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Hello Boys and Girls!

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Posted 02-09-2011 at 03:51 PM by Cat Stark
Updated 02-14-2011 at 02:14 PM by Cat Stark

I can not say too much about myself on my profile, so I will say it here. Right now I am going to school with the hope that one day I will be professional fashion designer! Bum, bum, bum!

I have two dogs that are like my kids (speaking of, I am way too young for kids). I want to get a nice black cat, but that is in someday-land right now.

I have been writing a lot recently. I like to write, but my thoughts are always messed up, or hard to understand. That is why I write mostly poetry. Most stories I try to write in the end always end up being random and extremely out there.

I sing, but mostly to the radio, and the annoyance of my mother. I have not yet put my writing and my singing together, but I might someday. I am not part of a band, so I do not see the point right now. That does not mean that music is not my life. My life always has a sound track behind it.

I have a big family, but we are not a close knit group. Most of them have not accepted my gothyness. My mother treats me like I am a side show for the neighbors. It does not get to me anymore. I am too old for such pettiness.

I like being nice to people, but there are times in everyone's lives that they just wish to be left alone, and I think that should be respected. Too many times have I been minding my own business and I have a kid run up to me or someone I do not know starts talking to me out of the blue, but I try to be polite and kind at these times. Even if I just want to be able to sit and listen to my music in peace.

I do like children. Someday, if the fates permit, I want to have some of my own. I am a little worried about how to explain things to them when the time comes, but that is then and this is now.

I think that most children should be presented with a truthful, but shinny version of the world. Children should not have to lose their innocents and ignorance too early and become jaded. That is wrong. Also, I hate it when parents tell their children things based on fear and misunderstanding, then truth. That is how stereotypes and all the -isms are made and continued.

Now that I have stood on my soap box... (ahem)

Anyway, I live in a country university town. My high school was next to a cow pasture. Well it was also in front of a grave yard, so I guess it evens out a little.
This town is dullsville. There are not a lot of places for a growing goth to get any stimulation.
Or meet other goths, so here I am.

I do not like just black. I think wearing just black all the time not only makes it more hot,I lose a lot of my sense of self. If I wear only black all the time, how is my style any different from the next dark clothed person you see on the street?
I like to splash in some bright colors, mostly pink, and some other dark colors like navy, maroon, and mahogany.
There is not a goth hand book that I know of that tells me I can not, so I will keep doing it.

Also, I have not done the normally goth thing of dyeing my hair. So I do have long, wavy, blond hair. One of the reasons that I did not is that I can not recall how many times someone said that just because I am blond that makes me stupid. I got almost straight As my senior year in high school. Think about that before you call a blond stupid. They could be helping you with your homework. Irony, is it not wonderful?

Like every kid growing up that was not like the group, I was picked on. I hated going to school. Still do. I used to get beaten up and called names because I was different. The thing I hated the most about school is was the popular kids that picked on me. The teachers would look over it. I was an outcast, so I had it coming to me. That is wrong and bullying should stop. No matter who the victim is.

I like to cook and clean. I am a very domesticated women.
But I also like to draw, paint, and make pottery. I like to sew, and I am learning how to knit.

I like sitting in my pajamas and watching cartoons on Saturdays. Sleeping in on Sundays (and any other day I do not have to get up early).
I like a lot of obscure cartoons that were around when I was a kid. Like Freakazoid! and Beetlejuice (yes all you young people there is a Beetlejuice cartoon; look it up on YouTube).
I also like Dexter, Being Human, Moonlight, and (my favorite show of all time) Numd3rs. Math is cool, get over yourselves.

Most of the time you can just find me reading. I read just about anything. if I like the book, I can read over 100 pages a day. Good for me.

I hope this gave you a peek at who I am (and am not).
I hope me meet again boys and girls!
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  1. Old Comment
    Well, it's a good thing that " Most of them have not excepted my gothyness. ".
    Now, if they had not accepted it, that would be aggravating but par for the course.
    Posted 02-10-2011 at 05:10 PM by HumanePain HumanePain is offline
  2. Old Comment
    Cat Stark's Avatar
    [COLOR="Red"]Sorry. If the spell check says it is right I do not look into it. I have better things to do then look up every word to find out if it is the right kind of spelling.[/COLOR]
    Posted 02-14-2011 at 02:15 PM by Cat Stark Cat Stark is offline
  3. Old Comment
    Murder.Of.Crows's Avatar
    Well, hello. I used to live in a similar dull town as that, except there were no neighbors, just cows... then i moved to some ghettos. Not any better. Now I'm happy in the desert, where my only sociable friend is a turtle.
    Posted 02-22-2011 at 09:30 PM by Murder.Of.Crows Murder.Of.Crows is offline

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