Isn't that crippling
It seems that several AD meds have that unfortunate side effect.
Similarly some meds prescribed for anxiety & panic disorders heighten.
A rough ride trialing meds that often exasperate; I had to try several before I luckily found something that sat well. It sucks, it is in itself a kind of 'depressing' up and down journey, so often I thought 'fuuuck this' o.O
But .. life's settled now, dare I say it? I'm happy ... content?
On an even keel. Personally, I did that without the hand of a therapist.
I've had psychiatrists and psychologists since my early 20's, counselling, psych nurses .. I always ended up falling short and running away. People aargh ~~
So find a someone that you can work with, don't lose heart with reg to meds; they'll work it out and find you a combo and dosage that suits
Often the the thought of getting better is daunting to folks like us? We almost fear the newness of that; get used to being this way for so long or worry that IF we get better then that may not last and we're leaving ourselves open to falling down.
I like the saying 'Fall down 7, stand up 8' .. we get back up!
And .. we are that little bit more resilient, stronger each time.
As a friend, I'd suggest that in conjunction with seeking an apt doc, it might be beneficial to join a MH forum, or indeed scope if there's a meet-up group?
Those who experience it, they know and understand, they walk that path.
Personally, I've found them to be the most beneficial <3
Be good to yourself, comfort yourself; and know that you aren't alone (x)