Originally Posted by Anti-Mindvirus
I hate that people on here act like anything they type actually matters. You all do realize this is insignificant, right?
If it's insignificant, then why are you posting about it at all?
That being said...after reading your post, I have to agree with you on the random guys yelling stuff at girls on the street. It annoys me too.
And whoever it is that isn't taking no for an answer? Yeah, you need to report him and get away from him ASAP.
[In other words, no...it's -not- insignificant. :P ]
Alyroi: Those kinds of places have been serving hot food for a while now. I remember when I was a kid in the '80s that Dairy Queen was serving hot food.
Yeah, it's a little weird, but I can find a lot of other things that are far more worth my time to worry about. If you don't like that food, then don't order it.