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alchemie 08-08-2009 12:21 AM

The FDA Banning of Clove Cigarettes
Help stop the ban!

America wants to stop a person's right to choose once again by banning flavored cigarettes but my main concern is the only kind that I smoke, which are clove cigarettes. This is supposed to go into effect on September 1, 2009 here in the USA. There has been a lot of talk about how it "lures" under age kids to smoking. However, I, myself, did not smoke until I was 25 years old, and it has always been only clove cigarettes. The main point of this matter though is the fact that the government continually keeps trying to take our rights away. So cloves are next, then so will be regular cigarettes too more than likely.

Please take a second to sign the petition even if you don't smoke, and pass the info along....

Thanks for your help!

Sir Canvas Corpsey 08-08-2009 01:36 AM

Online petitions = useless

We already have a thread for this in Politics, go there.

ArchLich 08-08-2009 02:54 AM

Lol, this is funny. Ok, #1 the ability to use tobacco isnt a right in the constitution, therefore they are taking no right away from you. #2, trust me, they will never ban all forms of smoking tobacco, our econemy is too dependant on it. #3 you started smoking at 25? Are you that retarded? And finally, I'm a smoker too(I started at 8 years of age, dumbest mistake of my life), I dont smoke flavored tobacco, however I feel your pain. But crying about it on an internet forum like this(especially considering that you're making no valid points) is a useless waste of your time.

Not Tha Duckman 08-08-2009 05:35 AM

They're taking away peoples rights to look like a pretentious fucknut.

alchemie 08-08-2009 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Sir Canvas Corpsey (Post 551756)
Online petitions = useless

We already have a thread for this in Politics, go there.

Ok, thanks.

alchemie 08-08-2009 06:53 AM

Thanks for your reply

Originally Posted by ArchLich (Post 551767)
Lol, this is funny. Ok, #1 the ability to use tobacco isnt a right in the constitution, therefore they are taking no right away from you. #2, trust me, they will never ban all forms of smoking tobacco, our econemy is too dependant on it. #3 you started smoking at 25? Are you that retarded? And finally, I'm a smoker too(I started at 8 years of age, dumbest mistake of my life), I dont smoke flavored tobacco, however I feel your pain. But crying about it on an internet forum like this(especially considering that you're making no valid points) is a useless waste of your time.

Wow. Do you always make people not like you when you first talk to them? I only posted this just in case somebody who smoked them didn't know. And the only thing I am a retard about is not looking at the Politics board first. As far as valid points go, I could go on and on but sorry, I only do that when I review horror movies professionally. Thanks for your reply though. Have a nice day!

Not Tha Duckman 08-08-2009 02:20 PM

My mistake, you're a pretentious fucknut regardless.

Godslayer Jillian 08-08-2009 02:57 PM

ArchLich says that he started smoking when he was 8 and that's dumb. But he also says this guy who started smoking at age 25 is retarded.
Why doesn't it surprise me to hear something that fucking stupid?

Sir Canvas Corpsey 08-08-2009 03:09 PM

Anyone else got an image of Babylich choking on a ciggie, crying out between sobs; "Am I cool now!?"

MissCheyenne 08-08-2009 03:20 PM

Why would you even make a point of saying you started smoking at age eight anyway? It hardly makes a person look big or clever in anyway. And the imagery of ArchLich choking on a ciggie in an attempt to be cool is beautiful. Just beautiful.

ArchLich 08-08-2009 07:15 PM

Wtf? Why would I think I'm cool for smoking at 8? Yes back then I was young and stupid, therefore I thought it was "the shit". However, at 25 years of age you should have enough fucking common sense not to pick up an oblivious habit like that, atleast being young and stupid is an excuse. That was my point.

Onyx 08-09-2009 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by ArchLich (Post 551767)
Lol, this is funny. Ok, #1 the ability to use tobacco isnt a right in the constitution, therefore they are taking no right away from you. #2, trust me, they will never ban all forms of smoking tobacco, our econemy is too dependant on it. #3 you started smoking at 25? Are you that retarded? And finally, I'm a smoker too(I started at 8 years of age, dumbest mistake of my life), I dont smoke flavored tobacco, however I feel your pain. But crying about it on an internet forum like this(especially considering that you're making no valid points) is a useless waste of your time.

Umm, they needed a constitutional amendment when they introduced prohibition of alcohol. Sounds like we had a right somewhere in there that made just banning alcohol a violation of a person's rights. To bad they just did an end run around the Constitution when they did the same with drugs. Also, read the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution which states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." To translate, just because a right isn't specificity outlined in the Constitution doesn't mean it doesn't exist. To bad, like you, our government seems to have forgotten all about the Ninth and now, unless something is outright stated in the Constitution as a right, it doesn't exist.

ArchLich 08-09-2009 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by Onyx (Post 551934)
Umm, they needed a constitutional amendment when they introduced prohibition of alcohol. Sounds like we had a right somewhere in there that made just banning alcohol a violation of a person's rights. To bad they just did an end run around the Constitution when they did the same with drugs. Also, read the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution which states: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." To translate, just because a right isn't specificity outlined in the Constitution doesn't mean it doesn't exist. To bad, like you, our government seems to have forgotten all about the Ninth and now, unless something is outright stated in the Constitution as a right, it doesn't exist.

While I agree to some extent, I must remind you that political science is quite a technical theory. Assumption is so relative that it is nearly impossible to regulate in today's society. Technically, if we followed the ninth to the tee, we would condone virtually anything as a right(unless it's directly specified as something which is outlawed in the constitution itself). For example(and this may sound absurd, yet it would technically be correct), If the majority of the people decided **** was a humane right, then **** would be accepted as a right. Now, that doesn't sound like an american right, does it? So goes the technicalities and loops in democracy(which the government is working tirelessly to do away with).

edit: the censored words are a four letter word meaning "forceful sex", beginning with the letter R.

Onyx 08-09-2009 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by ArchLich (Post 551939)
While I agree to some extent, I must remind you that political science is quite a technical theory. Assumption is so relative that it is nearly impossible to regulate in today's society. Technically, if we followed the ninth to the tee, we would condone virtually anything as a right(unless it's directly specified as something which is outlawed in the constitution itself). For example(and this may sound absurd, yet it would technically be correct), If the majority of the people decided **** was a humane right, then **** would be accepted as a right. Now, that doesn't sound like an american right, does it? So goes the technicalities and loops in democracy(which the government is working tirelessly to do away with).

edit: the censored words are a four letter word meaning "forceful sex", beginning with the letter R.

That's utter nonsense. Forceful sex is a violation of the rights of the person being forced into intercourse against their will. As for a majority being able to decide it is a right to force sexual intercourse, rights aren't something handed out by the majority. A right is something allowed a person even if the majority disagree with the way it is being exercised.

DRM 08-09-2009 12:36 PM

It's a bummer there banning them, I tried one for the first time last night and it was pretty good tasting, better tasting then the ones I normally smoke.

MissCheyenne 08-09-2009 01:26 PM

I've never tried one, in fact, I've never even seen one. Tried plenty of flavoured tobaccos though. Cherry and vanilla flavours mixed being the nicest I've tried so far.

DRM 08-09-2009 04:11 PM

Oh, I've had black, I have no idea what that flavor is.

Still Jack 08-09-2009 11:12 PM

I don't think cloves are that nice anyway.

DepthsofSpace 08-14-2009 01:00 PM

I don't smoke, but I'm going to buy a bunch of them this next week, just to have.

Stupid health nuts..

Duane 08-14-2009 01:08 PM

What do you think Frank Zappa would say about this?

He Strikes the Dark Bell 09-22-2009 09:15 PM

Can you still flavor them yourself, or will they come for you if you do that too?

Solumina 09-22-2009 10:03 PM

It is a ban on the sales so if you flavored them yourself then there shouldn't be a problem, just like you would be fine getting flavored tobacco and rolling cigarettes yourself as it is a ban on the sale of flavored cigarettes and not a ban on flavored tobacco products.

Mir 09-22-2009 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Duane (Post 553368)
What do you think Frank Zappa would say about this?

Zappa: Tobacco is my favourite vegetable.

Asocalisten 09-23-2009 01:33 PM

I think Clove cigarettes have already been banned in Denmark. But I might be mistaken. I can't find them anymore. So I just order them on the internet.
I like looking like a pretentious fucknut.

Still Jack 09-23-2009 01:43 PM

Clove cigarettes are still shit. Unfiltered FTW.

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