She was conning money from some Hawaiian surfer dude.
She also dated George W. Bush and John McCain at the same time and blogged about it. One of those guys gave her a bunch of gold coins as a gift.
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Old 07-09-2020, 02:20 AM   #116
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Because she was dating those fossils, I felt I should add to the above that I'd guess her age at around 40, but she was youthful. The Hawaiian surfer was young, like 20, the con for his money did not involve anything romantic.

I hope I won't think of anything else to add.
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Old 07-10-2020, 12:16 AM   #117
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Last night,

There was some sort of old "wishes" thread here on GNet. I had previously posted two separate wishes on it, don't remember what they were. I was about to post my third, which would have been for more users here. It would have been my 200th post, there was a small notification at the bottom of the page, or somewhere, saying I was about to get my signature.
But before I could do it, somebody else posted a very lengthy reply to the thread. Needless to say, I was extremely thrilled!

In another dream, two guys got into a knife fight in a cemetery. In the end, one of them was badly bleeding and dragging his foot, but the other one died. The dead one was a dog owner, and his mostly black dog came to seek revenge, the surviving guy escaped into a building complex with orange painted walls and many long corridors. He hid himself there.
Then I was there, hanging out in the corridors, and I happened to meet the dog. We immediately bonded, I gave him a good petting, and then we slept on the floor, a random cat joined us and we formed a pile.
Then, suddenly sensing his prey, the dog stirred and started running. It was now so that my wife was the one he was seeking. She had stabbed the dog's owner in the back, and was not injured herself.
I called for the dog to stop, using a plethora of different names. He did eventually stop to growl when he'd reached her. I ran over to insert myself between the two, and remarked to her about how this is what happens when you don't name a dog in time.
I petted the dog and explained that my wife was a friend, I hugged her to demonstrate this. Then I told her to pet the dog, and he reluctantly let her as she timidly did so.
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Old 07-10-2020, 12:43 AM   #118
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Yeah, I 'membered one more dream, where the straps of my plague doctor mask had loosened causing it to droop.
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Old 07-13-2020, 05:30 AM   #119
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Last night,
It said on the news that photoshopping ordinary people into angry protesters had become a widespread problem.
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Old 07-15-2020, 01:34 AM   #120
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Last night,

Remember only fragments of it.

There was a guy who's girlfriend got possessed by a demon. A stuck up lady was a government recruiter who collected possessed people for some secret government program. She came to them and slapped some wristband devices on them.
The guy tore his wristband off and strangled the recruiter woman to death. Then he also tore his girlfriends band and they went hiding in a motel. There they saw a television ad by three witches who said they could help possessed people. The guy went to meet the three witches. They were leather clad goth ladies with weird faces and big horns growing out of their heads. The guy hired them.
There was also a scene where somebody got possessed in an airplane.
And then a world map was shown which detailed the level of sunlight in each country at the moment.
And the last scene had an Arab dude walking briskly down a sunny and busy street somewhere in the Middle East.

In a very short dream, my wife picked up my phone and said, "Hey, there's five text messages here."
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Old 07-15-2020, 08:43 PM   #121
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PTSD back to school dream. Ugh. Enough said.
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Old 07-17-2020, 06:10 AM   #122
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Last night,

My wife had to go use a public toilet. The door had no lock in it, so I had to stand guard, leaning my back on the door while a line of people was forming before me. Some really annoying guy tried to pry open the door despite my leaning on it. I told him he should just chill the fuck out for a few seconds, she’d be out right soon, but the guy didn’t listen, so we ended up getting into a fistfight.
When my wife did come out, I told the guy, “See, asshole, you couldn’t wait this long?
In the aftermath of the fight, I noticed that one of my rings had broken in half and I was saddened by that, I thought about gluing it back together, knowing full well it would never really work. It was a big ring that had an octopus-like creature with a diamond on its back.
Also during the fight, I was reminded of some other dream I’d had earlier, and thought the earlier dream foreshadowed this fight. I no longer recall the earlier dream, or whether it was even real or just made up.

In another dream,
On a sunny summer day, my wife and I were milling outside, near railroad tracks, when we were attacked by a swarm of flying insects. The insects were just round and pink globs with no other discernible feature aside their legs, not even wings despite that they could fly. And bite. Their bites burned really bad, and they preferred to bite our backs. They would attach themselves onto the skin where they bit into. Their soft, pliant bodies had to be crushed to remove them and nasty yellowish oil came from inside them.
We escaped them into our apartment which was in the back of a supermarket. It was suddenly already dark outside the windows.
I removed the tick-creatures from my wife’s back, then when she was in turn doing the same for me, a huge, almost man-sized, blue and yellow plumed parrot climbed inside through a window that was left open a crack.
The parrot was very shy, but seemed hungry. So I moved slowly not to frighten it, and I offered it a bag of peanuts, which it then ravenously devoured. There was also a huge pile of rice just lying on a table, but the parrot didn’t touch that.
My wife continued removing the bugs from my back, and the parrot regarded the act with curiosity.
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Old 07-20-2020, 09:11 PM   #123
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Don't remember many details from last night,

But there were several dreams in a row where different strange people just barged into my apartment and made themselves at home and I had to fight them to make them leave.
I think they were maybe three different dreams, where in the first two, a single male was the invader, and then in the third dream there were two females and one male.

Then there was something about being in a hotel room. My wife wanted to go somewhere but I wasn't ready yet, because I had to go write those dreams about the home invaders into GNet.
Then I remember having some trouble with pants, and wanting to wear a man-skirt, but finding only woman-skirts and having to settle with pants anyway.

Then there was a dream where I posted the prologue of one of my stories to my blog here on GNet. At first I also accidentally posted some stupid notes and/or whatnot along with it. I had to edit and remove those. Then in a few minutes I got more than 50 readers on it and also a couple of comments. One person hated it and said something like, I should write politics instead of this drivel. Another person liked it very much and wanted to see more.
I replied to the former that we obviously just like very different things. I couldn't think of anything to reply to the other comment so I didn't.
Then I posted the next chapter and Immediately got new comments again. The guy who liked the prologue commented that he liked this one too, but that he was hurt that I replied to the other comment but not to his. But he kept editing his comment and eventually left out the whiny part, and just said, Good job, or something.
Then there was something about people in real life coming to me to comment about the story and to ask questions. Somehow everybody had read it and they all knew it was written by me.
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Old 07-21-2020, 07:16 AM   #124
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I remembered one more for last night.

There was a rich, evil, scrooge character. I was involved with some covert group whose goal was to take him down. Our people had been spying on him, and had witnessed young Japanese girls periodically entering his mansion. I happened to be an Asian girl, so I was dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl and sent to his mansion. I was supposed to scam him somehow, I don't really remember that part. Anyway, in the mansion I found out that he was selling drugs to a Japanese girl gang, instead of doing anything carnal with them, like my group had assumed to be the case.
He gave me a receipt about a drug sale, I took it, grabbed some package of drugs and ran out of the mansion. I felt giddy I had evidence to incriminate him.
It was winter and dark and I was running through snow, when suddenly I was Wolverine, the superhero.
Snikt, I popped out my claws, and sniffed at the trickle of blood that came out with them. Yup, I thought to myself, I'm definitely Wolverine, and that guy I just stole from was Mr. Fantastic. He's real smart, so it's only a question of time before he comes up with some device to sniff out my trail and he'll be coming after me...
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Old 07-24-2020, 03:06 AM   #125
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Last night,

My wife, brother-in-law and I were visiting some city. We went to a mall run by a cult who dressed in white robes and worshiped aliens or whatever. Parts of the mall were sectioned off for non-members, and there were weird light emitting giant crystals in those sections. There was also some sort of massive group wedding going on in there.
One store we visited in the mall was a flea market, a lot of very old computers were on sale. There I suddenly noticed that I had lost my shoes. I got pissed at the cult about it, I blamed their alien magic for taking away my shoes. I tried to find replacement shoes from the flea market, and also from a shoe shop, but I could not find anything. So I had to leave from the mall barefooted.
Then later we three were sitting on a sidewalk in a street across the mall, when a goth lady came to talk to us. She looked pretty cool, fully decked out, but she had some fucked up weird teeth, that looked like a predator’s teeth capable of mincing bones, which made me doubt if maybe she wasn’t even entirely human but some sort of vampire. She asked if we would like to go with her to a night club for drinks and chat for a while. My wife immediately said no. I, too, said no.
The lady was offended when turned down. And she left saying, “Well, it was almost nice meeting you, would have been nice if you’d been a little less socially awkward bunch.”
My wife then asked me if I would have wanted us to go with her, if I only said no as well because she didn’t want to go. A bit uncertainly I told her no, I didn’t want to go either. I thought I didn’t want to, partly because she obviously didn’t, but also because I was afraid it would have been awkward, I really didn’t want to drink at the time, and I half-suspected the lady would only have liked to take us somewhere she could eat us.
But then I came to regret it, because it could have been something fun and no was obviously not the right answer. And I even suspected that she might have been God and have been testing me and I had failed.

In another dream, there was a prom dance that was really important to a bunch of disgustingly pretentious teens.
There were two “coolest” guys of school, the prom king types, who were bitter rivals. They were the stereotypical mean bully, and the mainchar type who was perfect at everything, and to even happened be an actual prince! Their rivalry revolved around the prom-queen type leader of the cheerleader squad dream-girl.
They were lining up to enter the prom, and people were paired by some ushers with their “perfect partners” according to a list made by, I don’t know, a fairy godmother.
The prince was paired with the dream-girl, and the bully got stuck with the nerd-girl, who was still pretty, of course, and the bully though initially angry about it, quickly developed affection for her.
There were other characters as well of some importance, but I’ve forgotten them.
After being paired up, everybody got in and the prom commenced. All were having fun, even bullied nerds were shown laughing and being bursting with all the happy, happy, joy, joy. All except the bad bully. Because he was *gasp* secretly drinking alcohol from a smuggled hip flask! Seriously he was the only person in the whole lame-ass prom secretly imbibing.
In one scene the bully and his best mate were at a gazebo together, the friend was all sour and the bully was saying stuff like,
“I’m so wasted I don’t even remember what just happened.”
And the friend threw a total hissyfit. He exploded at the bully saying that he was disgusting and making a total fool of himself.
That sobered the bully a bit, and he asked the friend how he was doing with the nerd-girl.
The friend told him,
“Man, you totally blew it with her, and she was such a sweet girl,”
before he stormed off and left the bully standing alone in the gazebo feeling all remorseful.

And I woke up left feeling really weird. Like, what the hell was that yucky Nickelodeon bull-crap doing inside my head? It didn’t even feel like my dream. Whose was it?
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