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Ed Mironiuk

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Ed Mironiuk entered our world on Dec 11th, 1969 in Buffalo, NY. His singular and strange nature quickly convinced his parents that one child would be enough, as they never had another. He began drawing in as soon as his tender fingers could grip a pencil and put it to paper. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Frazetta, sci fi and comics consumed his time and encouraged his fetid imagination. By the age of 12 he discovered Alberto Vargas through an inherited collection of musty Playboys, perhaps the only pre- pubescent to truly appreciate pornography on an esoteric level. This early admiration of the female form would serve as the foundation of his later artwork. While normal kids were drawing hotrods and wondering how to get into the girl next door’s pants, Ed was memorializing what was actually IN the girl door’s pants through detailed illustrations. After a decent run in high school, Ed hightailed it out of Central New York and went straight to his muse – NYC’s East Village. He drank his way through 4 years at Parson’s School of Design and managed to come away with a BFA, despite his predilection for tequila. While Ed toiled away on animation jobs, he fed his head a steady diet of black metal, Russ Meyer films, HP Lovecraft, latex fashion, ink and piercings of all natures and the absolute vilest sectors of Japanese deviancies. These subcultures stewed in his brain and eventually merged with his love of pinups, forming the basis of his unique brand of art; a hybrid of pop trash and fetish culture kissed by Dr. Moreau himself. In 1993 he was anointed reigning illustrator for Tattoo Magazine, a role he still kicks ass at. It was during this time that Ed met Kristin Tercek, the only woman who could kick the tequila bottle out of his hand so he could use it to craft his art. They quickly married and started Cha-Pow!, an animation ink and paint company that is still thriving and well known for its work on MTV, Nickelodeon, and Saturday Night Live. Since then, they’ve expanded their empire into custom made dolls and Ed’s illustration work has been featured in everything from The LA Times to Equus Eroticus and used for bands as diverse as The Genitorturers and SPiT LiKE THiS. Ed throws all this work into the world from his cocoon in the boondocks of Jersey, where he lives with his loving wife and chihuahuas.

PARTIAL PUBLISHING LIST: Paisano Publications, Tattoo Magazine, Tattoo Savage, Los Angeles Magazine, The Globe, Los Angeles Times, Miami New Times, LA Bizarro, Easyriders, LA Weekly, VQ, Tattoo Flash, A Magazine, Tattoo Insider, Tabu, Tattoo Revue, Inked, Secret, Frontiers Newsmagazine, SQP, Apocalipstick,Clinic, Lollipop, SPiT LiKE THiS, Bizarro Press, Delerium Publications, LA Bizarro,Equus Eroticus, Cartattoos, Blue Blood, Marquis, Chaos Comics, Eros Ezine, Flaunting It, Altporn, Fleshbot, 3xl, Devolution Magazine, Dark’s Art Parlour, Senze Mission Control, Draculina Publishing, Drawing Blood, Cthulhu Sex, Fringeware Review, World of Fandom, Lobotomy, The Genitorturers

You can find all articles and fiction relating to Ed Mironiuk at tag Ed Mironiuk.

web site: Ed Mironiuk
Facebook: Ed Mironiuk
books on Amazon: Ed Mironiuk

ed mironiuk

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Posted by on Tuesday, May 10th, 2011. Filed under Who's Who. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. You can skip to the end and leave a response. Pinging is currently not allowed.
