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Introductions This is a forum for members (new and old) to introduce themselves and get to know each other. Start a new thread and introduce yourself. Tell us a little about what you like and what you are into and such.

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Old 08-05-2023, 11:56 AM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2023
Location: texas
Posts: 1
Actually a Ghost

Hello from the murderous summer heat. I'm Ellis and yes, I was way too lame to come up with an edgy username so here's my penname instead.

1. What do you do? (Hobbies, job)
- I wax ineloquent horror stories, listen to the same music over and over, play video games, and water all the pretty plants at a home improvement store!
2. Where are you from?
- Military brat, currently trapped in Texas.
3. Who is your favourite author?
- Matthew Gregory Lewis - legendary edgelord who published an immediately bannable book at the age of 19. The Monk changed my life. If I'm feeling quaint, Jane Austen.
4. What are your favorite films?
- Labyrinth, even though it's dreadfully dated; The Dark Crystal for similar reasons; Gothic for being dramatic and historically inaccurate but also fun.
5. What music do you want played at your wedding?
- People are Strange - Johhny Hollow
6. At your funeral?
- Memory Dissolves by Dover Lights.
7. This IS a gothic website, so... how do you want to die?
- Hopefully, by defenestration from a castle.
8. What kind of casket would you want?
- Something black, velvet lined (not sure if velvet holds up underground, but it's my casket so who cares).
9. What's your FAVORITE outfit?
- One large sweater + knee high and mismatched socks + shorts small enough to be underwear + a crocheted beanie.
10. What's one thing you miss about being a little kid?
- Hanging out in the cemetery with all the caterpillars, not knowing life sucked major ass after those days.
11. What's your favorite band?
12. What kind of education do you have? What is/was/will be your major?
- High school grad/gifted and talented waste. If I ever go back to school - English, or Gothic literature (or both??).
13. Why did you join?
- Life's lonely as shit, especially out here. Hoping to find some more gloomy souls to mope with.
14. If the first 13 questions didn't give it away. What is your gender?
- Female with zero feminine qualities.

Cheers. Looking forward to stalking the literature forums...!
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Old 08-21-2023, 01:08 PM   #2
arachne.gomorrhe's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2023
Location: Ohio :I
Posts: 7
omg IAMX's song I Come With Knives is soo good
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