As far as natural and safe I know you can use strawberries on your teeth to get them white but I do not know about skin.
Now days I use "Nadinola" that is 3% Hydroqinone (a skin lightener). I get it in the "Ethnic" skin and hair section here in the states. It was recommended to me when I wanted to undo the sun damage done while I as in Iraq. It only fades my freckles so, I do not know how it would work for you.
What I am about to say next you should not do, but I did it for several years. It pails the skin, softens bones which is great of corset training, and decreases the appetite also great for corset training.
This is NOT SAFE but can be considered "Naturally Accruing".
! ! ! DO NOT TRY THIS EVER ! ! !
Arsenic was used in the Victorian Age for this very purpose, to pail the skin. I used a pinhead size amount once a month and did not see results for six months. and stopped after 3 years. Remember, Arsenic is an accumulative poison, meaning it adds up slowly with use, TILL IT KILLS YOU! Beauty should not be deadly, save that for the "tanning bed" users.
You are beautiful just the way you are so, If you or any one else wants to be pail please do it safely.
So, why did I give you the info if I don't want you to do it? Because if I didn't someone else might have, but without the warning. Best of luck. I will check back because I would like to know is there is a safer way for myself as well.
Last edited by Li'l Miss Sticky Kiss; 07-23-2010 at 10:16 PM.
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