Originally Posted by ape descendant
This is such a complex issue. I think it would depend on the kind of harassment we're talking. I think gothy type ladies get sexually harassed more, because of the stereotype that goth girls are easy. When I go out dressed to the nines I get a lot of unwanted sexual attention/groping that I otherwise would not have to endure.
When gothy type boys get harassed it is because they are not performing masculinity the way that our society has prescribed, but instead perform things that our society has assigned to feminine performance like wearing skirts and makeup. Therefore they get crap because they are perceived as being more feminine and not masculine enough.
When it comes down to it, the ugly truth is that either set of problems stem from the same assumption by our society that the feminine is lesser than the masculine performance. So, if you're already a lady, one's bodily autonomy and boundaries are respected even less, and the gentlemen are ridiculed for purposefully expressing in a manner that is feminine and therefore lesser than what is expected of them.
A great post with very good points. I'm diggin your brains. Beware of zombies.
Creed of Heresy makes good sense as well.