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10-05-2007, 11:01 PM
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I haven't been offically diagonsed with anything, but I should probably go to my doctor and get checked out because I've been depressed for the better part of a year. Also I don't know if this is a mental health problem but I can't bring myself to talk to anyone but my immidiate family and alot of people think I'm rude because of it...
10-05-2007, 11:16 PM
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Mmmm...none of my Mental Health "problems" have ever bothered me.
I have Manic Depression, Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Insomnia. I credit them all for the discovery of things that have been excellent for me....creatively, anyway.
Sounds really bad, doesn't it?!
~:She Is Your Suffering:~
10-07-2007, 06:11 PM
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I've been diagnosed with a severe depression and antisocial personality at 16 , also with something which one may definy as minor Psychosis . After a suicide attempt I decided to go to a clinic for a month , I was scared of myself ... After that month I was so f*cked up with all meds that I couldn't even speak correctly , nor think (Haloperidol is the big sh*t ever created on a lab)...
I'm proud I was the younger on a clinic only for adults , so thay experimented with me a lot , I guess ...
I had also some hallucinations , mostly they were gone after I focused on the idea that they were not real , one time I saw somekind of japanish weird picture on a lamp , moving , it was beautiful , really , I was hypnotised by it ...
Most of my voices try to make me guilty , I dunno why ... I've been almost five years without them . unnecesary to say I never spoke to another people about them , i don't want to go throu meds again ...
I'm still unsocial (I bet some of you know how unsocial am I ...) , so to me to make new friends is almost ... yeah ... Right now I'm fighting with a depression , trying to socialize and so on ... But ... Err , i dunno ... I experience big difficulties on talk about myself or express just how I feel , so the circle still goes on and on and on ...
The Insomnia is still a old-time fav : I just can't stop thinking sometimes and when I start to feel somekind of sleep , it's 6 and I have to go ... I also have nightmares where a double of me tries to kill me ...
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.
10-07-2007, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
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I'm not diagnosed with anthing, because let's face it, I try to avoid any doctors like the plague. But I get really bad anxiety(I won't do something, because my mind immediately pulls up all the things that could go wrong, and flashes through my entire death by volleyball, or something as stupid. Not that I'm afraid of death, no I'm afraid of what will happen to people who know me.) I will have near panic attacks, and mood swings, though that just may be puberty.
10-11-2007, 03:21 PM
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Enemies lurking around every corner...
10-13-2007, 12:08 AM
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I'm Borderline and depressed, and I've been refered to a local "early intervention psychosis program," but I don't think that doctor knew what I meant when I said some things.
I guess some Borderline features that I do are the being fine when I'm with people, but then when I'm alone I feel unworthy of talking to anyone. I also used to (for now at least) cut myself, but I've lost interest in that since they put me on Wellbutrin. I've done the "suicidal gesture" thing, though not for attention; more to satisfy some weird curiosity about how deep the artery in my wrist actually is... ,:|
I also randomly get it into my head that someone I know (sometimes someone I know very well) hates me, and I send them things like "Sorry for whatever I did," and then they get all confused...
I'm on Wellbutrin (taken in the morning) and Seroquel (before bed), which is a rather funny combination, I think, cuz one increases dopamine and the other decreases it...
I've been on 4 antidepressants (Zoloft, which prevented me from falling asleep until 3 or 4 am no matter how little I'd slept the night before and no matter when I took the damn pills; Paxil, which plain didn't work, even after a dose increase; Effexor, which made me muddled and unable to put two sentences together to start an essay, and made me sweat horribly at night; and now Wellbutrin). The Wellbutrin makes me muddled and fatigued and unable to concentrate. I do things like completely forget what a person has just been saying even though I could hear and was paying attention, or I completely miss the fact that a huge bread board is sitting right in front of me and cut my bread on a plate and put it away before I actually see it. I'm also FAR more proned to random tricks of the eye, like seeing some entity moving around from the corner of my eye, rather than a highlight on something shiney moving.
That and the Wellbutrin doesn't work terribly well....
I also spend 5 hours at the studio and feel like it's only been 45 minutes. I'm not exaggerating about that, either.
I've also become far more socially withdrawn in the past few years, and ESPECIALLY in the past few months. Rez, the caf, and the studio are the only places I really go on a regular basis. I just haven't really cared for being social.
Sorry for any bad grammar. I should have gone to bed 2 hours ago...
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
How I wonder where you're at.
Up above the world you fly
Like a tea-tray in the sky.
10-13-2007, 12:38 PM
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: The computer desk
Posts: 409
Well the studio thing isn't too strange. The part of your brain involved with art and creativity has no sense of time.
10-13-2007, 01:30 PM
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Hahaha, I did take a right-left brain test recently and I was over 75% right-brained...
*growls quietly*fuck off, windows update
Twinkle, twinkle, little bat
How I wonder where you're at.
Up above the world you fly
Like a tea-tray in the sky.
10-13-2007, 03:18 PM
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I'm actually.....sort of insane in a particular way.....
Not to be cliche or anything, but i guess enjoying speaking to yourself and drawing dead smilies on your finger is kinda strange.
I also tend to go too deep into some things, and end up spacing out for half an hour just...thinking about the concept of something.
Also, I can never find anyone that spazzes as much as I do....and I can't even be "normal" without exerting myself.
10-17-2007, 10:33 PM
Join Date: Oct 2007
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I have MDD (Major Depression Disorder). Also (I am ashamed to admit this, yet it would be nice to just say it) I am a tad suicidal. Especially this week. I'm not trying to complain but it's been hard to deal with. I don't like people seeing me cry, but...What can you do?
I currently have a great counselor. However, my therapist quit on me. Perhaps she finally go tired of me evaluating her? That wasn't smart, I suppose...And my psychiatrist won't schedule my appointment, so I don't really know if taking meds could help.
But, I'll admit: I need my depression. It is the inspiration for most of my paintings. Without it, my art would so drastically change. This doesn't mean I like it, rather that it is a part of me.
On the subject of suicide: I've not attempted because I plan it, and things always happen or come up. I really wanted to this week. But I made a promise to someone dear that I would try my best not to.
To avoid doing it, I need support. But all I have is him and a few friends who know I'm not lying (most of them think I am an attention-whore, which ironically they are. Ex: "I cut my leg!! I was so sad because he rejected me!!" Sad...). But posting it here, where anyone can see it, makes me feel alot better (even though the net allows us to be as anonymous as we like).
12-10-2007, 01:12 PM
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Autism. thats what i have.
12-10-2007, 01:25 PM
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At times I have often wondered if there is something wrong with me. I seem to have some behaviour/social patterns/issues that no one else I know has. I guess I will never know as phsychiatrists are very expensive.
12-10-2007, 01:48 PM
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I remember when I was in middle school my mother had a some kind of a doctor prescribe zyprexia. I think that's how it's spelled. I took it for the longest never noticing anything that changes till all the sideeffects hit me at once. I later did research on it and found out it was a anti-psychotic drug and I had no reason to be put on it and it was also prescibed by a regular doctor. So I told my mother I was going to stop taking it. I think I am still suffering some of the side effects. I don't know...I might not be though. But I do remember I was taking high disoage of it.
12-10-2007, 02:19 PM
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Posts: 601
Well, I have never been diagnosed with anything. Except when I saw my psychiatrist last year in college, I was told I might have some sort of anxiety that I might want to get more help for. But that was because I wasn't good at presentations. I'm sure that has a lot more to do with me than any mental dysfunction.
Seeing as my mom has schizophrenia and has been officially diagnosed with it now by professionals (Although they can't do anything for her because she is not "A threat to herself or others". Which is total bullocks because this obviously puts us both at risk. There are more "risks" than murdering someone. With my mom, the risks she takes, the choices she makes, could lead us to death. So it really should be thought of as the same thing. Dumb health laws.) I have been getting worked up over that lately. Over the idea that I might get it. I remember a friend telling me a few months ago that basically it's something that can show up at anytime, without any warning. I've never heard voices or anything like that but I have been thinking I have been seeing things. Or, maybe i'm just making myself crazy. I usually have lucid dreams that also have the "hag ridden" symptons; waking up, usually with the feeling that someone is on top of you. I have blurred visions then. Maybe my dream is just continuing and I either think my eyes are open during it or maybe they are open and, I dunno. But i've been thinking I see a (ex)friend of mine in the corner of my room, where my tv is, with his pants down or a long red shirt covering him. But when I become more awake, I notice it's the tv. Blah. I don't know. I hope i'm not starting to see things that aren't there. Usually people give in to it, cause it seems cool and supernatural. But with my family history, ok, just two people I know of in our family, I hope it's not happening to me. I'm just hoping i'm not going to become another Flowers for Algernon case. I guess the only thing I can really do is just to continue to live and have hope.
...Hell is an empty house haunted by a child's voice...
I took the warm little body in my hands, kissed the smooth face, caressed the long hair, - then strangled him and buried his body under a mountain of corpses waiting to be cremated.
12-10-2007, 02:21 PM
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I'm paranoid to a somewhat high degree, even in broad daylight, when I go out walking. It's not as bad as another's paranoia, but it's still bad.
12-10-2007, 02:24 PM
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Originally Posted by silverbaal
I usually have lucid dreams that also have the "hag ridden" symptons; waking up, usually with the feeling that someone is on top of you. I have blurred visions then. Maybe my dream is just continuing and I either think my eyes are open during it or maybe they are open and, I dunno. But i've been thinking I see a friend of mine in the corner of my room, where my tv is, but with his pants down. But when I become more awake, I notice it's the tv. Blah. I don't know. I'm just hoping i'm not going to become another Flower's for Algernon case. I guess the only thing I can really do is just to continue to live and have hope.
Have you tried any kind of meditation? or just trying to clear your mind completely before sleeping?
12-10-2007, 02:27 PM
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Posts: 601
Explain? What do you mean, "clear my mind?"
...Hell is an empty house haunted by a child's voice...
I took the warm little body in my hands, kissed the smooth face, caressed the long hair, - then strangled him and buried his body under a mountain of corpses waiting to be cremated.
12-10-2007, 07:12 PM
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Zyperxa, I was spelling it wrong. I went to look for the meds. I still have pills in it.
It all makes sense now. Seeing how I'm taking to my shrink now saying that I may have schizophrenia along with many other things. Seeing how that zyperxa also treated schizophrenia. I don't know....I might end up going back on the pills.
According to my mother, I was like a zombie on the pills. I don't remember. But I wonder what I would be like now.
12-11-2007, 06:53 AM
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I'm just shy, VERY shy, introverted, not affective and cold. I'm histeric too. I know all thoose stuff cause I study Psicology . I might be crazy too...
12-11-2007, 07:18 AM
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I have never been diagnosed with anything, and take the cheerful view that until something causes me to break down gibbering in a big dramatic way in public (which hasn't happened to any great degree), then I am fine. Only if something becomes utterly unamanagable will I see about diagnosis. As it is, I'm fine with making occasional, half-hearted attempts to see the university counsellor about stress and minor gibbering. The gibbering only costs me a day or two of productivity per month, so it's quite handlable.
This thread does beg the question- does goth, by its open and accepting nature, attract people with mental problems, or do the mental problems cause the inward turn that leads to goth? (basically, do you think that being a goth is a byproduct of mental health issues, or is it just something you happen to be, regardless of your taste in subculture?)
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
12-11-2007, 07:26 AM
Join Date: Jun 2007
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Originally Posted by Delkaetre
This thread does beg the question- does goth, by its open and accepting nature, attract people with mental problems, or do the mental problems cause the inward turn that leads to goth? (basically, do you think that being a goth is a byproduct of mental health issues, or is it just something you happen to be, regardless of your taste in subculture?)
I'd say both. You have to add quite a bit of hypochondria though.
Wasted forever, on speed, bikes and booze.
"Meow. Mew. Mrow. Maow? Miaox." - Lovely Delkaetre speaks cat.
12-11-2007, 07:27 AM
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Originally Posted by Methadrine
I'd say both. You have to add quite a bit of hypochondria though.
Huzzah for Munchausens syndrome, getting more detailed and effective since the birth of the internet!
The noblest sentiment I have encountered and the most passionate political statement to stir my heart both belong to a fictional character. Why do we have no politicians as pure in their intent and determinedly joyous in their outlook as Arkady Bogdanov of Red Mars?
02-03-2014, 05:44 PM
Join Date: Jan 2014
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Wow I don't seem to have a lot of problems compared to some of you guys.
I'm bipolar, basically. It's not easy to live with but I guess it's part of who I am. And my art wouldn't be the same without it.
I have self harm issues too, but sometimes I think it's the only way of coping. After all, it's kept me alive quite a few times. I don't mean to be melodramatic, but I can't think of any easier way to say that.
I'm not on any medication at the moment as I've yet to find an antidepressant I'm not allergic to. (It would be that of all things that I had to be allergic to, wouldn't it?) And I recently had a massive fall out with my counsellor, so I'm on my own for now.
02-04-2014, 12:41 PM
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Hey, can you stop necroing super old threads? This one is from 2007. Very few people from then post at all anymore, they're not going to reply.
02-04-2014, 06:29 PM
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"Women hold up half the sky" -Mao
"God always picks the strangest things to get angry about. Get an abortion or gay married and he'll aim a tornado right at you.
Rip off a million poor people and Wall street has no problems. " -Rebecca B
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