Sèphera Girón
Sèphera Girón was born on January 23, 1962. This makes her an Aquarius with a Virgo moon and Leo rising. In Chinese Astrology, she’s a metal ox.
Early experiences included playing violin in the London Youth Symphony orchestra for several years. She played in festivals in Aberdeen, Scotland, London, England, and Banff, Alberta. One of her favourite experiences was living on the Aberdeen campus for three weeks and playing violin every day when she was fourteen.
Her Leo rising makes her a bit of a show off and she has a passion for theatre. She performed in nearly twenty shows as a teenager and young adult. When she was in her late teens, she hosted a poetry corner of her own poetry on a local cable channel which enabled her to present her written work to an audience.
Her biggest love is reading and then writing. She was constructing poems and stories from an early age but didn’t strive for professional publication until she was in her late twenties.
She attended York University where she received her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Fine Arts Studies with a minor in Psychology. She also took courses at University of Western Ontario, Ryerson Polytechnic Institute and Fanshawe College.
Sèphera married a filmmaker while in university and after ten years and two children, they were divorced.
When Sèphera was in her thirties she acquired more certificates in other kinds of studies; Certificate in Tarot Counseling. Certificate in Reiki, and Certificate in Touch for Health.
Sèphera is a full time writer. When she isn’t working on a story, she freelances as an editor. She is also a professional tarot counselor.
In recent years, Sèphera has been able to rediscover her joy of theatre. Her youngest son is a dancer and has performed in community theatre for several years. Sèphera is either on stage or backstage right along with him. This year, she’ll be Assistant Stage Manager for Footloose. She’s now Vice-President of Meadowvale Music theatre, the award winning company that produces the shows that she and her son perform in.
Lately, Sèphera has also been re-examining the Silver Screen. She was an extra in Love Guru and recently played “Ruby” in Slime City Massacre. Earlier appearances included Creep and Bust a Move as well as a few music videos.
Sèphera has been Author Guest of Honour for Necon, Gaylaxicon, Eericon and was Mistress of Ceremonies for World Horror Convention 2007 and the Bram Stoker Awards 2007. Winning the Silver Hammer from the Horror Writers Association this year was a welcome thrill after over a decade of writing the Canadian Content corner and running networking opportunities such as Word on the Street, Festival of Fear, and dinner parties.
Sèphera has over 15 published books and numerous short stories to her credit.
You can find all Gothic.net articles and fiction relating to Sèphera Girón at tag Sèphera Girón.
web site: Sèphera Girón
Twitter: @sephera
Facebook: Sèphera Girón
books on Amazon: Sèphera Girón
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