Is that the only fucking messages about Diamanda Galas ??????
hey, no diamanda galas topic yet ??????ąs
and here's my own little review of...
Diamanda Galas – Saint Of The Pit & The Divine Punishment
If you’ve never heard of Diamanda Galas – and, of course, if you’ve never actually heard Diamanda Galas – this record might not be the easiest way to enter her universe. Diamanda’s voice and texts are a total assault on senses and soul ; the themes she tackles have nothing to do with teenage goth angst. Aids, death – the death of her brother -, impurity : Diamanda Galas explores the darker corners of western culture and pushes the audience to the limits. Call her a diva, call her a witch, call her a monster ; you’re still far from reality. “Saint Of The Pit & Divine Punishment” is an amazing double album (and the second part of the “Red Death Trilogy”), inspired by biblical texts and French “decadent” poetry ; you won’t find here anything like a “song”, only hallucinatory vocal soundscapes that have NOTHING to do with ambient music. Actually, the absence of rhythm makes it even more aggressive… But still, listening to this record is more than just an ‘experience” (which is IMO the case of some Diamanda Galas albums like Vena Cava or Schrei X), because of its dramatic qualities ; there’s something of the greek tragedy here, bleak, ominous ; a greek tragedy in which the desperate vocalist stands at the same time as character and choir, leading us thru the bloody patterns of vengeance and despair entwined. This is not music for the meek… Some will say this is a nightmare for the ears ; yes, it is, a nightmare of the most intense kind.